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The Datapad of Omizu Suiyoubi

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Aero, Sep 16, 2014.

  1. Aero

    Aero New Member

    Mar 2, 2014
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    Entry #1
    My oh my; where to begin. It's been sometime before I've even considered writing, or typing down my thoughts. It's probably for the best though, as I talk to myself in public on a daily basis now. It's a really bad habit.

    Let's start with events in New Chicago to help refocus myself. Bomb over here. Bomb over there. Hospital cut nearly in half; water tower falling on the library, in turn flooding it and ruining many precious books. The place is turning into a mess. I've been roaming the streets in my old suit I used when I was a vigilante. Of course now modified to suit my more medical needs. Never underestimate the pure convenience of having a laser finger on your suit; almost WAY to useful. Anyways, roaming the streets and patching up poor souls who are less fortunate to get caught up in Outcast gunfire or being injured by some other means. And occasionally scarring or even shooting off a ruffian or two. I've also been trying to get Julius to take more safety measures on his city; but hasn't had much time to collaborate with me. I understand though, I wouldn't doubt if he was one of the most busy people in the universe right now. So that's that.

    Then off-topic from current events; I've been wanting to make that research vessel, yeah. Though I keep putting off interviews. It's a mix of me being busy on the streets and well that I'm... afraid, really. I want to be this next big thing. Y'know, people cheering every time they hear name of the research vessel and their accomplishments. It all sounds grand, but I'm terrified. Leading something like that? A lot of work and stress. And what if it turns out like the experiments on Onatsuta? Will people even like our accomplishments? These are all questions that haunt me. Before I even touch the idea again, I at least want to clear up this New Chicago business first.

    Also; what's the deal with the Order? Every time I see one of their knights, they're rough housing people for information or for things that are "rightfully theirs". And then, when you stop them, they're all like "Hey what the hell man can't you see I'm trying to do good here" blah blah blah or some such shit. Harassing people and chasing them with weapons is NO WAY to communicate properly. Despite popular belief, words can make a huge difference (depending on the situation; a CASUAL TALK ON THE STREET, PER INSTANCE).

    I leave off with saying I've been more tired than I ever have been in years. I miss being able to relax everyday without a worry. But now I've committed myself to the streets and helping the locals roaming them. And I'm not quitting now.
    lEND LOGl
  2. Aero

    Aero New Member

    Mar 2, 2014
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    Entry #2
    A lot to catch up on. I mean a lot.

    So that explosion way back in New Chicago... I'm one lucky fish to be alive. After I was hit in the back, I remember intense and searing pain, then being out cold. However when I woke back up, I woke up in a medical facility. The story was explained to me like this. I was dragged off by some authority figure off to who knows where, and wasn't seen in back in public. However; an unknown benefactor dropped me off in the care of the facility and paid the bill. I haven't a clue about what happened in-between that time, and I'd rather leave it untouched. In the end, I have permanent injuries on my back that will hinder my physical capabilities from now on. I've learned a valuable lesson from it all: Don't get involved in business that involves terrorist groups directly. I nearly paid the price with my life, and I'll be damned if I try again. The burns marks and rough skin on my back will remind me not to. I even gave away my revolver. I'll never indulge in vigilante justice again.

    That brings me to my next topic. The Outcasts. I suspected them of it. So I went incognito for a while; with a new suit and a new name. Onisuma Kawato, to be exact. I've been trying to gather as much info on them as possible, and have been reporting my info to this white-suited gal. I can only hope she can put it to good use.

    The incognito act didn't last, as it wasn't long until I started showing my face to some of my close and familiar friends. I don't plan on a full public reveal, as that'll put me on a hit-list for sure. So not everyone knows. The act should fool them.

    So all in all, I'm back on my feet, and sticking to my scientific studies and doctoring. Though I've grown wiser and more... paranoid, to be honest. Oh, and May is good, too. So everything is in order.

    Well, it was. Until that whole chip thing happened with Yukari. I'm still baffled by it. Was it even real? In the end this whole "The Untold" thing lingers in only conceptual possibility, and Yukari may or may not hate me. So that sucks.

    And recently I opened up Outpost Low-key. It's really a piece of shit. I don't expect anyone to use it. I'd want to make it a more secure place, but I've been tight on funds and god knows nobody wants to guard a place so boring and dry. However; it will be there for anyone in need. So there is that.

    ...And that's about it. Whew. I really hope I can go back to making a positive change in the universe without too many more troubles.
    lEND LOGl
    #2 Aero, Nov 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 20, 2015
  3. Aero

    Aero New Member

    Mar 2, 2014
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    Entry #3
    A few things this time around. Not too much, but still things that are relevant to me, I guess. ...I even talk to myself when typing. Man.

    Few days ago I was introduced to Fracture as the new doctor. It'll be nice to have somewhere to settle down and really call a place home, and to work at. I would've never thought that Blaze would be leading it all. Last time I saw her was when she was a snotty brat back in New Chicago. She still kinda is; but in a more mature way. The other leader, Emmet, I don't like him too much. He seems self-absorbed and concentrated on trying to put his dick in Blaze; not to mention super attached and over-protective of her. As a person, he seems to exemplify behaviors of excess douche-baggery. Other than that, I GUESS he's ok. I never expected to see Krivix there, honestly. I can't really put a finger on Krivix. One moment she's like a drone scanning for information, the other a cocky and teasing. ...I lost an air hockey match bet with her; and that's why I'm pink right now... (she got totally lucky). Then there is Artem, the Apex that simply won't stop flirting with every woman he sees. I'll admit he can segway into flirts pretty well, but nothing has gotten me hot and bothered.

