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The Dianthus Cartel (V2 post)

Discussion in 'Roleplay Planning' started by Tacoburger, May 16, 2014.

  1. Tacoburger

    Tacoburger professional taco burger

    Feb 22, 2014
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    -The Dianthus Cartel-
    (insert picture here)

    -The Group-
    Coming out as yet another group bent on nothing but the suffering of others can be very dis-heartening to see, but that is not the main purpose of our people, no. We are here to continue our black market, as a conjoint group of criminals (in our eyes, not criminals, but people trying to make a living). We have no quarrel with anyone but the law themselves, ranging from:

    -The R.A.
    -The U.S.C.M.
    -The Holy Fleet
    -Every other colony who thinks what we do is wrong and immoral.

    Our group as evolved from once being a small collection of some 'intelligent' folks to a hopefully expansive underground organization that works towards a singular goal, together, as a collective.
    The mighty Pixel.
    Most of us do not want the money for the fact we want to be rich, but we want it so we may expand our power to stop the oppression that is every military organization attempting to lay down the law upon the universe, as if it is their territory to command. We attempt to repel this threat by combining our efforts to form a huge illegal trade cartel which deals in mainly:

    -Slaving (heavily in this field)
    -Mercenary work
    -Drug Trafficking
    -Weapon Trafficking (slightly more in this field)
    -Mining (attempting to become more honorable)
    -Researching of chemical weapons
    -Biological Chemistry Reconfiguration and Augmentations

    With that said, we are hoping to recruit more people so we may expand our 'business' and continue our expanse into the stars as a feared people. The more scientists we have the better. The more grunts we have, the better. Mechanics are well needed too.
    Please note though, we don't just accept everyone willy nilly. We want to make our group an honest folk OOCly, who typically agree to accept injury, or death. Being a criminal is a dangerous route in life and as such, being with us should be that way. For future reference, all money was acquire will be acquired through IC means. We will spend that money to further the fact we are not super rich ultra mega trillionaires. If we do obtain money and it happens to not be legitimate (which it usually isn't, I mean, come on), we will accept it, seeing as how we did not produce it and will not be doing that ever.

    Although we despise being told what to do, some leadership is required, and as such the leader of this entire ring remains known as Arizona.

    If you are interested in joining, just PM me, i'll talk to you via that.