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"The Big One" - CoC and Moderation Overhaul Details

Discussion in 'Announcements and Information' started by Chronicle, Aug 14, 2014.

  1. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
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    Link to the Updated Code of Conduct

    Hey there, friends.

    So, after a lot of work on the part of every member of the SBRP staff, and a lot of debate, I'm pleased to finally announce that we have successfully overhauled our Code of Conduct. You can view the updated set of server rules and guidelines at the link above, and I urge everyone to read them in full.

    But, of course, the question on everyone's mind has been, "What does this mean for me?" Well, I'll tell you, and I'll try to be brief and concise with it. I'll probably definitely fail. Sorry for that!

    We've reinforced our stances against griefing and flaming, both in-game and on the forums. You'll see this is now General Rule #1. Things are getting a little, dare I say it, "toxic" in some threads as of late, and a lot of people have asked we put a stop to it. So, we said "sure". We're a pretty great community, and we all deserve to be treated with respect, even when we disagree with one another. So, our staff is now keeping an eye out for flaming and the like, and it's now just as important an offense as any other. Don't worry, of course; constructive criticism is still encouraged, and good-natured humour even moreso. Just treat each other with some basic tact and respect, and you'll be golden. If you're starting to get out of hand, we'll warn you about it. If someone is consistently causing trouble and deliberately antagonizing people, however, they will be reprimanded for such. I think I speak for most everyone in the community when I say we'd like to turn around the bad vibe around here.

    We're taking a stronger stance against overly-uncomfortable sexual innuendo. You'll see this in General Rule #4. We keep hearing that people are getting uncomfortable with overbearingly consistent sexual innuendo in both IC and OOC chat, mostly in-game. So, again, we're going to try to help with that. Ideally, you guys won't be seeing any borderline cybersex in universe chat or anything like that, now. Much like with flaming, most of you don't really have to worry about it too much - harmless romantic RP is still okay, in-character jests are good, and all of that good stuff. But, if someone's being overly sexual on the server to the point where they're making people uncomfortable, we urge you to tell us about it. If it's causing an upset in the playerbase, we will be talking to that person and asking them to tone it down. We'll go further if we have to, but, hopefully, this sort of thing can be toned down without any real trouble. We hope this will be a beneficial move for everyone on the server.

    We've made some tweaks to the consent system. I strongly urge everyone to take a good, thorough look over the revised PvP section of our CoC - we redid it from scratch. Chief among these changes is that, while consent is still required for combat, we're trying to address the many complaints of the consent system being used as a shield. Therefore, according to PVP Rule #2, "Taking an overly aggressive or lethal action is a form of consent." This is a rule that we saw suggested by the community many, many times, and we decided we agree with you. So, it's a thing now. In addition, we're also discouraging revoking consent mid-combat, as well as using it as a shield to consistently prevent natural in-character consequences. Again, we've heard these suggested a lot, so we're trying to look out for it. We hope that any conflicts you guys have in-character will involve a little bit less OOC drama as a result of these changes, and others.

    We've added a rule against metagaming. General Rule #7. Honestly, we should have had this a long time ago, even though it doesn't come up much. Fixed now. Sorry for that.

    We've also added in a rule against bypassing the whitelist. This includes sharing your whitelist info. Character/Accounts Rule #1. We've had a couple issues with griefing recently, and it was chiefly due to this. So, we've put it in the Code of Conduct now. Guys, your whitelist account is for you and you alone. For the sake of everyone on the server, and yourself, please keep it that way. If you need to change your whitelist password, you can do it at account.playstarboundrp.com. Since we kind of just put this rule in today, obviously we're giving you guys the opportunity to change it if you need to. Ask us if you have any questions!

    And that brings me to the most important point:

    The New Rule Zero: When in doubt, talk with the staff.