    Other than that, Fracture is a pretty still and peaceful place.

    Then this New Uganda place that popped up suddenly. It's pretty alright for a refurbished bandit outpost. Most of the folk there can be... rough to others at times; but are otherwise honest and noble souls. I mean some of them are thieves, but at least they come clean when they're caught, much like the one named Arcturus who has also shown interest in me (a lot of males hitting on me recently. Don't they know I'm 49? I guess I'm not complaining). Everyday it seems like he gets shot or beat up somehow. It's astonishing how he gets right back up from it. I guess being a glitch has it's advantages.

    A more important note is my meeting of a fellow doctor, one named Kazushi, and more recently his friend Charles. Finally; people to really talk about my studies with. I'm very super mega ultra excited to collaborate with them in the future and exchange ideas.

    And Ximena got slammed by Panzer yesterday. Man, I really wanted to shoot a sedative into Panzer's neck and leave her in the streets; but I held myself back. Ximena broke her organic arm in the process of getting slammed; which me and Kazushi mended for the time being in the Asani clinic. ...I suppose I don't want Panzer dead; I'd never wish that of anybody (except murderers, rapists, slavers, etc), but she could be knocked down a few pegs. Or heck, maybe one day she'll get slammed really hard and realize her error. I dunno.

    And that's about it.

    lEND LOGl
    #3 Aero, Dec 16, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 4, 2016
  4. Aero

    Aero New Member

    Mar 2, 2014
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    Entry #4
    Antares. Last I had left it, it was full of violence, hostility, and violence mixed with hostility. Death threats. Ominous harbingers of "certain doom". Where I found love amongst the good, and pain amongst the bad. It never ceased, and neither did the agony it truly put me through. Glad it got hit by a tentacle beast.

    ...Regardless, things seem to have toned down quite a bit. For the better, too. Of course there is still some hostility, but not so much violence. New colonies and settlements arising, new faces. Seems the people settling in find some sort of value in the blood soaked planets of the Antares sector. To say their all blood soaked would be hyperbole; but a good bit of them are for sure. I've first hand seen the massacres and patched up surviving victims. I know saying that it was usually the florans that did the massacres would be adding on to the "stab stab me kill" stereotype; however it was. The Black Leaves or whatever they were called. Anyways.

    I'm checking out this "Space Council" place, so I have to set some goals for myself. I should of course keep doctoring as many as I can, as that's what I've always done. I need to find some old faces. Josh. Dusk. Onyx. Ahricath. ...Maybe even May, but that's being to hopeful. I need to get accustomed to the new Antares. I plan on visiting as many colonies and seeing as many people as I can to get a good scope on what's going on.

    ...And as a side note, I suppose, with the time I was gone I pursued certification of my doctoring skills. I was bored to death sitting through the classes at Sea Salt University, but I finally have proof that I'm not just claiming to be a doctor; even though my skills were indeed not to be argued with already. Just for all those whiners who wouldn't consider me a doctor simply because I hadn't a gold-trimmed paper proving so. To be fair; the PhD looks nice on my wall. I feel... a little more professional, even. ...Why am I getting excited about this? I really must be older than I think I am. Huh.

    That's it for now. It's time to set into motion.
    lEND LOGl
    #4 Aero, Oct 12, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 12, 2015
  5. Aero

    Aero New Member

    Mar 2, 2014
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    Entry #5
    I FOUND HER. FINALLY. After a long search, May is back in my possession. Oh goodness, the poor girl... locking herself up in stasis and trusting me to find her. I'm glad I did; what a horrible fate that would've been. She's rather malnourished and just out of stasis, so I'm taking care of her with a mostly liquid diet. Soup, water, you get the jist. It was a rather emotional moment between us, and I feel even closer to her than I did before. Oh May... I'm just a sad, miserable doctor on the inside without you. I can feel a warm feeling in my core... it fills me with comfort.

    ...Though before all that, I sold my old ship to an old friend, so I could afford this small freighter ship I've had my eyes on. Got some help from that same friend to modify it's insides to make it more... homely, instead of cold, metal interior. I got all my stuff moved into it, and it's certainly a lot roomier. Better than the old ship, at least. I will miss the fish design of it though. Regardless, this new ship will allow me to live my life more comfortably; and with May, too!

    On a side note, I may have to start... charging for some of my bigger operations. Though it pains my generous heart to have to come to terms with that, for more involved procedures I will have to. It's starting to take a toll on my savings. I'd never charge for something say like, patching up a cut, or taking a few bullets out. Bigger stuff... there is going to have to be some currency involved. Maybe I could do something like an installment plan? Not a bad idea, actually.

    Once I have enough money, adding on to the last topic, I may just try to open a medical facility. I can't expect everyone to trust me on beaming up to my ship to patch them up all the time. I understand their suspicions as it's a cold, dark place, this universe. I can't go all out on it though; I think I'll be modest and use some less expensive materials when having it constructed. The equipment inside will have to be cheaper as well. Got to keep things cost effective now lest I empty my pockets completely.

    That's all I have.
    lEND LOGl
  6. Aero

    Aero New Member

    Mar 2, 2014
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    Entry #6
    ...Hm. Today... something very special has happened that hasn't happened in a long time. I've grown as a person, thanks to an avian named Firebird.

