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The Battle of the planet of Forlon Hope, Log Journal

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Titus, Aug 15, 2016.

  1. Titus

    Titus Army Space Man

    Apr 3, 2014
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    <A camera focuses on a battle taking place far above a planet, that looks to be similar in appearance to Earth, two fleets appearing to be fighting with one fleet looking to be Human and the other looking a mix of Apex and Floran. The camera focuses on a troop transport being chased by an interceptor.>
    "Thunder 2-1, you got an Apex interceptor on your 6, moving to engage."
    "Copy, Striker 2-2. Beginning decent into the atmosphere. Get that fucker so my pods got a chance."
    "Rodger. Tell your boys I said good luck."
    "Rodger's dead and Mary buried him. Will do."
    <A laugh is heard over the radio> "Copy, Thunder 2-1. Good drop."

    <The feed is cut and the screen is filled with static, before it switches to a feed inside the troop transport. The interior shows to be filled with 12 drop pods, each holding 5 men. Feedback from the intercom system is heard before it clears and fills with the pilot's voice.> "Good morning, troops. It looks to be a beautiful morning on this backwater planet. It's looking to be a great day to kick some ass."
    <A collective Hooah is heard coming from the soldiers in approval>
    "We're coming in range of the drop zone. Striker 2-2 and I want to wish you both a good landing and a better day as it looks like Hell down there, boys."

    <Another Hooah is heard. Just after that, the camera's outside lens is covered with condensation as the ship's pod doors open up. The audio feed is filled with sounds of flak, screaming engines, and the sound of interceptors fighting.>
    "Get ready, boy! We're hitting the drop zone in 3...2...1...pods away!"
    <All 12 pods release from ship's grasp, the pods screaming as they fall. The feed then switches to Drop Pod #7. The screen is split 5 ways as 5 faces take up the screen, each soldier having their respective name and squad position on their screen. Each of their faces are tense, each person's eyes darting from fighter to fighter, watching out their door's window as they fall through the atmosphere. The feed gets darker as the farther the pod falls, the sky is filled with more smoke, ash, and haze from the battle below. The feed switches to the exterior of the pod and looks down toward the ground below. Extensive trench and bunker networks span the far perimeter of an Apex base, that appears to be full of moon craters from artillery strikes and some uncontained fire has broken out on the highest level of one of the base's building. The feed then switches back to the interior of the pod. The audio feed from the team's comm frequency is heard with the Sergeant talking into it> "Listen up, boys! We're hitting the floor in 45 seconds! Don't bunch up and keep low! We'll be home soon and eating DFAC by the end of the week! Hooah?"

    "HOOAH, sarge!" <All 4 soldiers yell in unison>
    "We're coming in hot!"
    <The sergeant says seconds before the pod slams into the ground.>

    <The doors on the pod open outward and the feed switches to the Automatic Rifleman's helmet cam.>
    "Fucking move to cover! Go, go, go!"

    <All 5 men sprint towards the nearest crater, taking up defensive positions. One of the machine gun nests on the Apex side of No-Man's-Land opens fire at the crater the team is waiting in.>
    "Wait for that gunner to let up and move to the next crater! We're going to crater hop all the way there!"

    <The Apex machine gunner turns his hail of bullets towards another pod's team moving to cover in another crater.> "Move it!"

    <The team rushes their way to a crater closer towards the Apex base. As they make it into the crater, an artillery barrage from the Apex side opens fire near the team's position. Explosions are heard and seen all around the team's location.>
    "Don't lose your nerve, boys! Arty never hits the same place twice!"
    <The artillery strikes hit within meters of the team's location.>
    "Wait for it! Wait for it!"
    <As the barrage let's up, one of the shells hit the left edge of the team's crater, knocking the Automatic Rifleman down on his back, killing the visual feed.> "Holy fuck, medic!" <The Marksman is heard over the audio feed yelling. The AR yells back.> "Ah, damn it! I'm fine!"
    <Crunching of dirt under the AR is heard as he stands up>
    "Check yourself,
    Earfhart! We g-"

    <The audio from the AR's feed is cut>
  2. Titus

    Titus Army Space Man

    Apr 3, 2014
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    <A camera feed opens up on the Sergeant's helmet cam. The view is facing towards the main Apex trench line that looks to be 20 meters out. An auto-cannon is firing in the general direction of the team, mainly firing at any person exposed to the auto-cannon's sights.>
    "Earfhart, throw down some suppresive fire on that weapons crew! Childs, pick'em off! We need to get to that trench line before another barrage rains down on us!"

    <The Automatic Rifleman, high crawls to the edge of the crater, and deploys the bipod on his SAW, opening fire on the weapon's crew's position. The auto-cannon's fire is halted for the moment as the Sergeant, Rifleman, and Grenadier move forward to the next crater.>
    Alexsky! Pop one on them for luck and another for effect!"

    "Movin', sarge!" <The Grenadier flips up his range sights on his grenade launcher and takes aim with it. A thunderous crack of the air heard as a sniper fires and takes a shot at the Grenadier's head, hitting, and killing him instantaneously.>
    "Fuck! Everybody get your head down! Anyone else hit?"

    <Everyone remaining returns with a 'no'.>
    "Did anyone get a visual on his location?"

