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The deadly 6

Discussion in 'Roleplay Planning' started by Shadow_vulpse, Feb 24, 2014.

  1. Shadow_vulpse

    Shadow_vulpse New Member

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Okay. I have been thinking about this for a while. I have a RP idea that keeps building up i my head. I would love to play it but I would like to know if people are going to be interested.

    It starts off as a video on starnet, a hooded man speaks of how violent the Galaxy is, and states that this chaos need to be killed by order. after the second video, events will happen that could destroy villages, cities, and even entire planets. All with the goal of taking over and forcing order. later it is reviled that this take over is run by 6 people. one of each race.

    This is more or less the... basics of the plot. I wanted to make a huge RP, that could get the whole galaxy involved, and give this galaxy a main villain.

    3 of the main six I already have planned. I just haven't made their character.
    Hooded Man: Leader.
    Creepy Floran: Strategist.
    I still need an Apex, Avion, Glitch, and Hyotl. (Not sure if spelled right...)

    If this has enough interest, I'll start up the RP by posting said video in StarNet.

    Slots: (I believe this is necessary.)
    Deadly 6

    10 slots

    5 Slots

    If anyone has any advice, that would be nice. I have never ran a RP before.
  2. November

    November Previously Sermane
    Staff Member

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Well first, my Rose is open to pretty much any merc position until she gets tired of it. Secondly, you may want to consider getting parties involved as your victims in this. Wanting to present a villain is good and all, but it is polite to ask before you start putting your dick in everyone's pudding. I would think you would find people opposed OOCly to having someone randomly sprout up and claim to be a threat. Honestly it sounds more like you want to secure a faction, which takes time and interest. After all this crazy map stuff is done, I would suggest building something up and begin recruiting.

    Overall, when trying to make a big giant "We are storming your castles" event it is taken much easier when more time is put into its development on the server. I could see your plan happening once you get past ICly recruiting, training, perhaps minor operations or planting seeds. Once the server is aware of your presence, you will see the opposition you are looking for. Beaming onto a planet and claiming that all our bases are belongs to you is much less fun than starting an uprising from the very ground and bringing it against the universe.

    To continue beating the dead horse, big things like Avalon and USCM didn't have a bunch of people saying "This city has been here and is awesome" when they started. I wasn't around from their founding, but the impression I get is that they all started from dirt and twigs. They were able to get where they are now because of all of the background that happened IC, instead of just an excellent back-story idea.

    I know I am not the word of god, but this is just my overly explained opinion based on the impression left by a single post. I come off as critical because I am, but that doesn't mean I can't be wrong.
  3. Shadow_vulpse

    Shadow_vulpse New Member

    Feb 1, 2014
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    This is a rough idea. Its mainly fueled by random ideas that I thought would be neat. And I wasn't planning on just going some were and blowing it up. And I knew I have to build up to everything. (I'm just kinda saying the big picture in this post. ^^")

    Also with my inexperience in MAKING a rp, I don't mind input and suggestions. any advice could be useful.

    And I'll admit it, I had a good day when I posted it, and I mite have been overtly excited. ^^"
  4. November

    November Previously Sermane
    Staff Member

    Jan 31, 2014
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    I expected as much, I know the plot bunny horde has no mercy. Regardless you have my interest. My best advice would be to work on the character you intend to play, start figuring out what his average day once was. I like to literally kind of walk through their life from birth to now, just think about how they grew.

    People are naturally attracted to strong characters, simply because they are so fascinating. If your character is well defined, the plot you intend will unfold in its own organic way.

    I'm glad to see you admit the overzealous start, and that you correct yourself. Get this ball rolling, I'll help in whatever I can. It would be truly refreshing to see an evil character that isn't a god-mod supervillian.
  5. Shadow_vulpse

    Shadow_vulpse New Member

    Feb 1, 2014
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    One thing that could help is time. My plan for the villian was for him to be human. And even if I don't use a human in the final design, it would still help if I knew a little history. for example, what is this year? when did earth fall? when did floran gain space travel? Other lore events and there time, and any events that happened in THIS galaxy, and when. If I can get a grasp of what has happened and when, that could help me flesh out a story. Even if its only the dates.
  6. Venom

    Venom New Member

    Dec 17, 2013
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    The date that I proposed and put on the server's wiki pages was 2414. Some ingame codexes allude to Earth falling approximately 7~ years ago, so I put that in 2407.
  7. Lavinda

    Lavinda New Member

    Jan 12, 2014
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    ANON would work very well for this, but their race isn't outright stated, but can be assumed to be human, given their shape in my pictures. Hrmmm.
  8. Punished Tacc

    Punished Tacc New Member

    Dec 17, 2013
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    Let it form organically. Have your character be charismatic, and don't outright say "We are evil and gonna kill everyone". The best antagonistic factions are ones that believe that they are morally right, and no one can exactly say they're wrong. If the only point of joining a group was the money, and they outright claimed to be evil and took responsibility for destroying planets as you suggested, everyone would jump on the kill'em wagon. Just bring your character into the world, start garnering followers, THEN do all the forum hub-ub.
  9. Steamy

    Steamy Pro spam bot

    Feb 2, 2014
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    I have a Hytol I can use he is fond of swords and other melee weaponry his name is Bloodwave he was a child soldier in a planets civil war between his Hytol clan and another,he survived and won,after that remaining member of the other Hytol clan ambushed his at a party he killed many of the other clan but could not save his own he was the only survivor of his clan.I think he could fill in the Hytol spot.
  10. Lavinda

