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The coming Combat update. (And more ramblings.)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Boundless, Oct 1, 2015.

  1. Boundless

    Boundless New Member

    Aug 18, 2015
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    Alright lads here we go. The Combat update is coming, and boy oh boy does it look good. Like just look at this.

    Like wow, some of these effects look awesome as hell. Now, when I saw all of this, it brought up some questions about it. The first one, does this mean we're gonna see an increase in players using melee weapons on the server? Now while people love their guns, some may find the melee side of things becoming increasingly attractive.

    Leading on from this question, and leading on to a thread I saw earlier, when do we draw the line at what is allowed realism wise? While realism doesn't equal unfun, clearly swords don't emit beams of energy, and it'd be quite interesting to see swords have something similar to this on the

    Sorry if my thoughts seem horribly jumbled, I'm going to try and make it super simple now. Number One, sword effects, what do you think of them? Number Two, if they were used on the server, how would YOU use them? And Number Three, do you think this update will bring back the use of melee weapons on the server?

    (And this is where I devolve into talking about combat RP. Here we go. Oh my god reading through this I ranted through a lot more than I thought I did.)

    Putting the TL;DR here now, sorry for my ranting. TL;DR: (It's mostly just Boundless ranting like a preachy wanker.) Why do we let some people ruin combat roleplay for the rest of us? Why don't we take steps to actually improve combat roleplay on the server, instead of it just fighting to win and that be the end of it. Why can't it have an actual effect on our characters?

    Alright, hopefully that fixes somethings. Now back onto my rambling. Now I'm already hearing the cries of why PVP is cancerous with melee weapons (or in general) and yadda yadda yadda. First of all, why do we let a few certain people just ruin it for us? I just like to think there's more to combat roleplay than just "Bang bang I shoot you you're dead." And the fact of the matter is, there is. Combat can be a very defining aspect of any character's storyline.

    This is something i'd love to see on the server, combat affecting the player, instead of what we have today. I'd give a few examples here, but most are far too morbid to be shown on the forum, so out of respect for others I won't post them. Instead I'll try to explain it as best as possible. Here's an example, a Police Officer answers a call of a combative individual assaulting others at a store. When they arrive, he and his partner assess and try to deescalate the situation. However the individual does not comply, and charges the officer, forcing one of them to draw his sidearm and kill the man. The sorrow and shock in the man's voice is extreme. His partner actually having to comfort him and calm him down. While it's very morbid, it accurately portrays what most go through, should they ever have to take a life. (Sorry if it seems insensitive to use a possible real life situation like this as material for roleplay, but rest assured it is fictional for the most part.)

    Why is this never shown on the server? So many characters seem to be stone cold killers with no remorse for their actions. Bad roleplay? Possibly! What could we do about this? Well, let's look at it from a logical angle, life isn't a war, and it is assumed that most people (Not including the Florans.) DON'T want to have to kill another being unless absolutely necessary, and yet that's what happens more often than not on the server. And while there is the occasional case of a character being an actual psychopath, that doesn't excuse what we see on the server. Why am I writing all this, something that will mostly be regarded as TL;DR, or ignored completely? Because for some stupid reason, I want to help other improve their roleplay. Hell, I'm not even the best roleplayer myself, but I feel like the server would be so much better if we could take the time to help each other improve, and do things not for the sake of winning, but for developing our characters.

    Holy crap I talk way too much. Anyways, I'm gonna be watching this thread for awhile, hopefully the discussion can remain rational. Cheers.
  2. OcularOccultist

    OcularOccultist New Member

    Jun 10, 2015
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    Why would anyone use swords, when firearms, be it ballistic or energy in nature, are superior in just about every plausible situation where one may require a weapon.

    That said, cultural exceptions, such as the archtypical Floran Savage or Glitch Warrior, would be expected to be more at ease with their antiquated melee weapons.
  3. Boundless

    Boundless New Member

    Aug 18, 2015
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    Because three out of the seven races use melee weapons often in their lore, Glitch, Florans and Avians.
  4. Awe

    Awe Gotta go fast!

