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The Chaser of Space - Journal of Spacechaer's

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Diddums, Mar 31, 2014.

  1. Diddums

    Diddums That Loveable Lad

    Mar 2, 2014
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    ((Any IC knowledge can be attained if the journal is found in Spacechaser's desk (In his ship or his study at the base) or the journal is acquired/taken from Spacechaser's person, further entries will be written, hopefully as Spacechaser retains his life))

    Day One:

    I believe I have reached "greener pastures" as it were. I've finally escaped the endless conflict between the faction of Shink's pirates and that fledgling military corps. I've found a new planet, named "Stark," the first planet with such modern buildings and people. Through the people I've met, and the radio, I've learned they're many other planets such as this one. However, one encounter protruded out wards, a meeting with an apex named (there is a scribble on the page, with the a small note "in hindsight, he probably won't want his name thrown about, in the case that some swine actually reads these words, he shall be referred to as AJ") AJ, we spoke for a while, him telling me a fragment of his past, and mentioning his great tirades and adventures, not in any detail mind you, just acknowledging their existence, despite this we decided to become friends right there and then, against my better judgement from past experiences, HOWEVER, THIS SCRIPTURE IS A DOCUMENTATION OF THE FUTURE AND IT'S BOUNTY, NOT MY OWN TRIVIAL PAST! We eventually decided however, to part our separate ways, and I sit in my ship here now, swollen with utmost euphoria of making a new friend (Another sentence, in a different coloured ink has been scribbled down "THE HIGH BEFORE THE FALL."
    #1 Diddums, Mar 31, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 12, 2014
  2. Diddums

    Diddums That Loveable Lad

    Mar 2, 2014
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    Day Four:

    So, for the first time in my life, I have attained responsibility. I have been enlisted to join NEVAC. A human woman named (a scribble follows, with the letter "T" in a different coloured ink), approached me and AJ, asking if we wanted to join, she was surprisingly welcoming on her ship, and was doing her very best to persuade me and AJ to join, despite my skepticism. As far as I know, she was looking to swell her ranks with recuits. Either way, Me, AJ and another avian woman named (another scribble follows, again, with the letter "E" etched in another coloured ink) was introduced to THE FORT (A small note with brackets is scribed in the margin, with an arrow pointing to the word "fort," it states B.O.B CO-ORDS COLLECTION). It was an amazing place, constructed by just one person. It was quite the stunning monolith. Apparently, we were the first members under our new leader, and thus, the (albeit rag-tag) NEVAC was formed today.

    The euphoria only seems to grow today.

    P.S I discovered something else today, an ingenious application named StarNet. I browsed many "posts" as they were called. Many adorned with various symbols, or a sort of code. I must find out what the various combinations of brackets, colons and other characters symbolise.
  3. Diddums

    Diddums That Loveable Lad

    Mar 2, 2014
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    Day Thifteen:

    I really should learn of a way to utilise these writing skills of mine, according to some, a literate floran is a rarity, and I've been neglecting my craft. I returned to THE FORT today, it was rather quiet, with exception of (Again, a scribble follows, adorned with a "T," again, written in a differently coloured ink), we talked in the farm that had been recently constructed, it was quite impressive. I trust her. Despite my doubts, I've found myself opening up. I told her about my past. About Cy Bot. About my teaching. It was, quite soothing actually, I've never spoke to anyone about my past. I don't understand why.


    This whole entry is terrible. Alas I can't rip it out now, I'm not going to tarnish one of my only techniques of stress relief, and destroy that what I've already written, also, these pens are a scarcity and my ink shall not be wasted. I might go back to Stark now, it seems to bustling with activity most of the time. I do think I'm developing a craving for interaction.
    #3 Diddums, Apr 1, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 1, 2014
  4. Diddums

    Diddums That Loveable Lad

    Mar 2, 2014
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    Day Twenty:

    I believe I've pulled my weight. Today, I brought forth a glitch I met on Stark. Honor Guard Zero One Thirteen. I know not of glitch mechanics, despite my short travels with (furious scribbles follow, this time surprisingly without a letter). He spoke of how he was disconnected from "The Great Program." Again, I know not what he talked of, however, never the less, a certain hunch inspired me to bring him to the NEVAC. He was accepted, despite his flaws.