    We're taking a more proactive stance in moderation. We urge you to contact us if you have trouble, and we'll try to straighten it out - particularly with the issues listed above. If you find yourself uncomfortable with overly-sexual OOC chat, for instance, and those responsible refuse to tone it down after you ask, let us know! We'll work with them about it. If you find that the consent system is being abused in some way or you can't work out a conflict? Let one of us know! We'll work on it with you, and mediate if necessary.

    Above all else, we're here to help you guys out. The SBRP: Antares staff is here to try and make this the friendliest, highest-quality, and best RP environment - and community - that we possibly can. We're here to help you guys, and we're going to try and be a little more proactive about it from here on out.

    Thank you all for sticking with us through recent changes and difficulties. As cliché as it is to say it, we love you guys.

    If you have any questions, let us know.
    #1 Chronicle, Aug 14, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 14, 2014
  2. Pie4Pigs

    Pie4Pigs Bleach Connoisseur

    Mar 15, 2014
    Likes Received:
  3. JimHarrison

    JimHarrison Grouchy Player

    Apr 18, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Time to play, "Which mod worked on which rule the most?"
  4. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
    Likes Received:
    RIP: It's okay, to not like things.
  5. Hawke

    Hawke ACK!

    Dec 17, 2013
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    (hint: the answer is me)
  6. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
    Likes Received:
    chronicle dislikes this post
  7. Twitch

    Twitch Wayward Star

    Dec 17, 2013
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    (hint: the answer is not Jim)
  8. Rezima

    Rezima New Member

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Jim wrote all the bad ones.
    (there are no bad ones)
    (Jim wrote NONE of these)
  9. TAP123

    TAP123 New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    Too many moderator posts in one row. It might set off a nuclear reaction if we don't stop it! :eek:

    hi... rules seem nice... okay I go now.
  10. Corvus

    Corvus New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    Rule Negative One:

    I am an upstanding member of this community and I have the right to enforce the real rules against these DICTATORS.
  11. Rezima

    Rezima New Member

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Rule 8, Excessive foul language in the video, ON THIN ICE BUDDY
    (but no seriously, we love that rule)
  12. invictus69

    invictus69 New Member

    Jul 2, 2014
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    You can't tell me what to do.

    but good job tho.
  13. TAP123

    TAP123 New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    Hey man... that's a negative rule.... not cool man... not cool.
  14. Corvus

    Corvus New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    Actually, on topic, what constitutes foul language?
    Like, Corvy-san is quite the vulgar individual at times.
  15. invictus69

    invictus69 New Member

    Jul 2, 2014
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    Replace eveything he says with an actual curse word. Don't be that.


    Don't curse like a 13 year old with his group of friends who just discovered foul language
  16. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
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    Standard swearing is usually pretty much okay. Unless it's just overly excessive and people are actually getting offended. This moreso applies to out-of-character interactions than in-character ones. Use it in moderation IC and, much more importantly, OOC, and you'll probably be fine. We'll let you know if you're going too far, but we don't care about this one that much, if it isn't too excessive.

    However, I will note that, while it doesn't always constitute language and it's moreso under Rule #1, we have very, very little tolerence for any kind of bigotry. (OOC, of course, not IC.) This includes racism, homophobia, et cetera. That'll get you a warning right quick.

    But judging by the level of content I see you use, I'd say you'll probably be fine. We'll let you know if otherwise.
  17. Kumakin

    Kumakin New Member

    Mar 5, 2014
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    Someone needs to make a list of words to replace curse words in the SB universe.

    F**k= Pluck, Frackin' etc etc.
  18. invictus69

    invictus69 New Member

    Jul 2, 2014
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    I volunteer for this job, I love word play.
    Hell I'll try to make race exclusive curse words If I can smart into it.

    Looking up curse words right now. Did you know, no curse word in the English language starts with E? Or I, or O, Also apparently 'Gringo' is a curse word. My butt!
    #18 invictus69, Aug 14, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 14, 2014
  19. Corvus

    Corvus New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    My RP style is verified by moderator.
    Bow to me.
  20. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
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