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Ingame mechanics do not decide how a lot of people develop a character. I don't expect this update will come with an increase of melee-based characters as its still not a viable choice in most situations when faced with a firearm. Plus, the ingame system doesn't actually make RP combat and different.

    All that said, still nice to see the effort in making the combat more appealing, as it's pure shit at the moment.
  5. Boundless

    Boundless New Member

    Aug 18, 2015
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    Dunno why I though Ingame mechanics would really change roleplay. I'm a silly wanker there for sure. I think melee weapons have their niche on the server, perhaps among the less evolved races, Glitch and Florans.
  6. Awe

    Awe Gotta go fast!

    Jan 28, 2014
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    I once had a character that was a blind hylotl blademaster, augmented with cybernetics and stuff. There's a place for characters like that so long as they don't try to use their melee weapon in every situation and actually think about when it would be good. I dunno though, guns should remain the norm, as they're easier to use efficiently and more readily available and have the ranged capability.
  7. Boundless

    Boundless New Member

    Aug 18, 2015
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    I agree that ranged weapons are, and should stay the norm. Maybe I'm just nostalgic about the arena on Taranis is all.
  8. Awe

    Awe Gotta go fast!

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see floran raiders capture people and force them to fight eachother to the death using spears and knives in a dirty pit somewhere. But there's a time and a place for melee, is what I'm saying.
  9. Boundless

    Boundless New Member

    Aug 18, 2015
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    Let me just add that idea of your to my idea notebook.
  10. Ziggy

    Ziggy Sinfully Soft

    Feb 1, 2014
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    I do feel that melee weapons would be an interesting combat RP scenario. It's far more personal than '*aims at shoulder and shoot.*' Like, you're up in each others' faces, glaring and snarling and fighting and writhing to the bitter bloody end. It's far more intense and emotional than just '*bang bang shoot u with old earth gun I made in starcheat lol.*'

    Speaking on the topic of emotional, that's one thing I would be ecstatic to see more of. Nobody wants to roleplay the negative emotional effects of being put through trauma like having to end someone else's life or watching their friends die. Which sucks, because it's interesting roleplay. I don't understand how people can get off to this 'yeah, I've been doing this a while. I kill like eight guys on my way downstairs for breakfast, no biggie.' It's boring and gross. Taking crazy meds and crying yourself to a nightmare-riddled sleep-like state is something that a real person can identify with. Not this 'oh I just killed some guys, let's go walk around Olympus and get a drink after the doc patches us up'

  11. Punished Tacc

    Punished Tacc New Member

    Dec 17, 2013
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    There's talks of an arena being set up. If you want to see more melee conflict on the server, you should support it's development.

    The only problem is, people rarely put research into how things work, myself included. I'd like to see perhaps a dojo, to train characters in martial arts. I myself had to take a basic self defense course for my PT, and we used batons. Ergo, I know a very basic set of moves for that. I'd be willing to train people in how to use those. Very basic, pretty boring, but's something. If it's gonna be done, I'd want to see realistic melee combat, rather than straight up anime attacks.

    *breaks the seventh seal* Was something I saw once. I hope to never see it again.

    Tl;Dr- characters who are well versed in hand to hand should either draw on real life knowledge or look up basic guides and train other players for that arena thing.
  12. Node

    Node Literal Edgelord

    Jan 26, 2014
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    *The Arena, as mentioned by Tacc.*

    I don't have a heck of a lot to add. I feel as if most character carry around guns because they are either gun toting badasses, or they are regular citizens on the server and guns are a deterrent to people screwing with them. It used to be way more necessary, back in the days when we had slavery arcs and things like that, but since then things are more peaceful and the guns are somewhat redundant.

