Greetings citizens of Antares, The Boneyard (X: -19 Y: 88 VII) is proud to present our first ever paintball tournament! Today at 5̶P̶M̶ 7PM ((Yes, today April 7th at 5̶P̶M̶ 7PM CT 5̶ 7 and a half hours from now)) The Boneyard will be hosting a paintball tournament! Everyone and anyone is welcome and encouraged to come! Here's how it will go down: from our crashed ship to the west, all the way to our junk heaps in the east, players will have free roam. You can hide, you can run, you can do anything but get hit by a paintball from the other team! Once you're hit, you're out til the next round. There will be three rounds, the team that wins the most out of those three will be the winners and earn a secret prize! When you come, meet at our bar a short ways to the west, there you will pick your team and then the teams will be balanced out. Don't worry about forgetting, there will be an announcement every 30 minutes to mark how much time is remaining. Until then, you're free to come and practice, or enjoy some of our beverages at the bar!
USERNAME: Hakachinija NO PAINT IN HAKACHI TRADE ROOM OR HURT. otherwise hakachi might join game! what Is paintball?
The tournaments almost here! 35 minutes to go! And don't worry Hakachi, I've made that the safe zone for people who don't want to play! -Vinland
Well, scratch that! I've just got word from folks around Antares and it looks like it'll be more convenient if we wait a few hours. I'll say 3. Three hours ((two hours and 20 minutes)) to go! And jeez, I was so ready to do it now! -Vinland