    In more trivial news, Stark seems to have more population traffic than I first thought, along with the glitch mentioned above, I met a man named Shayne. We didn't elaborate upon pleasantries however, he only wished to know if I had heard or seen of a boy named Leon. I told him I had not. Then, much to my surprise, a boy waltzed in.

    He looked rather... Ditzy would be a correct word to use. He wore a pink shirt and jeans (I believe this is what they're called. I really have no idea, it doesn't resemble native floran or avian garments), topped off with a bear hat. I would think this normal of human culture had Shayne not be sat there. From what I heard, Shayne divulged with him survival instincts and the such. Perhaps they're related? As I said, such observations are trivial news and it seems I'm being called to contribute to the funding situation that has beset us.

    And so this entry draws to a close. This euphoric feeling doesn't seem to dull either. I do say, I'm growing happy here.
  5. Diddums

    Diddums That Loveable Lad

    Mar 2, 2014
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    Day Twenty Two:

    I did some information gathering today. For myself of course. I learned of a few more pockets of civilisation, a place named Tetanus, apparently in the Beta sector (I really must get around to fixing my ship, somehow it has retained sector X travel, but my FTL travel just doesn't seem to be able to target planets within the Beta sectors, I must scrounge together a Starmap Mk 2 upgrade). Also, a place referred to as "Aiko's Bar," I doubt a whole planet or city would hold this one name, and thus, I'm using it simply as a placeholder.
  6. Diddums

    Diddums That Loveable Lad

    Mar 2, 2014
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    Day Thirty Two:

    Well, it appears the euphoria has been stunted.

    Today, AJ came to me about the way I had been throwing NEVAC's name around, and my latest recruiting drive. Needless to say, he didn't approve. I saw the fear in his eyes, I kept his name secret in this journal as to protect him, from what I know he has a militaristic past. But I see now, he told me of how, if a competitor caught wind of us, they would easily destroy our fledgling company. It looks like I've got to drawback slightly.

    Also, this journal will have to be subject to censorship I presume. I'll leave Honor's name however, he looks as though he needs answers, should anyone find this journal, perhaps some relics of his pasts may be uncovered.
  7. Diddums

    Diddums That Loveable Lad

    Mar 2, 2014
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    Day Thirty Nine:

    Ran into that Leon indivual again today. He broadcasted on the radio he was bitten by a floran or some such and basically he needed medical care for his leg. Being the kind hearted indivual that I am, I offered up E's medical lab under the farm to treat his wounds (what she knows not shalt harm her), I felt... Guilty, bringing back a stranger to the fort so soon after what AJ had said, but Leon doesn't strike me as the type to squeal about our business. I told him I wasn't a doctor, but by then he didn't exactly have the choice to run and teleport back to his ship. After looking at his leg, I deduced it wasn't poisoned, but it did look an odd colour, so I used some anti-bacterial on the wound. By that I mean honey. Now, I'm reasonably sure, that honey is an anti-bacterial. I told him E told me anyway, just to calm his nerves. Then he departed, after saying thank you and swearing that he'd keep our base secret. He seems nice. Guy also thinks he's a princess or something.

    P.S I took a different approach with this individual, tried shaking up my language style in a hope to maybe communicate easier. I even used vulgarities! I know right. The Chase. Total badass.

    Also noticed I've spelt my own name wrong at the beginning of the journal.

    Damn it.
    #7 Diddums, Apr 2, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 15, 2014
  8. Diddums

    Diddums That Loveable Lad

    Mar 2, 2014
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    Day Forty Seven:

    Me and T went through a lot today, stuff I don't want to talk about, all I know is she's been absent since. We ran into this Faversae individual, after accompanying a certain glitch named Pulsar. T's suit got burned up, she got burned up it sounds like. I don't want to remember, she had us trapped. Everything.

    For further reference, a floran named Rossse (Rose?) and... someone called Beta, his armour obscured his race, accompanied us on this... Failed mission. Yes. Faversae escaped.
  9. Diddums

    Diddums That Loveable Lad

    Mar 2, 2014
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    Day Fifty Five:

    I feel... Numb.

    The euphoria is definitely gone.

    AJ has... Quit NEVAC.

    I'm in shock. Not only has T (and everyone else for that matter) gone quiet, but now, my first friend in this place, has left us. I can't believe it.

    However, I shalt abandon NEVAC.
  10. Diddums

    Diddums That Loveable Lad

    Mar 2, 2014
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    Day Fifty Six:

    Still no sign of any of the members.