    At first, all I got was bad impressions and news about this bird. She was nothing but trouble. I tried to deliver a speech to her; about what she should do, and in a rather nasty fashion, too. I assumed I had her down pat off of some superficial information. I was wrong. I hardly knew her. I had no facts, and I concluded off assumptions. I was wrong, wrong, wrong. That's not something I admit lightly (because you're never wrong Omizu, duh)! Anyways... I sought her out, and we actually had a conversation. No matter how hard I tried to offer her my assistance, she insisted I was wasting my time. That I should leave her to rot like others have. One more encounter in the hot springs, she revealed her reason for why she was a waste of time. As she is, "a cunt with no friends", her words. That she is nothing but anger and misery. Goodness, she must think I'm completely dumb! She claims to be a sociopath, and violent; and yet she offers me light conversation, and prepares a snack in the form of a carrot for me? Jeeze, color me threatened! Even now she tries to act tough in front of me, like today at the beam pad in front of this kind 'Pipit' fellow she knew. Shaking her fist at me and being threatening, even though I know her enough now to see what's up? Ah well... it's clear I can't help her directly. But I have plans! And something tells me, she won't be gone in the morning...

    Though the moral of the story I learned today is that at my age, I've started assuming too many things! I really need to stay more open and ask more questions. No longer can I assume I know everything, and that everyone else knows everything else!

    Now I can type about other things... like Ace and Akaya! Ayaka? Whatever. A day or two ago I gave the sickly Akaya (Ayaka? BLAST IT!!!) some muscle relaxants for some tetanus she's having. Ace shows so much concern for her, it's so sweet~! You can tell he loves her very much and vice versa! At that same day, I ordered some medication to help the actual sickness instead of quelling it. Right now I'm writing this as I go to meet the shippers half-way to get the meds quicker; as poor Akayayaka has become more ill quickly. Us hylotl are very fortuitous in nature; but when we get sick, it can be hard to shake it off. Especially something as serious as tetanus. Don't worry Akayayaka; my auto-pilot is working it's hardest!

    Mmmmm... what else... ooh! May is doing good! Getting better, for sure; it fills me with delight! Huh. Kinda boring, though, day after day. It'll be over soon enough.

    Pinewood has been... a mixed experience for me. Usually it's peaceful; but sudden bursts of violence seem to come forth at random. Bar fights, property damage; and injury. I haven't been around for any scuffles; so I can't exactly say how bad they were. After hearing about Firebird's fight though... I can imagine it get's bad. Though any other time, I very much enjoy it's people! Well, most of them. Some just seem out of place. Like the well-dressed madman, and the horror movie dressed man. Don't know their names. Oh whatever.

    I'll get that medicine soon. Been having to charge for it recently, though. All meds, including the muscles relaxants. It's kept me steady now, so no danger of falling under! Anyways!

    That's it. I feel a little loopy, just to add in last second.
    lEND LOGl
    #6 Aero, Nov 7, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 4, 2016
  7. Aero

    Aero New Member

    Mar 2, 2014
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    Entry #7
    So. Got some things to talk about.

    We have a new doctor in the clinic. Cooper! I call him Koops though; it sounds better in my honest opinion. Makes him sound like a greaser though, and he's anything but. Ah well. He's quite apt and certainly worthy of his title; he's performed surgery already and shown he is capable. His Ph.D is in general surgery, just like mine. If I ever move on from Pinewood, the clinic will be in good hands for sure.

    On a more negative note, Firebird is back. Ugh... what a shmuck. As much as I've learned from her, I can't help but resent her. Taking as she pleases without a second thought. You can't teach an old dog new tricks; unless you put a knife to it's throat. Even then it'll probably just try to bite your hands, or in this case peck. Feh, whatever. She claims to not be here by choice, and I'll leave it at that. But if she roughs up the wrong person... I'm going to have to step in.

    Then the facility me and Koops found earlier today... old research bunker, tiny little thing. I mean like OOOOOLD old; thing was pretty easy to get into with what security it had, which was almost zero to none. The doors sealing it could be cut into rather easily, and the computer in there could be reset by flashing the BIOS. So it was OLD. Like, really old. Super old.

    It was meant for genetic altercation. The logs stated they kidnapped people and injected experimental substances into them, and recorded the results. It was... inhumane. I wish I could've killed him myself; but alas the scientist was old, shriveled, covered with cancerous lumps, and dead in a vat. What a shame. We'll report it to Rodrick as soon as possible.

    Speaking of which; my suit was very handy in getting into said place. I've never bothered to write down what it can do and specify it's capabilities. Huh. Kind of important if I were to sell it; or pass it down to someone like... May. I'll be sure to write it down in a log after this one.

    That'll do. Onto the suit.
    lEND LOGl
    #7 Aero, Nov 16, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 4, 2016
  8. Aero

    Aero New Member

    Mar 2, 2014
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    This suit is designed for utility, medical practices, and user safety to ensure maximum productivity and longevity of it's user and others. Each part offers unique and diverse capabilities suited for multiple tasks, rather it be surgery, self-defense, or minor exploration, and so on. These schematics will go from head to toe in order to ensure that it can be used effectively and efficiently.