    Lavinda New Member

    Jan 12, 2014
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    Hnnng..It's Hylotl. I'm sorry to be picky, but it's really jarring to see it said over and over again.
  11. Mara

    Mara New Member

    Feb 21, 2014
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    I would love for my character "Dr Elsa" to be one of the scientists, she has major experience in general biology and genetic engineering, and some minor experience in weapon manufacturing and general medicines.
  12. Shadow_vulpse

    Shadow_vulpse New Member

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Thank you all for showing interest. I'm almost finished with the villain's story and personally and stuff. When I'm done, I'll post it in the character creation thing thread. Steamgrinder, and Mara. I'm glad you want to join. Once the villain is finalized I can add you to the slots. Though... Me doing an RP, I'll be thinking on how you guys can join the villain. I don't think it would fit if The villain, (I'm still thinking of a name.) started with a small army. Once I get everything settled, I'll send a RP PM to see if you want to join.
  13. Shadow_vulpse

    Shadow_vulpse New Member

    Feb 1, 2014
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    (well... I though "character biography" was something else....)

    Name: (Have not made one yet. :I)

    Race: Human

    Gender: Male

    Age: 24

    Looks: 5'6" tall, Black hair pull into a short pony tail, and two small metal tubes were his right jugular vines should be.

    alignment: ether, Lawful Evil, of Neutral Evil. I'm bouncing between these two.

    History: At the age of 17, his planet was attacked be a tentacle creature. He was in school at the time. When the earthquake started, everyone evacuated. when his school was ripped apart, he grabbed his little sisters arm and ran with her in tow. They ran to there parents ship, but on the way a tentacle ripped though the ground and separated him from his sis. When he looked up, he saw a truck flying though the air, he was to late to save his sister. For the next few years, Him and his dad would have a rough time trying to settle down. Repeatingly running into cultists and bandits, He was losing hope in finding peaceful people. At the age of 20, Him and his father was orbiting a new planet, the ship was boarded by a few Florans. Him and his Dad fought them but his Dad was over powered and He was kicked into the telepad. His Dad told him to run just before pulling out his pistol. He survived on the surface for a year before the chief who invaded his ship found him. Even though he fought back, the chief as more skilled, and slit his neck. leaning on a rock, with the floran creeping up to finish it, he felt a stone close to his hand. With a last ditch effort, He swung around with the rock in hand and smashed the skull of the unsuspecteding floran before passing out. By some twist of fate, he woke up in a floran medical bed. When he asked the medic, why he wasn't dead, she replayed "You kill old chief. Tribe needsss chief. New chief can't die before become new chief." He later discovered that this tribe had stolen tons of tech over the years, and the fake arteries was a product for them experimenting with glitch victims. After getting a ship fixed, he started working with the tribe, (being there new chief.) and got a computer hooked up to the StarNet. He started seeing that a lot of the universe was violent, and non-caring. but, he found a flicker of hope. though it all, he found people who was against it, florans who changed their ways, willingly. He started believing that the whole universe could be peaceful like earth once was, they would just need a push, and the vile, weeded out. At the age of 24, he finally had a ship that worked completely, and he left off, hoping to bring peace to the universe.

    Any input would be nice. And I'm bad with names.
  14. Awe

    Awe Gotta go fast!

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Not entirely sure how that's a villain if all he wants is a peaceful galaxy. Isn't that what the majority of characters here are striving for?

    Also he sounds pretty regular to me, not really villain material if that's what you're going for.
  15. November

    November Previously Sermane
    Staff Member

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Big Ape wants a peaceful galaxy too. The worst (best) villains are the ones that actually have goals you can agree with.
  16. Niko0113

    Niko0113 New Member

    Feb 16, 2014
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    Hey, maybe my glitch would work well with you considering he's an Assassin/Merc currently. Contact me if the spot is still open.
  17. Awe

    Awe Gotta go fast!

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Yes but Big Ape want it through disagreeable means. As far as I can see or tell, there's none of that here.
  18. November

    November Previously Sermane
    Staff Member

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Nothing saying they're going to do it all nice like either. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, I doubt it would make sense to decide on any sort of plan without first having members. Real life ne'er-do-wells don't need very extreme circumstance, when someone is thrust into power (chiefdom) and the are managing a pack of wolves (Florans) it isn't exactly a situation you walk out of unchanged.

    Not saying that you're wrong, but I don't think the plan actually needs to be worried about as anyone can be a villain. Psychopaths have been the most famous in our history, and a bunch of them had a perfectly normal childhood. I think the backstory is sound as a barebones, and I am sure it is much more fleshed out in his/her head than he/she wanted to write down.
  19. Awe

    Awe Gotta go fast!

    Jan 28, 2014
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    You at least want to have some kind of agenda or plan before you set about being a super villain.
  20. November

    November Previously Sermane
    Staff Member

    Jan 31, 2014
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    "He started believing that the whole universe could be peaceful like earth once was, they would just need a push, and the vile, weeded out."

    Sometimes people just leap before they look, especially when one of your motivations is vengeance. If I understand what was being talked about above, the character is planned to start before actually starting the plan. This has become less of a "here is our storyline" thread and more of "I would like some help with this concept."