    Met Leon again today however.

    Needless to say, that tactic I had? Horrible idea. What I forgot to mention in my previous entries was my teasing of him. No, this was not bullying. He had referred to himself as Princess before, so I then referred to him as such. This has been going on for a while, I may not write that much about them, but I have had the odd interaction or two with Leon before this point. Each time I referred to him as such, I got the desired effect, embarrassment. Not humiliation, but he did become flustered and grumbled, commenting on how much he found me annoying and how he hated me. I believe some people referred to this as... Barter? Banner? Banter? I'm not sure. Anyways, it would seem as though, either I've taken it too far, or he has just grown to hate me. Either way, he snapped at me, basically telling me to... Well to fuck off, for lack of a less vulgar word.

    This, hurt. But nevertheless, I still feel as though this is my fault, a misconception on the way I should've approached Leon, an accident if you will. Nevertheless, I should take action. It's my fault, and it's up to me to make it right. The thing is, I have not the gall to just completely change the way I act around him. I can't just say "greetings Leon! Actually, I'm not really annoying. It was all pretend!" What can I do?
  11. Diddums

    Diddums That Loveable Lad

    Mar 2, 2014
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    Day Fifty Six (Part two!)


    It worked! My plan worked!

    Let me explain, I confronted Leon again in the bar (the one referred to as "Aiko's bar"), now, remember how I mentioned his love of hats, in the form of animals? Well, it just so happened, I owned a shark hat! (Part of a raid that fell through, if I recall). Basically, after my first apology about my annoyance, he was... Skeptical. But then was I was like "Bam bitch! Shark hat!"

    Motherfucker fell into my snare. How could I tell you ask? Right then and there, he hugged me, never really hugged someone before. I mean, me and AJ were good friends sure, but he was the more solid handshake kind of person, and according to Honor, T had a wife, so, whilst it was a purely platonic hug me and Leon shared, I wouldn't want T thinking I was trying to steal her away or something. Either way, I'm pleased I patched things up with Leon.

    Pleased, but not happy. Nope, nowhere near, the group I once loved is dormant, and it's members condition unknown to me.

    I have the darkest feeling that this is the end of the NEVAC.
  12. Diddums

    Diddums That Loveable Lad

    Mar 2, 2014
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    Day Sixty:

    I met Leon again today, on the roof of his apartment building in Stark, for once it was him who confronted me, not the other way around. My melancholy was obviously evident on my face. Leon asked whether I was about to throw myself off. I couldn't tell if he was worried, but sticking I kept it up, I made sure he thought I knew he was, I said no, I'm not going to throw myself off, explaining that I'm not that depressed. Seemingly calmed, he returned to his normal manner.

    Except today, for some sort of celebration of April, he gave me a bear hat. He said he was giving them to everyone, basically making sure I didn't get excited. Either way, I really appreciated it. I gave him a hug. It was evident I'm not good at hugs, at all. I doubt no about Leon, but it felt really damn awkward. I explained about AJ and the situation, but it seemed to him I was jumping too fast from topic to topic, looking back, I did. On another note, he saw my leafs for the first time today, didn't realize I hadn't shown him yet, he addressed it as "a nice hairdo." In response, I made note of how at least I didn't have pink hair. He said pink hair was cute, and that I'd look cute with pink leaves. I'm not sure about that, and he later said that he isn't sure you can even dye leaves. After this, Gilleen came and scalded us about not being on the roof. Asking us to return to the bar. We agreed of course, I wouldn't wish to fight Gilleen. Either way, I also used the technique I used on Leon, on her.

    She has nothing but contempt for me.

    I showed her how I looked with the bear hat on, and she said it didn't match my armour, anyone could tell that. Silly Gilleen. I explained to her anyway that I didn't have any clothes other than my armour, apart from a dress I may occasionally wear. Leon said dresses were "hella" cute. Again, I'm not sure about that, then again, I've never seen one being worn by anyone else. Gilleen said men in dresses were weird, again, she must enjoy stating the obvious, then again, I say that, we may well be the weird ones. At this Leon interjected and told me he had a shirt and jeans I could have. He took me back to his ship and I changed into the clothes, I can't remember exactly what his reaction was. I put the bear hat on, sadly though, I have a lack of a mirror, thus, I know not what I look like in this outfit. He changed, then came down without his on, I told him he was right. Pink hair does look kind of cute. I then left.