    The Suiyoubi Suit Mk.ll is built upon a durasteel frame as a base, and runs on a rechargeable dense electric powered core, lasting to a maximum of six hours without heavy energy consumption. The powered frame allows a light boost in physical prowess in general, and the frame alone does this. The suit is sealed; as long as the helmet is on and has had time to activate it's pneumatic locks. The armor and modifications are added on prior, and can be interchanged later if needed. The suit is waterproof (if certain functions are not in use; such as the weapons systems). Over usage of weapons systems or high energy functions in one sitting can quickly deplete the suits power supply, rendering the user with heavy metal frame on them should power run out. An small auxiliary battery is installed to allow for the suit to open up in case of emergencies of running out of power. If the suit is damaged in a way that prevents auxiliary power from flowing or removes it completely, the core can be replaced; however the servos of the suit will also lock up as a counter-measure to prevent further harm, and disallow any movement. A pre-recorded distress message will be sent out over the radio afterwards. This override can be omitted as soon as the suit receives power by any source, rather it be a replacement core or external power. Remember; this suit is meant more for medical practice, utility, and user safety; not sustained combat!


    The suit is primarily made of reinforced durasteel, ceramics, as well as some other metallic compounds, the protection of the user in mind. Designed primarily to take blunt force, explosives, and small to medium caliber arms, as well as a mild resistance to energy based weaponry such as focused lasers or ionized gas. In the back just above the coolant system there is an emergency oxygen supply, and also ventilation to prevent harm from harmful gases, airborne diseases/poison, and so forth. This supply lasts one hour. Due to the nature of the frame's design, this can make movement clunky, specifically running or jogging. To prevent tripping, avoid travelling too fast on foot.


    The helmet component of the suit offers protection with the plexiglass dome in the front and reinforced durasteel in the back. This is the thickest and most protected part of the armor. Capable of taking point blank rounds, provided said rounds are not designed to pierce armor or high in caliber, to ensure cranium integrity. The inside of the helmet is fitted with a HUD and an internal database, as well as communications system. The weight of the helmet can be hard to get used to, and may throw your center of balance off. Furthermore, your peripheral vision is hindered due to the design of the helmet itself.


    The torso of the suit on the front is accompanied by Kevlar 29 (stylishly worked in) to help take oncoming fire. In the back is where the core is stored, and just below auxiliary power. A coolant system is also in place in the back, to prevent the user from becoming uncomfortable due to any level of heat. It is also well insulated to allow core temperature to stay up in cold environments as well. The torso is strict in build, therefore hindering the ability of turning of the pelvis or waist on a horizontal axis to a degree.


    The arms are where most of the utility and weapons systems are housed. On the right wrist, the main weapons are housed. An ionized gas emitter capable of stunning or killing, with several firing modes, is housed on the top, which must pop up and out first. On the bottom of the wrist, a pneumatic syringe launcher is available to pop out; specially designed slim kinetic injector syringes, cylinder system of firing. The left wrist possesses a grappling hook on the top; and a second on the bottom in case the first is damaged or severed in anyway. Each wrist has modules on it's sides; allowing some vital functions of the suit, such as the retracting and detracting of the helmet, and activating scans. The arms are also able to course with high amounts of voltage to electrify people in grapples; this is the suits most draining capability, as the electricity required to maintain a steady voltage this high and protect the user from electrocution is demanding. The upper arms are less armored than the forearms, to allow a full range of movement for surgery, and other delicate, precision based tasks. The forearms are certainly heavier, and are difficult to become accustomed to. Due to their nature, they are least protected part of the armor.


    The hands of the armor are the most delicate and complex of the entire suit; and offers the user plenty of options. Each finger can be gripped and turned counter-clockwise (excluding thumbs) to extend out into a tool. Their functions will be ordered from left to right. Left pinky finger is a USB port to download and put information from and on compatible devices. Left ring finger is a welder. Left middle finger is a solderer. Left pointer finger is an adjustable intensity mini-laser. Right pointer finger is a scalpel. Right middle finger is a refillable syringe. Right ring finger is an antibiotic applicator. Right pinky finger is a prick, for obtaining and analyzing blood. Each finger can then be turned back by twisting the opposite direction. Lastly, the palms of the suit are capable of scanning and collecting info on what they touch to a little more than a superficial degree; which can include blood-types, different types of metals, the status of flesh, and so on. More advanced scanning requires more power, and is only related to medical functions, such as x-rays.


    The legs are about as armored as the torso; including the kevlar on the front. Compartments on the sides of each leg; two each. The servos in the legs container kinetic dampeners; allowing falls from a maximum of three stories up to be sustained while bringing no harm to the user. The kinetic dampeners will always remove the force of three stories even if the height is higher; so the jump from four stories would count as one. Due to their padding and the restrictive nature of the dampeners, any complex, quick, or large movements will be extremely difficult to perform. Exercise caution when running, jogging, vaulting, and so forth; it may leave you prone to tripping or losing balance.
    #8 Aero, Nov 17, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 6, 2016
  9. Aero

    Aero New Member

    Mar 2, 2014
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    Entry #8
    A... LOT has happened in the past two days. Like... holy shit.

    It's been bounty hunters finally rolling in and trying to take bounties. I warned Ace just yesterday about it. Oi vey. So yesterday, Pasupti gets a chunk of his hand shot off, a girl gets a 1st degree concussion, and Rodrick gets shot in the leg because of one bounty hunter. Then TODAY Willow gets stabbed in the side, and Firebird gets their arm broken, peppered with bullets, and many more injuries, because of THREE bounty hunters. Three. Plenty more were injured, but someone helped them on Olympus. Anyways... that... is a lot of work for one doctor in two days. That's not counting the days when the clinic was REALLY busy.

