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The Future Plans of Birdtopia (name a work in progress)

Discussion in 'Roleplay Planning' started by Orenten, Jan 3, 2017.


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  1. Orenten

    Orenten New Member

    Jan 24, 2014
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    So, I'm going to be quick and blunt (Hahaha no not really) about this post in that I'm relinquishing on only the rights of the colony I was planning on building, but also that I'm giving build rights to absolutely anyone that is interested in seeing the colony continue and progress if they so wish. This really isn't surprising if you know me; anyone that knows me well enough knows that I really lack the motivation to do stuff like this.

    The idea of the colony was to attempt to bring back the foundation for a working Flightless population on the server. Long ago, we once had an active and fairly powerful Flightless community and gathering, but for reasons I will not fully disclose it failed and disbanded. My hope is to bring back a place for the Flightless Avians to call home, a place where the lore can be practiced and developed through player-to-player interaction (with possible NPCs around for the hell of making the town feel alive). The colony itself is planned to be closed to the public and only allows Flightless to freely come in, with exceptions that are closely monitored through their stay to make sure they don't try anything. I will detail the main overall idea of the colony below, paired with the construction plan I had ready for it.

    The construction plan was going to use the Homeworld (Pikka Mass III b) as the main living planet, where the population of Avians live in a fairly secretive and reclusive colony. Construction plans for this planet were;
    • Building a Stargazer Tower (mostly completed save for some furnishing that needs to be done)
    • Barracks (overall idea done, detailing and teleport doors for interior need to be continued)
    • Bridge (completed structure, need to slather it all in merchant stalls)
    • Tavern or something next to bridge on right (because every colony needs a bar!)
    • After that, really anything, just fill in the empty space.
    • THE MOUNTAINS (No players are allowed in the valley, it acts as the divider so people can't circumnavigate the world on foot.)The secondary planet (Pikka Mass III a) was to be designed as planetary ruins, considered sacred by the Avian for it's cultural and historical importance. However, this planet will find use for the trials of the people on the planet that is currently unnamed, and will be called Birdtopia for reasons unknown (because it's 7am and I'm tired). Plans for this planet are to build a slew of overgrown ruins on it tailored for "trials" of each major part of Avosian culture- Sunguard/Moonguard trials, Huntsmen Trials, Scribe Trials, and Stargazer Trials. How this would be implemented is beyond me, but I was planning some sort of shitty fetch-quest. Except for Stargazers, who would probably just wander around the planet and wait for visions of Kluex and/or the Sunborn.

    The main system of the planet is a religious oligarchy of sorts, where the elder few of the Flightless Order on the planet have say in almost everything going on in the colony save for Avos itself- which has supreme power over everyone in the colony. The reclusive Avians are highly untrustworthy of the people in the sector, knowing them mostly for their extreme acts of aggression, thusly applying a complex net of safeguards and defenses to protect themselves. Only a few people would be let through their defenses, as such are followed below.

    • Other Flightless
    1. They must pass basic background checks, nothing too serious.
    2. They must consent to a search and to be transported by a colony vessel.
    3. Monitored very lightly if at all.
    • Willing/Pondering Converters
    1. They must pass a basic background check
    2. They must consent to a search and to be transported by a colony vessel.
    3. Monitored moderately by escorts whom will tour them the colony and their ways.
    4. ===If they are not interested in converting, they will be politely escorted off the planet.
    • Diplomats/Scholars
    1. They are to pass a more advanced background check.
    2. They must consent to a more advanced search- including scans and if need by, cavity searches.
    3. They will be brought on a colony vessel.
    4. Monitored well, with escort throughout stay save for personal living spaces and recreational areas.
    • Traders
    1. They must pass through a tedious and methodical background check, where if anything is flagged they are denied.
    2. They must consent to both advanced body searches and cargo inspection. If they fail body searches they will be requested to leave illicit items on their ship. If cargo fails, their contract will be terminated and the cargo denied.
    3. They will transfer cargo on to a colony cargo ship, and will join as passengers with no firearms or explosives, armor and melee self-protection are allowed.
    4. They will not bring any device capable of FTL transmissions, such as location beacons and IM features.
    5. While on planet, they are to be monitored heavily, never to leave sight of an Avian guard unless going to a bathroom.
    6. Traders are not to stay longer than needed to move cargo off of the ship. Attempts of sneaking off and/or loitering will be dealt with swiftly and harshly.
    As for what all is above, that's really it. I'm not expecting anyone to care enough to make this all work out, and really anyone can pick it up and toss everything I've said out the window and go with something else they want to do, I simply recommend going with what was preplanned and fleshed out. Until a trusted member of the Antares community claims ownership of the colony, I allow in-themed building and addition to the planet free of the creative mind of the person. If you discover griefing of the colony, report it to the staff, I have no power to do anything about it.