    P.S I'm not sure I'm using the right word. "Technique" sounds as if I'm donning some masquerade, if anyone should read this, and know I acted this way toward you, well know this, my opinions and views, likes and dislikes, are exactly the same. Think of it this way, I'm wearing the same clothes, just a different way. Metaphor of the year that is.
  13. Diddums

    Diddums That Loveable Lad

    Mar 2, 2014
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    Day Sixty Two:

    Despite just how stunning the events of today were, I find that I can't really talk about them in much knowledge considering I've been left in the dark somewhat.

    Recently, a bomb on Tetanus detonated, I had prior knowledge of the bomb and was actually asked to go so seek out a certain Muckface in regards to it. Needless to say, I was quite invested in the deactivation of the bomb. Sadly however, Tetanus was still destroyed. However, it was rebuilt shortly after, I wished to see Tetanus after it's full rebuild. Alas, it's never that easy.

    When I teleported down, I was met with the butchered form of Felith, missing his left arm and right leg. Long story short he was taken to Marathon to be saved. I followed the USCM troops taking him there and visited him in the local hospital. It makes me happy to know he's okay. He spoke of dura steel cybernetics, it seems he won't be wheelchair-bound for long.
  14. Diddums

    Diddums That Loveable Lad

    Mar 2, 2014
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    Day Sixty Five:

    I met Overseer again today, he created the most ingenious plan to breach the castle of the Knight's Of The Order and assault a certain human named Sanguine.

    I have no idea why I follow Overseer in his idiotic plans, he really does bring out the fool in me, despite this, I do think of him, almost as a friend.

    How insane.

    I also met a glitch named Gamma today, seems quiet, but intelligent, I hope we can speak again soon.
  15. Diddums

    Diddums That Loveable Lad

    Mar 2, 2014
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    Day Seventy:

    I feel... Numb.

    It's weird being back here in the base, but right now I need stability, and this is really the only home I have left.

    Today I was... Enslaved.

    They offered me fuel, and asked for beam codes to my ship to commit a direct fuel transfer. It looked shady to begin with, I have no idea why I went along with it. Nevertheless, four of them teleported onto my ship and took me hostage, before bringing me to a place called "Luminaria" after searching me for weapons. Eventually, they found a buyer for me, I went for a 10k voxel. Being put in the position of having no options and no escape... Is truly terrifying.

    However, the man who bought me released me, he wore a hood to the deal, so I can expect he wants his identity to be hidden. Eventually I agreed to help him (there is a long black line obstructing the view of the rest of the sentence)

    Now I'm left here, alone.

    It is really quiet.

    I'm scared.
  16. Diddums

    Diddums That Loveable Lad

    Mar 2, 2014
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    Day Seventy Seven:

    I'm really lonely.

    Really lonely. I'm out of fuel however, and I'm far too scared to ask for fuel. I'm getting by from the crops of Elly's farm. No one is going to happen across me. I'm just left with two massive buildings.

    Have I ever told you that large empty spaces scare me? Even more so when it's silent. I always feel as if someone is going to creep up on me. Even down here, underneath the facility in my quarters, I'm locked in my room. The other night, I was to scared to go to my bedroom to get into the bed, so I just slept in my study, on the hard bamboo.

    I can only move around in the day, despite the facility being well lit at all times. And even then I'm running to get the farming done and return to my study.

    I miss my friends. I miss Terra. I miss AJ. I miss Leon. I miss Honor.

    I miss not having my mind crushed with loneliness.
  17. Diddums

    Diddums That Loveable Lad

    Mar 2, 2014
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    Day Eighty:

    I've been thinking a lot recently.

    A lot.

    I remembered something. I remembered my little brother. Zampaa.

    I realised how much I missed him, I realised that I'd most likely never see him again.

    But instead of moping, I realised something even greater. I may not be the most contained, or the strongest, or even the most useful.

    But I can hold on to what's important. The very fact I have a brother is important. The fact I remember his name is important.

    I realised every single person and their actions, are important. Whether it be influential to thousands, a group, or just to themselves, what we do is important. I've realised that I am no exception.

    I. Am. Important.

    I can do things with this life. I've realised life itself is a privilege, and that I can't waste it here, all alone.

    I'm going to do it.

    One of these days, I will revive the NEVAC. I will make this big empty place a place of houses and homes and life.