    I suppose I won't have to worry as much though. End result of the fiasco, Pinewood got burned down. I almost feel a little relieved; but at the same time somber. I guess I'll miss the peaceful parts. ...Not so much the bloodshed. I hope Rodrick doesn't get too upset. ...And well hey; makes it easier for Ace and Ayaka to move out!

    Firebird was quite drained after her fiasco. Rightfully so; covered in injuries, mud, and blood. After the operations I had Millie visit, and we spoke. I almost felt like... we all had a tender momement together; which is surprising, as Firebird was in the same room. She told me I was alright; much to my surprise as well. I even got a thanks or two from her! (Ok maybe just one; but even that is an achievement from someone so stubborn)! All in all... I think this is a turning point in that bird's life. Or at least, I hope so. (P.S. HAHAHA FIREBIRD; I FINALLY /WAS/ ABLE TO PATCH YOU UP! HAHAHAHAHA! ...I set odd goals for myself).

    Oh; I forgot a long time ago to write why I've been tight on cash (situation is a bit better, I've been working side jobs). Why? I was getting a home built, duh! Construction should be done soon, I'm looking forward to having a place to just call... home; and living in it with May! Maybe invite some friends over to chill out and relax? I at least know they deserve it.

    That'll be all for now.
    lEND LOGl
  10. Aero

    Aero New Member

    Mar 2, 2014
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    Entry #9
    Mostly good news this time around! We've got some unpleasant tid bits.

    So the construction on the house has finally finished! I'm going to enjoy having a place to truly unwind in peace; and with May, too! I've invited some great, trusted friends to partake in the beautiful home with me! So far that's Ace, Ayaka, and Cooper. They all very much deserve it. I hope I don't regret my decision (which I very much doubt I will) to let them know where my home is. The down side is that there is only one bedroom. So if multiple people are going to sleep they'll have to use the couches, or not mind sleeping in a bed together. The one I got is HUGE, so space wouldn't be a problem in the bed. It's just some may feel... awkward, I suppose.

    In other news, I've been visiting some other sectors to try and find old faces. I found where Oakie went off too, and found some other old faces there too! ...That's all I'll touch on it though. The people in that sector are... dismissive. It's like they don't even acknowledge people. I found only about three or four people that would actually speak to me, let alone allow me a howdy do. There was also some unsavory figures there too. I'll stick to Council Space mostly; I feel appreciated and welcomed here... despite my past... issues. It's uncommon that you find people so understanding.

    Though despite those understanding people, there is about ten times more of scum. I've been hearing more and more reports of injured folk with gunshots wounds, broken bones, so on so forth because of a scuffle or straight out fight. I suppose some things will always be constant; such as the methods and attitudes of others. Whatever works, they'll stick to it; even if it means stomping on and berating others to keep them down for their success. Really it's quite pitiful to see people stoop so low, to such a level. Sickening even, especially if it's someone you knew before. (Especially ESPECIALLY if they don't brush their teeth. Ugh, grooosssss).

    Other than that, nothing else eventful has happened other than a few patients. So...
    lEND LOGl
  11. Aero

    Aero New Member

    Mar 2, 2014
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    Entry #10
    Woooo! I love even numbers... gee, I'm really reaching at the bottom of the barrel for happiness now-a-days.

    First things first. Injuries and violence seem to become more and more common each day I stay in Council space. First we had Issie with a broken leg due to a rusty bear-trap. That poor Floran. They're always so active and wanting to run about, and she has to use crutches. I can't imagine the agony of being so active and then having to use movement aid. Second we had a distress beacon from a crashed ship. I beamed down, picked up the injured pilot all the while followed by this guy named Jed. Then some jerk comes down armed and demands we drop our weapons while waving an assault rifle around like a huge charlatan. I ran off with the crash victim as I saw that Jed had Airian as back up. In the end, we have Jed and a girl named Ashley. Jed is your run of the mill man of action; cause he got battered pretty well by the unknown gunman. Ash is a tinker nut; and seemingly innocent. I have her living in my home for now, she is trustworthy enough. It'll be useful to have someone who does well with several electronic systems anyhow.

    Speaking of the house; I now have May, Ace, Ayaka, Cooper, and now Ash living at my residence. It was supposed to be for me and May in mind, as it's a little small. Though I've been surprised at how well everyone has been taking to the small space. Maybe it's the ocean that makes it seem bigger? Whatever the case, at least we have enough sleeping room.

    Was thinking of checking out Ragnarock sometime; I hear this guy named Oak is running it. Not sure if it's that Floran scientist or Oakster, my main philosophy buddy. Hopefully the moment I beam down there won't be a gunfight or hostage situation, or the town is burning down. Sigh.

    It gets a little boring living the same things over and over, y'know? Doc I've got a broken bone, doc there's a gunfight going on and we need you to pluck lead out of some guys, doc I've got the chills could you run out and get some medicine for me? I'm glad there is people who genuinely like me as a person; but everyone else seems to ally with me on the simple basis that I could save their lives, even after acts of kindness. Perhaps I'm not trying hard enough? Maybe I'm too stubborn? Whatever the case, I need to take an extra step with people in general. I think I've lost a bit of my modesty and instead it is replaced with insensitivity. I need to get my act together now before it gets too bad, don't want to end up gruffly spitting my words out like some breakneck mercenary.

