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The Black Book with the White Ribbon.

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by DaraC, Apr 9, 2014.


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  1. DaraC

    DaraC New Member

    Apr 6, 2014
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    Upon initial observation the book seems plain, the cover is black with a rough feel on it and the corners are slightly smashed, indicating heavy use. The ribbon is a white cloth seeming of a high quality, the cut however is unclean and seems to be originally a part of a clothing article, the sides are sown together as evenly as possible and a small bow tie knot keeps the book together. The outside of the pages seem clean but slightly withered with age, there are little bits of pasted photos sticking out of them.

    [ There seems to be many entries missing and that the book doesn't begin from the beginning. This may be the second book. ]

    The first few pages begin talking about nothing of important, just short maps of the stars and places to possible visit. One of the pages has multiple star's and their coordinates circled with a short note to the side.

    [ Flip to page 9 ]

    Entry 217;
    Finally, there's a lead. Its been so long since I've made contact with anyone else. Ever since Dirt's planet disappeared I feel like everything just.. [ There is a clear scratch from a new pen here ] died. I sort of miss Dirt, she was a nice Floran, an owner of her own diner and she took me in as well where I didn't have anywhere to sleep. It feels odd writing this like she's died.. I'll have to make a note to find her some day, and the other Floran too, Iris. they made good friends..

    [ Page 10 is only full of ramblings about how pretty the stars were and how many of them were out there. ]

    Entry 221;
    I finally got word back from this colony I had discovered, Opportunity its called.. It sounds exactly like the place she'd go to. [ The ink seems bolder and more pressed into the page for this sentence ] I have to find her. They've sent me the paperwork to become accepted as a citizen, if I don't find her there then I'll move onto the next colony, from what I understand they're all interconnected in some way. Now... How will I sleep tonight..

    [ The next few pages contain complaints about sleeping on a hard cold metal floor and a few poems about it ]

    Entry 225;
    I brought out that old radio, the one with the sparking and swirling lights. It took me a few hours to figure out how to work it but I got it working. After sending out a short ...professional.. SOS I was able to get this girl to pick me up. I know.. Its dangerous and people can't be trusted but I can't take it anymore sleeping on the floor without her by my side...
    She agreed on letting me stay over until my paperwork gets accepted, thank goodness she was kind enough to let me take a bed...

    [ The next page talks fondly about cooking, a small joint of weed and a vicious battle between A and N. ]

    [ The page after talks about making food for them and appreciating their reactions to it. It also makes mention of a lemon pie. ]

    Entry 234;

    My paperwork came back and I got accepted.. But I don't want to tell them [ The text seems to be bolder and smoother than before, indicating a slower more thoughtful writing ] I.. Sort of like it here, the two of them make some fun company even if I won't admit it. And there's more of them to meet to! One of their names is Ash, its short for something but she won't tell me it, she probably feels the same way I do about my name.. Jikan, its supposed to mean time but sometimes the world has too much time. Ash is a really nice person, she has this great smile and always move forward but I can feel a deep sadness welling inside her.. Much like Dara's...

    Entry 235;
    Ash is hiding something, but I won't pry.. I've had enough of my own troubles myself and I know she'll tell me when she's ready to. It'll just take time just like with Dara. I'm glad she isn't asking about my past either, this scar encircling my neck didn't seem to be noticed by her either... Or she's just trying to be nice and not make menti0n of it.

    Entry 236;
    Ash.. Has a girlfriend [ The text seems to be spaced out and thicker, indicating that the writer may be staring at the page but focusing entirely on something else. ]

    Entry 237;
    They look so happy together, I shouldn't get in the way. Just gotta keep moving forward. And since, Ash doesn't seem to notice anything, its better she doesn't, she has enough nonsense to deal with now.

    [ There is one last current entry that mentions a cage and comparing it to the cage she was kept in during her own time as a slave. ]
  2. DaraC

    DaraC New Member

    Apr 6, 2014
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    Entry 238;
    Well.. Its been a while since I've written anything. A lot of things have been happening recently. I had decided to visit Opportunity to see if it really is as peaceful as advertised, it was not. I met an impaled Floran there and a doctor that treated it as if it wasn't life threatening or urgent.. I also met up with Maarlek and his ladyfried Lyra. I assume they're together, she claims to be Dara's friend but from how she acts... I can't tell if she ever was or if she just stopped caring. Ah, before I end this, Ash is - [The text cuts off]
  3. DaraC

    DaraC New Member

    Apr 6, 2014
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    Entry 239;
    Well.. I can't tell if they're genuine or if they just want intercourse.. I feel as if they just save people to introduce more 'partners' for them to share... I don't understand the point of it... Ash has many girlfriends, not one... And here I thought it was just being playful or teasing. How could I feel this way towards someone like that... Maybe its just because she was nice to me...

    Entry 240;
    I can't stay at this place any longer knowing the things that go on within.. Its not right with me. I'm sorry Ash, I wish I could be there for you but you've already got five other people by your side waiting on you. It wouldn't sit well with me adding a sixth, I need to find a way to cut all ties... They probably wouldn't bother looking for me either way.
  4. Weavle105

    Weavle105 Back in Black.

    Jan 17, 2014
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    *She goes to the bookshelf and immediately pulls out the unfamiliar book wedged between the dictionaries, opening it up and reading it. She hadn't seen it before and it stuck out like a sore thumb, so maybe-... Oh... That was Serah's diary... It honestly hurt knowing that's how she really felt about her, but... It didn't surprise her... She was a whore... But, at least Serah enjoyed her time here at all... She let out a sigh, closing the diary and heading downstairs, just to talk to her once more before she left and clear things up a bit... Hopefully she didn't hate her...*