    How do I start? By using this little thing called a radio... To ask for some fuel.
  18. Diddums

    Diddums That Loveable Lad

    Mar 2, 2014
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    Day Eighty One:

    I did it. I asked for fuel.

    Well, not exactly. For the first time in a while, I turned on my radio, and was me by the sound of conversation. I told the people on the radio right there and then, that if they needed food, I would give them it. I wasn't just going to ask for fuel outright, but I did make note of how I was stranded. I could only hope people wouldn't take my predicament for weakness.

    They didn't.

    Eventually, two women came around, an avian named Lyra and a human Elysia. I treated them both to some vegetables, before asking for any fuel they could spare. Even I could feel my jumpiness through out the conversation. They spared me quite a lot of fuel, I gave them a tour of the base before they started to head on their way. I really hope they don't mistake these marvellous constructions for my own.

    It doesn't matter. I did it. I attained the fuel. Then teleporting to my ship, I fuelled my ship and I travelled the only place I knew that was relatively close. As sleazy as it is, I knew it would be bustling around this time of day. Alpha Phact. Aiko's bar.

    It was insane.

    Seeing such movement stunned me, as well as making me comfortable again. The loud noise, and vibrating atmosphere made me much more comfortable than I once was. I felt more confident.

    I felt as if I had returned.

    I then met Gamma again. He was the only one I recognised, and I trusted him, I don't know why, but I did. I guess I just can't really imagine an evil glitch.

    Maybe it was the infusion of confidence but I knew I couldn't allow this euphoria to go to waste. I needed to keep the ball rolling. Get all I could before I needed to get out. I don't remember exactly, but I believe Gamma said he was looking for somewhere to go, things to do. He might've spoke about of joining The Knight's Of The Order, I really can't remember, I don't think I've come down from my high just yet. All I remember of telling him about NEVAC. About what we planned to do, about how it was dormant and such. I'm glad I used that word, dormant. It was by instinct. I wasn't going to accept it as dead. Of course, I didn't divulge with the names of any members, I couldn't do that. I wouldn't. It didn't matter how good my gut feeling was, I didn't trust him that much.

    And now I find myself back here. In my study.

    I walked the big empty halls, felt the silence.

    And I imagined how I would change it. How I would make it a place for many. How I could use it to help. How I could use this reclusive base to be of some self fulfilment.

    Call me selfish but I find these goals important, and there is one over ruling thing I believe.

    If one person finds something important, whether there view is held by many or just themselves, that something is important.

    And I can hold on to what is important.
  19. Diddums

    Diddums That Loveable Lad

    Mar 2, 2014
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    Day Eighty Four:

    I met two individuals in Aiko's Bar today, they were playing such good music with Pulsar. I missed Pulsar (a small arrow points to "Pulsar," leading off into . It was good to start seeing the familiar faces again. The two individuals, a human and an avian, revealed themselves to be Kap and Alyx. The human being Kap, and the avian being called Alyx. After finishing their music I invited them both back to the base, Gamma accompanied us as well, he was apparently doing some sort of security work of some sort, I don't exactly remember, I do remember however him noting how he was bored all by himself and so, I invited him back to the base.

    I let them explore the base a bit. I trusted Gamma and the duo I'd met didn't intimidate me much at all. It was good to have people around again. I know Lyra and Elysia had come around before hand, but I felt like I could really appreciate this more. I knew nothing could go wrong, and I was decidedly less jumpy with them, due to my before mentioned trust. Alyx pointed out some disturbing graffiti on the walls. Sentences such as "No Escape" and "Get Out."

    I really have no idea how it got there.

    I played it off cool, pretended it must've been one of the former members. I felt horrible doing this. But it seemed to sustain her. I couldn't just say that I had no idea, she already looked suspicious, and I wouldn't want her to think I'm some sort of closet mass murderer or something. But really, the more I think about it, the more I think the lie was just created to convince myself.

    But I! Spacechaser fears no monster! I've already divulged in this diary of my fear of being left alone. If something wishes to stalk me, so be it. I will not be broken by any visible being.

    Either way, the most wonderful thing happened.

    I told them all of my plans for The NEVAC, of how we may help the colonies, create a colony of our own one day, of how I may one day turn the base into a place of home for all those without one.

