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The Frontier Scriptorium

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Krug, Jun 29, 2016.

  1. Krug

    Krug New Member

    Nov 27, 2015
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    Emerald wrote this at his desk with ink and quill, mainly because he prefer the feeling to typing. There are sticky notes on the side of the page that read as notes for an editor or publisher. Its clear that Emerald means for this to do more than sit on his desk.


    First impression
    My first stop on the frontier was a medium sized settlement, exceptionally large for the frontier. It was a strange experience. It seems to be mainly populated and entirely ruled by Avians while the other races are almost exclusively visitors. The architecture is traditional Avian, mainly consisting of stone and wood though the residents are not ignorant of modern technology. Several shops run primarily by Humans populate the portion of the colony I visited.

    Below are the 12 characters of Lower Avian Script and their rough translations. While not as detailed as an Avian scribe, this would provide the average reader enough to reliably communicate given minimal practice

    I was able to interview a Novakid that called Mud his place of business. our conversation is transcribed below.
    Q: Why do you spend time on Mud?
    A: I work here, own a mine outside town. People here are more pleasant than other places.

    Q: More pleasant?
    A: Like no guns where most of my customers are and Upsides real nice. New Anatolia is where my office is, but Mud. Mud is just nice. Its people are kind and simple, good-natured

    Q: You mentioned you owned a mine. I would presume it is sanctioned by (Mud). What trials were there for you to arrange a business agreement?
    A: Not many, I just asked. I give the town a portion of what I make in sales.

    Q: Can you share this portion and does this tax extend to the other businesses of Mud
    A: I think? I gave an estimate that seemed fair and he took it

    Q: So this acts as more of a tithe than a tax?
    A: I guess

    It seems the colony leaders are more than happy to allow outsiders to access the planet's natural resources and export them off-world in exchange for a tax. Though, the lack of formality regarding this tax is worrying. Though it seems the officials of Mud act out of ignorance rather than malice or greed.

    I met with the Avian leader of the settlement and offered a computational program to him to keep better track of finances and produce in exchange for room & board. He seemed intrigued with my studies. A truly perplexing character, but one of the smarter character I've met. He approved and I took up residence there. Perhaps I will contribute to the library. But that is neither here nor there. The leader informed me more of his settlement.

    *Below are various maps and censuses detailing Mud's history, population, and districts. Most of this information can be found here.

    "No steel walls or metal beneath my feet, just mud and dirt and blue as far as the eye can see."
    1 person likes this.
  2. Krug

    Krug New Member

    Nov 27, 2015
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    Space Station Ael

    First Impression

    I haven't the slightest idea how this entire station hasn't spontaneously combusted into a fireball. To call it ramshackle would be complimentary. The space station is decrepit and broken down in every direction you look. Screens are cracked, faucets are dripping, the metal is rusted and I'm entirely surprised the life support worked. The construction seems to be of Human origin, however long ago. Now, however, it is a mess of various styles and craftmanship that is likely to crumble at any moment.

    I was able to speak to someone with authority on the craft.

    Q: What is the origin of this craft?
    A: I'm not 100% sure. I know its over 50 years old, and that it seems to be a Human station, but other than that, your guess is as good as mine.

    Q: Why was this station resettled?
    A: It wasn't. It just lost more and more people, but it was never uninhabited at any point.

    Q: Lost?
    A: People Leaving

    Q: Do you have any plans to repair the station?
    A: I'd guess as much, yeah.