    Anyways. That'll be all for now.
    lEND LOGl
  12. Aero

    Aero New Member

    Mar 2, 2014
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    Entry #11
    This'll be short. Just some transpirings from today.

    So I was giving Ragnarock a visit. Saw Rodrick there; who has my rings (and he forgot to message me, again!) and was going to get them to me soon. I have faith in Rodrick's craftsmanship, so I can only imagine they're going to be amazing! Can't wait to get my hands on them.

    Later on Volare swings on by (more on that later); as well as a... brash and rather ignorant combat group with matching armor. They were toting their guns and flaunting their armor about like some... bucktooth teenager who gets really excited the moment they hear "shoot". The simple fact they were surface side put me at unease. It's groups like those that stir trouble in these parts. I hope they don't do anything stupid (they probably will), and if they do, the Council will handle it. I'd like to see the mugshots of their likely hideous faces. Probably why they need to hide them in those helmets, yeah?

    Right then; Volare. We chatted for a bit, and I've come to really like the guy. Gets my humor, plays along with jokes. Someone I can relate with, yeah? I invited him on my ship for tea and a game of blackjack. Though this wasn't any ordinary game of blackjack; high stakes. If I won; he'd have to wear a dress for a week. If he won, I'd have to wear a naughty nurse outfit for a week. ...Let's say he got lucky, alright? He'll be getting the costume from Ziggy (I know Ziggster has a high libido; but he's into the whole 'naughty nurse' thing? More of a huge nerd than I thought, huh) and I'm required to wear it ASAP. I suppose I won't mind it... but I know if I go anywhere publicly, I'll be asked many questions and gawked at constantly. That's what I get for making a bet, yeah? Anyways; I've also come to develop some minor feelings for Volare. Not like; the hots. Like a subtle tension. I mean, I'd never take action; May is the only one for me and that's final. But I wouldn't mind cuddling with the guy, y'know? Clean stuff. I've decided to make it a little project of mine, now. Let's see just how much teasing he can take, yeah? This is my revenge for him winning with pure luck!

    That'll be all for now. Though I've been worked to death... things are getting brighter for me, in a way. I feel... a little less empty, yeah?
    lEND LOGl
  13. Aero

    Aero New Member

    Mar 2, 2014
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    Entry #12
    OH. MY. LORD.

    I'm the unluckiest hylotl of all time when it comes to cards. I played another game with Volare, in attempt to save face. I got a handicap of two points ahead, and if I won, I'd get to command him around for a week, nothing involving death or weird stuff. However if HE won, since I was allowed the handicap, I'd have to do everything he says, ONLY excluding death. That... is lightly scary. What have I gotten myself into? I-- I'm at a loss for words. Hopefully he's as trustworthy as I've made him out to be? I mean I like the guy on the snuggle level; but I don't know about anything more than that. I got to snuggle with him last night, though. That was nice. Regardless; I'm stuck in this skimpy nurse outfit and I have to obey his every command for an entire week. I mean, it's a day off already, but. Anything could happen in that time.

    Before all that though, he insisted I parade myself around at Ragnarock to get a drink with him. Wasn't too bad, I got some snickers and suggestions that I should change my apparel, but alas, I cannot. Funny enough, someone had a seizure at the bar (a floran to be exact), and there came slutty Omizu to save the day. Despite my apparel, nothing can unnerve me when it comes to serious medical business. I had Karo put him in the clinic on a bed, on his side, with his head elevated. It was that floran that the glitch and floran doctor were looking at the other day. They were commenting on his brain, So maybe he is prone to seizures? I know my neurology; so maybe I could do the surgery should time come for it. Whatever the case, he turned out alright. I can't imagine how that feels, getting a seizure...

    Lastly this... costume. I feel... a little more excited, and at the same time indecent in it. The cotton fares well on my skin good enough, and the craftsmanship is acceptable. ...How much did Volare spend on this? I-- I feel... different. A little degraded, even. ...And I... like it? No no, like isn't the correct word. ...Maybe it is? I need to gather my thoughts before I tread on it more. All I know is that I have to wear it for a week; six days now. ...Maybe when no one is around, I can cheat and slip into my armor? I love being in my armor, helps my old bones get around better. ...It won't hurt anyone, so. Maybe I will.

    ...Well, that's all. Let's hope this whole fiasco turns out positive, neh?
    lEND LOGl
  14. Aero

    Aero New Member

    Mar 2, 2014
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    Entry #13
    Uggggggggggggggh... my head.

    I apparently drank a LOT last night... my head is pounding. I'm going to go ingest some raw yolk to help; as disgusting as it tastes...

    Bleck. Back; and boy does the aftertaste suck. It isn't instant either... but it'll help in a bit. Let me try to recall some events from last night. Well, I remember going to Ragnarock, for one. There was Cooper... and new faces of Coaltic, Chit, and Saneth-Glass. I remember that much; then I drank half of one of this... galaxy gobanzahs whatever their called, and I don't remember much more than that rather than seeing some old Antarans and going back to my ship with Volare like usual. I feel like... I almost made a mistake. I woke up next to him on the couch; but no clothing or anything was removed. I... hold on.

