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The Cycle Continues

Discussion in 'Archives' started by EyesofMarch, Sep 10, 2015.

  1. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    Terra burned. So many months spent constructing her tall spires, her wondrous bridges, her facilities and homes and factories. The gardens, the wide ranges, the sparkling oceans. It was more than just home for her. It had been a new beginning; a place that would never fall prey to the evils the galaxy had thrown at Earth, at Katune and the Gardens. A safe world; a shining jewel in a dark, dark universe. And now what was her world, but cinders, and the nesting grounds for another world-crushing beast.

    The Terran Satellite Rings had picked up their approach, but much, much too late. Katarn, the planets moon, had gone quiet in mere hours after their arrival; the first settled world to crushed in the local system no doubt. The orbital defense ring held off the beasts for a few hours, just long enough to allow most escape craft and ships to exit Terran space. Many became trapped, however, as the satellite ring collapsed, and the beasts made planetfall.

    The fighting continued planetside for several days as the remaining sentients fought for survival. Many died; most Terran Security Officers and civilians falling to their enemy as they attempted to bring them to the safety of local teleportation hubs. The numbers of sentients dwindled, and the monsters only grew in number. The hubs of Terra fell one by one, until only the capital remained, a week and a half after the initial attack. And even then, they lasted only hours against the onslaught of the monsters from beyond.


    Her hand gently glided along the cracked glass; barely masking the fiery remains of Terra beneath it. It only grew smaller as she drifted further away. Further, further, further.. Until it was merely one of the bright, shiny dots in a sea of darkness. Annabelle was gone, now merely a ghost of Terra. Max, Glauen, Ziggy and others; their location lost to her. Another home was lost to her. Another life had been yanked from her grasp. It wasn't perfect, but it had been the closest she'd even been to happiness since Earth began the cycle almost a decade ago.

    She rose from the soot-covered floor, and began to limp down the dark, decrepit hallway of her ship. Wires hung from breaches in the ceiling; spitting out bright sparks that hurt her damp eyes. She pushed into the cockpit. The power still worked for the door at least.

    Into the pilots chair she dropped, and she winced sharply; a searing pain shooting up her legs and into her gut. Didn't matter. More important things to do. There had to be something out there. A beacon of civilization in Antares that yet remained. She tapped the console, and began to speak; her voice hoarse and ragged..

    ++-"This is Sarah McKinley.. Of Terra. The planet has.. It's gone. I need help. Is any other local colony receiving? Anyone at all?"-++ She waited. And waited.

    The silence was deafening.


    (( Not an event so much as to explain the current situation of Sarah, and what happened to Terra during the arrival of the tentacle monsters. There is no way to know if she's alive or not, and no way to contact her. ))
    #1 EyesofMarch, Sep 10, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 10, 2015
  2. Diehardpatriot

    Diehardpatriot New Member

    Feb 14, 2014
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    < Scanning FTLCR buffer . . .
    < Playback Engaged . . .
    < Reply?
    [Y/N] . . .
    < Reply sent . . .

    I read you.


    < Awaiting reply . . .
  3. Raideck

    Raideck Member

    Apr 6, 2014
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    ((Assuming open transmission))

    *Sitting about his small crap job of a ship Gerik hears a message come to his reciever*

    *He grabs the microphone*

    "Yeah, I read but I'm not a colony.."
  4. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    (( oh you nerds no one was actually supposed to reply to this but hng ))
  5. Raideck

    Raideck Member

    Apr 6, 2014
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    ((It was in general :l if you didn't want anyone to respond then you shoulda made it a journal or an online rp))