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Approved The Empire of Sufiria

Discussion in 'Other Questions' started by EyesofMarch, Sep 18, 2016.

  1. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    I already gave y'all a bunch of information on this, and you've seen the articles regarding them.


    The Empire of Sufiria is a Human/Apex-centric government situated outside of Council space in the Sacramentus Sector and, while not nearly the size of the Council, they have access to advanced military warships and technologies thanks to direct contact with the Tormenta Sector. Originally a Human colony that sought to explore past the boundaries of Human space, they found themselves experiencing many hardships on their Terran homeworld, Sufiria, and were at the edge of total societal collapse when Apex refugees escaping Miniknog control found themselves joining the human settlers on Sufiria out of chance, and the desire for a place to settle. Over three hundred years of complete isolation consolidated the two peoples; both of which experienced an egotistical expansion after stooping from so little, to an empire that spanned their solar system and, in time, the surrounding systems. Being so Human/Near Human-centric, they have little regard for aliens like the Avians, Hyltol, and the Novakid, and see the Glitch as little more than advanced toys, while seeing the Florans as nothing more than a scourge to be destroyed. In fact, almost all of the Floran tribes in Empire space have been completely decimated. Glitch are frequently experimented upon in order to advance AI technologies in the Empire, while Hyltol, Novakid, and Avians that happen to live within' the confines of their space are second class citizens that cannot vote, join the military, or even own property.

    In recent years, the Council has been expanding near or even into the Sacramentus Sector, which has the Empire very concerned. In preparation for a possible conflict, the Empire has been gathering intelligence upon the Council's fringe-space colonies, their technologies, and their people. The colonization of Intrepid, and the installation of the Allaris Prime government, was the last straw for the Empire and, after months of planning, the Empire initiated an attack upon the Allaris Cluster in order to annex it, and force the Council to recognize their hold to the territory. The blitzkrieg attack was the first step to forcing the Council to submit.

    What this will do is add a new faction to the lore, and add a border dispute which will create interesting RP between these two factions. Characters can now say they come from the Empire of Sufiria, and can act as explorers who are curious of the alien culture of the Council, or vice versa. There may be border skirmishes between Council and Imperial forces as well, and this would promote the expansion of Council actions in the fringe-sector; prompting some ACTUAL Council interaction between Antares characters and their otherwise completely absent government.

    Basically it's interesting. Ask questions, yada yada. I'll answer.
  2. Haplap

    Haplap Happypaps

    Aug 5, 2015
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    Well, okay. I'll open by being a butthole. I'm not a big fan of the human empire which hates xenos thing, as it doesn't really make much sense. I could understand small pockets and groups of humans that hated xenos, but I could never see there being enough xeno-hating humans to run an entire empire which oppresses numerous other races. That can be swept under the rug, I suppose, but I do feel it's valid. Also, I highly doubt that the council would ever expand. They have more land than they can control already, which means any expansion would likely just be establishing themselves in the fringe areas they control. This could also be remedied by simply saying that the attacking folk are trying to occupy an area that the council already 'owned', and then fought back when the council 'expanded' into the land, if you feel me. And lastly, I doubt this will create any RP besides folks chatting about the news, as one faction is controlled exclusively by you and the other is a staff run faction, so... yeah.

    But really, everything I said is just nitpicks. It's okay as you've presented it, but I do want to make sure a few things are really clear. How do you intend for this to end? Do you want the Council to back down or have the Council push them out of the place? Do you intend to have any control of this faction beyond just writing news articles? It also seems like you'd wanna have these guys included in setting lore, yeah?
  3. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    The Humans were isolated, and developed a Human/Apex-centric culture after they developed the Empire from little to nothing to start with; seeing it as a sign that their species were superior, and capable of running a government, as where other species had failed in this regard. The humans originally arrived to Sufiria in sleeper ships, which is how they arrived there so early, before FTL, while Apex arrived later. The Council didn't 'permit' this expansion per se. The Council has little control over the fringe space and, thus, the Allaris Cluster sent out their own colonists, or some people just upped and went to Intrepid on their own accord. It's like Tormenta. It creates RP, people can come from it, and stories can be generated from the Empire. I wouldn't mind setting up small scale RP events with a few people, or even helping people create characters that originate from the Empire. The Empire saw the colony Intrepid as a Council move on their space, and decided to make an example of them and, thus, finally expose their existance to the Council.

    The Empire will simply conqueor the Allaris Cluster, and institude Allaris Prime as the head of their new regional military. It will be in 'close' proximity to the region in which we are currently RPing in so there can be some events between the two forces. Yeah, I want them included in the lore; it seems like a cool new faction. An antithesis to the Council.

  4. Haplap

    Haplap Happypaps

    Aug 5, 2015
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