    I think during the entire time I played Ion, she only once committed a violent act, and it was on someone who was already dead. And it screwed her up pretty badly. She didn't buy a gun until recently (And even then it was only after suffering severe PTSD, being brainwashed, and then being kidnapped by Nurora). I feel as if a lot of players feel like they need constantly have defense. Realistically you can survive in Antares, or in Council, with just your wits.
  13. Awe

    Awe Gotta go fast!

    Jan 28, 2014
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    You can have it, I'd love to see it happen.

    You've never met Greg, I see. Doesn't leave his house, doesn't make connections with people, he's just waiting to die at this point.

    Training RP is actually super fun man, do it.

    That's actually a really good point, I'd like to see more people without weapons turning up now we're in council space.
  14. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    Melee fighting is fun, not practical.
    I really hope game mechanics stay as they are, just game mechanics and not roleplay, or do we forget that SB characters can typically jump 2-3x their height?
  15. Clem

    Clem Lore Writer

    Jan 31, 2015
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    I will slap some of the cool stuff on my melee weapons, thats for sure!
    Katana weeabo action, woo!

    But on the matter on dank guns vs dank swords. The quicker the draw, the quicker the chop! But this has to happen in close quarters and my character has a pistol with him in colonies. Just in case.
    #15 Clem, Oct 2, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 2, 2015
  16. Awe

    Awe Gotta go fast!

    Jan 28, 2014
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  17. Kirby teh Pink

    Kirby teh Pink Puts the Coo in Cool

    Feb 4, 2014
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    There's no reason it can't, people just don't, and there's honestly not much we can do about it. Bad RP is just bad RP, after all.

    The only real steps you can take is to set a good example and/or report them should people pull some godmodey stuff..

    On the subject of melee weapons, I wouldn't mind seeing more of them. I've always been fine with people having some sci-fi tech that gives their melee weapons some kind of edge (GET IT?) over modern armor... It's true the usual gunfight RP usually involves shady stuff like dodging bullets and surviving hits that would incapacitate someone, which then eventually devolves into people bickering OOC about what's "realistic"
    #17 Kirby teh Pink, Oct 2, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 2, 2015
  18. Clem

    Clem Lore Writer

    Jan 31, 2015
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    I am for this, hence I sort of resorted to lightsaber like melee weapons as a solid alternative to guns in close-combat. Also because it looks cool. Wherefore thou wond'rs? Because I want to use melee, it fits with my character and I love it. Testing your finesse, agility and strength against a different opponent. Be it Glitch, Floran, Man or Avian. I will gladly face them in battle, even if its dubbed as useless, worthless, pathetic.

    In Council space I hoped for less reliance on guns and more reliance on melee, because melee weapons are easier to craft and to maintain than guns. Sure, the lightsaber-like weapons may or may not get out of power at some point, but thats determined by the quality of the battery :)
  19. Punished Tacc

    Punished Tacc New Member

    Dec 17, 2013
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    I forget who said it, or even the exact quote, but it went something like this.

    "Any peasant can pick up a gun and kill just as effectively as a veteran swordsman."

    There's more to it but I don't remember.

    Anyhow, the reason why guns will always be widespread is because they're 1. Easy as hell to emote compared to melee, 2. Easier to acquire in terms of sheer availability, 3. While training makes you more effective, so long as you can load and pull the trigger, you're just as effective at close range as any melee user.

    To surmise, there is a reason there will never be a huge influx of melee users. They'll always be beaten out by someone with a gun, and rightfully so. Even if it's the future, there's no amount of technology that can make a weapon that can block bullets or energy projectiles. Even if it could, no one has the reflexes to be able to do so. Melee users would never survive in a straight up fight, they would have to sneak or use the environment to win.

    I recommend making arenas,
    like this. In fact, everyone there will be using melee weapons. I myself have started training people in proper baton use. We're going to move on to hand to hand disarming, throws, knife combat etc etc. I recommend everyone start doing the same if they want to see more melee combat on the server that doesn't amount to what they saw in their favourite animu.
  20. Awe

    Awe Gotta go fast!

    Jan 28, 2014
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    aw yiss that shits fun

    Since when did we have a filter.