    Q&A time.

    Q: Can I build there?
    A: Yes, stick to the theme and respect the buildings already there though. Please do not remove current structures though.

    Q: Can I improve buildings with more detail and interior decoration?
    A: Go nuts. Stay in theme.

    Q: Can I put a Floran colony of pods underground?
    A: No.

    Q: Who owns the colony?
    A: The Anatres Community; by extension, the staff of Anatres.

    Q: Can I claim the planet?
    A: So long as you are an active member of the community and older than two months on the server, yes. I'm not allowing Bambi(es) to take over, but everyone else is free to claim it.

    Q: What if multiple people want to claim it?
    A: If multiple people want to claim it, and you can't work out who gets it, then I'll act as a medium and decide myself who is more worthy of taking the colony.

    Q: Why did you give up?
    A: I'm quitter, baby. Anyone that has known my long enough will be able to tell I'm like a jet fighter; Right out the gate and so long as I have the fuel I'll kick ass at the task I do, I'll preform outstandingly. However my fuel doesn't last long and I'll burn myself out of it. I'm a short-term kinda guy who likes short-term goals and short-term rewards. It's not rare that I bit off more than I care to chew- I've done shit like this before.

    Q: Do you feel bad for quitting on the colony?
    A: No. I stopped caring a long time ago. I'm short term focused, otherwise I'm a lazy prick.

    Q: [Question]
    A: Why are you still reading this go away.

    The Warriors of Sunlight protect the bottom of this page from your shit.
    Praise the sun!​

    \[T]/ \[T]/ \[T]/
  2. Shag

    Shag High Impact Sexual Implications

    Feb 22, 2014
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    i get the feeling that this is gonna be a problem.
  3. Orenten

    Orenten New Member

    Jan 24, 2014
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    I really don't have control of it anymore, it's what I had planned though, mostly because these events play out in order-
    1. Someone comes in on a thug character, they either commit a crime or they start a fight with a guard.
    2. They play victim or they get their friends to help
    3. After the attack they play victim again and pin the Flightless as the aggressors, because people have a stigma that Flightless are murderous assholes.
    4. Everyone on the server bands together to fight the "bird menace".
    This might sound a tad bit familiar to a few people, because it's happened before on a few occasions. Closing the colony to Flightless only with monitored exceptions will heavily decrease the possibility of people being asshats and trying to start shit because; "There's no fighting going on and it's boring".

    In the end though, if someone claims the colony and makes it public, they can. Those are just the rules that I had prefabricated to offer.
  4. Orenten

    Orenten New Member

    Jan 24, 2014
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    Caws is now the official owner of the twin planets. Everything pretaining to the coordinates above will now be under authority and rule of Caws, including construction, rules, and organization of the colony. They do not have to follow the set of plans I set before them, they are more than free to do as they please with the planned colony, from minute details to making it a Floran colony.
  5. Caws

    Caws birb

    Jan 15, 2016
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    From my current plans, I will say that I plan to stick to the avian aesthetic and idea, but minor edits to things for the colony. For example;

    - Grounded are temporarily allowed, and they will have to apply for a visa of varying times (i.e. a day, one week, etc) to visit the colony. Grounded visitors will simply be given a beam key for the beampad, instead of coordinates. This is because the Flightless populace generally, as it should be, doesn't trust Grounded with the planet's coordinates. Also, they will be kept a close eye on while wandering the village, and will not be allowed residence, the right to own a business, or applying for a job on the planet. Upon arriving, Grounded visitors will be searched thoroughly unless traditionally dressed, where they will receive a lighter pat down.

    I am also looking for people to help me run the colony, as well as build on to it as necessary assuming Orenten has burnt out on that too. Simply contact me on Steam or talk to me through DMs. My Discord handle is *caws*#0401, for those who don't know.