    Well, it just so happened, that Kap and Alyx both were without any home. It may have been a bit rash and quick of me, but I offered them land just East of the base if they wished to construct a home. They said they would love to, and so began the construction. I left them to it as me and Gamma went to the roof of the Central Command Center (I'm not exactly sure what Honor called it, it's been so long, either way, it's definitely worthy of such a title) to talk.

    He admired the base, before inquiring further about how I planned to help. I told him there was a variety of ways, perhaps building or resource acquisition for colonies starting up, security work for events, I told him there were a lot of ways many people needed help.

    Then, he spoke of how he wished to help me on such an endeavour. I made sure I knew exactly what he was doing and he indeed was akin to join The NEVAC. I told him how this would be the revival of The NEVAC, and that he would be awarded "Co-Leader" status if he decided to join. He accepted.

    And so, The NEVAC was reborn, granted, it is still a dependant baby, but I believe it can grow into a strong adult some day.

    Returning to the duo, Alyx had actually made her home inside the left wing of the facility, it is in a previously unused wall however, and considering it is small and the structural integrity of the base had been preserved, I decided that it was fine to construct such a home. Kap on the other hand made his home to the East of the base, and had fashioned into the beginnings of the outpost (Another points to the word "outpost" before leading off into the margin saying: By this point it's actually a full blown structure, it's clad in turrets and barbed wire, and has a food store, from an aesthetic view, it's not exactly easy on the eye, but from a strategic view, it's quite the marvel, and will protect the East plane from any monsters that may roam).

    Looking back, it's been so long since I've had this feeling.

    But it is back.

    That old euphoric feeling.

    It's dim, but it's there.
  20. Diddums

    Diddums That Loveable Lad

    Mar 2, 2014
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    Day Eighty Nine:

    Another crazy day.

    Whilst I haven't written it down, Pulsar had recently moved into a new house and had a sort of house warming. Basically, she invited many people over to take a tour of her home. Among the people I can only remember myself and Felith. Anyways, knowing the co-ordinates of her new home, I promised I'd visit again before leaving. Today, she hosted a party.

    The party wasn't loud or "booming" as it were. But there was mingling, myself, Felith, Alyx and another floran who's name I didn't acquire also attended. Gamma also arrived a little later. As I said, it was fun for the most part.

    The most part.

    Before long, the party winded down, and eventually Pulsar announced she was departing to her chambers, she noted the doors had soundproofing so we may continue the party without her. Felith however wanted to leave at this point, I understood, the momentum of a party is severely stunted when one person leaves, and so, I was about to inform Alyx and Gamma that I would leave soon, right after I looked around her house a bit. Call me nosey, but the higher levels intrigued me. And so I began to walk along the upper halls and across glass that allowed me to see into the room directly below me.

    There was someone there. A red person holding a gun pointed at my friends. I noticed Gamma had moved himself into the way of the vulnerable Alyx, I was thankful for that, she was growing on me. Nevertheless, I couldn't just hide up here. Destroying the glass, I fell right behind the masked figure before pointing my pistol at her (a small circle is drawn across the word "her," with a question mark next to it) helm. Her momentary lapse of focus on Gamma allowed him to equip his own weapon.

    However, her weapon was still trained upon Gamma. She explained that she was looking for Pulsar. I realised there was no way we could contact Pulsar with sound proofed doors, so I took action against the figure. Trying to incapacitate her, I brought my pistol to her unprotected knee before firing.

    Bad idea.

    She released a barrage of bullets upon Gamma and Alyx, Gamma taking the brunt of the attack. Forced into action, I unloaded my pistol straight at her helmet, before piercing it and eventually killing whatever was inside.

    Alyx was fine. Gamma on the other hand wasn't. Some sort of "Critical Warning" was flashing. Alyx mentioned of how she could repair him or at least make him stable using durasteel. Waking up Pulsar, Pulsar lent all she could. Later on, after making him stable, Gamma gave us his thanks and said he would find a proper mechanic immediately to repair himself. I am yet to know if he will pull through, but if he was strong enough to speak, I have high hopes for his survival.

    And thus, me and Alyx made the journey home. We were quite shaken up after seeing our friend assaulted in such a way. I walked her to her door, before she said she wanted to talk to me.

    Turning around in her doorway, she planted a kiss upon my cheek, before closing the door, and leaving the sound of scurrying footsteps up the stairs of her home.

    I was stunned.

    Stunned, but ecstatic.

    And so, I returned to my study, and began writing in you.


    It's safe to say it now.

    The euphoria is back.