    Back. Yep; nothing happened between us thankfully. The most that happened was a drunken cuddle; which thankfully didn't escalate into anything else. Damn... I slept like a rock. The headache... is not worth it, however. ...I got peer pressured into drinking too much at a public location. That's like; one of my number one things to NOT do. I swear from here on out; I won't drink more than a glass of rice wine in public, even if I look like a wimp. I need to keep a functioning brain on my shoulders; for myself, for my duty... and most importantly for May. If I slip up, I don't think I could bear to tell her; let alone forgive myself. I'm an adult dammit; I need to be more responsible! How could I be so awfully careless!

    ...I'm glad Volare is a modest man. If he wasn't... then I don't know what would've happened. I'm glad to have-- no, honored to have him as a friend. From here on out; I need to be more responsible, even if it looks like I have a stick up my ass.
    lEND LOGl
  15. Aero

    Aero New Member

    Mar 2, 2014
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    Entry #14
    ...I need to get a grip. What am I; a teenager?

    Recently I've been letting my hormones get the best of me. May hasn't been around for a bit, so I'm getting a little pent up. And I believe I'm trying to project this onto people I care about as friends, and not like... that. I believe it has to do with this costume I'm wearing; it's... not helping, at least. I need to stop. I need to grow up. I was raised better than this. Today and tomorrow I'm going to wait it out on my ship and at home so I can slip back into my armor. I'm glad to have woken up to the fact of my blatant immaturity.

    I'm respectable. Reputable. Professional. Not some... horny, slutty nurse. Where did it all go wrong? Was it the cards? My lack of contact with my significant other? Whatever the case, I'm done now. No more of... THAT. I gotta be serious. I gotta be responsible. No more of this scanty... suggestive bullshit, Omizu. You're an adult, ACT like it. You are a respectable doctor, not a TOOL.

    I may have to take a break from people for a bit. I need to see May. I need some solace from this attitude I've put on. It needs to stop.
    lEND LOGl
  16. Aero

    Aero New Member

    Mar 2, 2014
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    Entry #15
    Whew. Busy busy fish recently. Time to type down my thoughts.

    Weeeeeell, I got out the the nurse costume a few days ago; what a damned relief. It feels AWESOME being back in my armor. I can't stress that enough. My old bones are singing out in a chorus of joy. I didn't know how much I could last; but I did the week as promised. People have given me a collective 'awwwh', sad to see me in my drab suit again. Well there is one person who's happy to see me in it; my reflection, dammit!

    I recently attached Oakie's cybernetic arm to him; yesterday in fact. The surgery was a success, thanks to some help from the auto-doc. That thing was pricey, but it's saved me a lot of work and given me plenty of profit. Anyways; Oak is with an arm again, and that makes me joyful. The arm itself was made by Rodrick; so I expected nothing less than good quality, despite it's technological age.

    Azez. He's been trying to kill himself left and right... poor guy. I hope I can dig something up to help him instead of just talking to the guy. He has his meds and his life; but he refuses to take action and instead dwells on trying to figure out what his past was, and it's driving him up the walls. Honestly I'd recommend he just moves on; forget about why he left home, don't worry about it. Just make use of his life now; that is what I would do if I had memory loss, anyways.

    I've been expanding my home into a colony! Yes; everything is almost complete. I'm going to make it a private colony to keep out all the scum. ...People like Firebird, per instance. I don't want it to get burned down day one! I'll make sure to make it's page look neat and tidy; and oh! The name! 'Seanery'. Because it's a scenic place; and it's next to the sea! No one can escape my horrible puns now! (That's a weird thing to say).

    Oh. And Ziggster got another kid; which confirms some suspicions of mine. What was her name? Aria? Yeah yeah, Aria. She's rather... cute! And she's missing some of her leg; but that's fine! All life is beautiful in it's own way.

    That about sums it up. Goodness I'm tired; but my brain keeps buzzing. Maybe I'm the one who needs medication. Anyways.
    lEND LOGl
    #16 Aero, Dec 16, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 4, 2016
  17. Aero

    Aero New Member

    Mar 2, 2014
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    Entry #16
    I can't say I'm too thrilled about this one. It's been pretty horrid recently.

    Just yesterday, I was a bloody mess; literally. I had went out of sector to work on a recovery effort in a colony that had recently had a mass killing from an anonymous terrorist organization. What they didn't tell me, is that the organization was still present. While working in a recovery center, a group of about four, some with shotguns and others with assault rifles, come busting in and firing on already lead ridden civilians. I wasn't spared the pleasantries either; as I caught a shotgun shell to my left shoulder, and my abdominal area was littered with medium caliber arms. Thankfully the kevlar and metal of my suit stopped the automatic fire from penetrating; but I have heavy bruising and some broken ribs there now. I did my best to fight back; I think I took out one of them before hopping over the counter. Speaking of which, I carelessly crimped one of the nerves in my leg while vaulting over and totally bummed my leg. With their message sent, they scattered before the police would show up. I felt like dying then and there, haven't been in that much pain in a while. In fact I probably would've died had I stayed there. I beamed up to my ship then; I didn't want to be around if the police showed up to take me to custody for questioning, or if they came back. At the time I knew I wouldn't have been able to operate the programming for the auto-doc in my state, so I went to where most medically inclined hangout; Ragnarock. Which is peculiar, honestly.

    I beamed down and walked my sorry and meek ass into the inn, struggling to stand. If not for my suit, I wouldn't have even gotten out from the recovery center in the first place; let alone the Ragnarock Inn. I'll have to get the dinks repaired. Off topic-- anyways. Luckily Oak was there when I opened the door, as well as this weird avian named Chriklkpffffhhht or whatever. Strangest avian I'd ever seen. They escorted me to the operation room and got me patched up for the most part. The avian tried to amputate my leg thinking my nerves were completely destroyed; I'm glad I talked him out of it. He snatched some of my pixels as payment, and walked off. Oak then helped me to a proper bed and I got some shut-eye. I remember waking up with a killer headache afterwards and getting back into my suit... which was an agonizing process, despite the pain killers. I thanked Oak and headed off for my ship to finally operate the auto-doc.

    I've typing this all now from my rest afterwards from the surgery on my crimped nerve, as well as to check if the avian did a good enough job on my other injuries. He did alright, it seems. I'm going to get back into my suit in a bit (as really that'll be my only way of getting around reliably with my injuries) and stock it with pain killers; not that herbal crap either. Medical grade stuff. I can only hope for my speedy recovery soon, though I can't get my hopes up. I hope everyone didn't miss me too much. Ugh.. I have too much I need to do.

    That's all for now. Geeze... no luck with terrorist organizations. I've been almost killed by about three of them now.
    lEND LOGl
  18. Aero

    Aero New Member

    Mar 2, 2014
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    Entry #17
    Well. It's another one of those awkward entries where I haven't done one in a bit. No sense beating around the bush, then...

    I took a step away from Antares again. Everything felt overwhelming and crazy; as Antares usually is. I left without much of a formal goodbye, so I hope nobody missed me too much or is upset with me, though I could understand if they were. I also hope things haven't been too... hectic or violent. I'd hate myself if anyone I knew died of injuries because I wasn't around for them.

    I was off working for an official medical corporation again to reel in some cash, due to my funds beginning to run low. Enzo Corp, to be specific. Not a horrible company, but some of the staff is lackluster. Pays well enough with a safe work environment. Nothing really much more to say than that.

    I'm making my return to Antares as I write this. Hopefully some people will be excited to see my old butt.
    lEND LOGl
  19. Aero

    Aero New Member

    Mar 2, 2014
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    Entry #18
    Damn this thing is dusty. I haven't touched in quite some time -- certainly a few months.

    I've been out and about in other sectors... exploring the universe for the injured in need. It's been fruitful enough, made some pals, all the usual stuff. But something is different.

    I don't have May. Her work has gotten ahead of her, and she had to go way off into the expanses of space. We left on good terms at least... but now my old heart is empty and without something to pour into rather than my work. All work and no play... I might have to start drinking again. Just to loosen up and have some fun with my life. I can't really express in words what this solitude has been doing to my mood. I feel hollow -- but at the same time fulfilled. ...Maybe I'll find someone else. I doubt anyone would wanna hook up with someone as old as me now, though.

    Regardless of my almost teenage attitude towards not having a significant other, I'm back in sector for the time being. Every time I return something is different, usually the settlements. The only one I feel is familiar is Ragnarock, and Monolith to an extent. Shinsei at least sounds familiar. I can't remember if I visited it in the past or not. However, there is also the refugee camp that opened up recently -- and it's a rather pleasant escape from the regular hustle and bustle of the more major cities. The post for it on StarNet however provided a familiar e-mail, one I remember belonging to Blaze last I saw her since the last little settlement she had. It's safe to assume it's her. Maybe she needs more doctors again? We'll have to see.

    I've already seen one or two familiar faces, but it seems a rougher crowd is in Antares today. Bounty hunters, arms dealers. Regardless of what changes in this sector, it always seems like it's preparing for a war that will never happen.
    lEND LOGl
  20. Aero

    Aero New Member

    Mar 2, 2014
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    Entry #19
    Well, it seems past the passive aggressive air floating about the place, I can safely deem the refugee camp is alright. Some questionable folk are in the loop, but they seem to be kept in line by a gal. And as I had assumed, from the e-mail, it is Blaze in the flesh.

    She certainly hasn't lost the attitude, has she? Though it is fitting for the situation she's in this time around, directing to what seems to be emotional misfits around. And her hair style is a tad different -- did she get taller? Regardless, seems like anywhere I see her, responsibility is trailing her ass hard. I'll see if I can throw her some help, as I know holding onto responsibility is hard, as a doctor. I suppose I already have been, what with helping the medical staff. ...Doesn't seem to remember me though, from Fracture OR Wayward. There is certainly more important things to keep in mind than an ol' doctor, so I don't blame'er to much

    Speaking of which, I very much enjoy Jeremy and Minnow's company. They are very humble and forth right, traits you do not see often in people. I can see the genuine care they have for others oozing out of them, injured or not. Though they might be to friendly for this universe of ours. I may have to educate them on when and when not to use empathy sometime. Minnow seems like a cinnamon bun, while Jeremy is more down to earth. I look forward to continuing my efforts with them -- as well as participating and promoting Minnow's little medic league idea she has going on.

    I had a little tid bit about this Omega guy around -- says he's an arms dealer, and he most definitely is. And yet he is fixated on showing off alien artifacts he's found to prove he's not crazy and making up sci-fi mumbo jumbo. For a guy focused on business, he sure does go out of his way to hunt down the stuff. Perhaps to not let it fall into the wrong hands? I don't know, but I think there is a touch of madness to him. He's not insane by any stretch, but clearly a little mad.

    That's it then.
    lEND LOGl