    <A unison of 'no's' is heard>
    "Damn it. Give me second then, boys. We're going to have some heavy rain on these fucks!"
    <The Sergeant adjusts the frequency his helmet comm's are on to an open channel and hails the his team's gunship.> "Heavy Hitter 1-4, do you read me?"

    <Gatling auto-cannons are heard spinning up and firing before a response is heard> "I read you, Uppercut 7-1. What's your need?"
    "I need a strafing run on 17 meters North from my location, over."

    "I read you 7-1, that area is heavy with flak and SAMs. I may not be able to do a gun run, over." <Rockets being fired off are heard in the background and a large explosion is heard.> "Scratch that, 7-1. I'm making a move to your target, over."
    "Copy that, Heavy Hitter!"
    <The Sergeant switches over to the team's comm frequency, catching the Automated Rifleman and the Rifleman mid conversation.>
    "-saying that, it would make more sense if we had armor moving on their lines to so-"
    "Quiet down, Earfhart! We got the strafing run we wanted!"

    "Hooah, sarge!"
    "You know I love to take care of you boys. After that run comes in, we're going to charge their lines! Affix bayonets!"

    <Everyone returns with a 'Yes, sarge.' and readies themselves to move.>
    <The Sergeant's radio crackles to life as the Gunship Pilot radios him.> "Beginning strafing run. Gun gun guns." <The whirring of his Gatling auto-cannons are heard spinning up and opening fire with rockets following suite. Screams are heard from across the crater, signifying a successful hit.>
    "Good run, 1-4! Stay safe out there, over."

    "Copy, 7-1. You boys don't get too ruffed up out there, over."
    <The video feed is switched to over to an Apex private, stumbling to get back on the auto-cannon he was operating before he trips on debris and hits the ground face down. He recovers himself and goes to look over the trench's edge before he's kicked in the face and falls to the ground again. The camera shows the Rifleman jumping down onto the Apex private and slamming his bayonet into the private's chest.>
    <The video feed switches back to the Sergeant's helmet cam, who is taking cover behind a concrete barricade in the trench line. He pops up momentarily, fires a few shots off at an approaching Miniknog soldier, and striking the soldier in the chest. The Sergeant would then crouch behind cover, making a hand signal for the Rifleman and Marksman to move into the connecting tunnel to the other side of the trench. The Rifleman would sling his rifle and take out a small shotgun that was in holster on his thigh, bringing it to the high and ready. The Marksman would follow his example and bring his pistol up. The video feed would go to static for a second, before clearing, and coming up on the Rifleman's helmet camera. The feed would show a low lit tunnel, with the walls being made of concrete and supported by metal struts. The tunnel would look to have been recently evacuated as various munitions would be on the floor and many doors being left open. The Rifleman would be the pointman, taking up the lead, while the Marksman would watch their rear in the case of an ambush.>
    "Ramirez, are you holding up okay, bud? You didn't seem too upset about Alexsky's death."
    <The Rifleman sighs.> "Yea, I'm kinda shakin' up from it, but I can't really think about him right now. Not here. That's what'll get you killed."
    "No, that makes sense. I didn't really think of it that way. We should talk more about it later, then. Let's get through this shit."
    <The tunnel would shake as artillery is heard firing off in the distance. Some dust falls from the ceiling.> "We're getting close to the exit. Get ready to lay down some cover fire."
    <As the Rifleman and Marksman reach the end of the tunnel, the sounds of artillery pick up again, and the whistling of the shells are heard coming down toward their position.> "Oh, fuck! Incoming!"
    <The Marksman and the Rifleman would both drop to the ground as the barrage hits the earth. Dirt, wood, and metal would rain down from the sky, showering both men. They both lay flat on the ground in silence, waiting for the barrage to stop. After what seems like eternity, the steel rain finally stops and they both get up, taking defensive positions.>
    "It looks, clear. I'll check the corner." <The Rifleman would peek the corner, then pulling back quickly.> "The right is blocked with debris, so we shouldn't have to worry getting flanked." <He's quickly peek the other corner at a lower position and quickly pulls back.>
    "It looks clear, let's roll."
    <The Rifleman and Marksman's radios would come to life as the Sergeant would hail them.> "Ramirez, Childs, do you read me, over?"
    "Rodger, sarge, over."
    "Thank God, you picked up. I've been trying to get you on the radio for the last 5 minutes. Are you both alright, over?"

    "We are, sarge. We reached the other side without resistance or any kind of contact, over."
    "Good. It looks like they're pulling back to make a final stand at their main building. I want you two to double time it to the rendezvous point. It should be marked on your HUDs, over."

    "Copy, sarge. We're on our way there, over." <The Rifleman would look back to the Marksman and they would both nod. They both switched to their primary weapons and made their way back through the tunnel and regroup with the Sergeant and the Automatic Rifleman, making their way towards the Apex base, following the trench line all the way up. Passing through, they the destruction that the gunship had done, leaving destroyed military material, burned corpses, and breaks in the trench line. As they draw closer to the Apex base, heavy caliber machine gun fire would be heard becoming louder as they got close, along with yelling and returned gunfire.>
    "Alright boys, here it is. The final push. Do as I said before, keep your heads low and keep your distancing, and we'll, make it out of this Hell hole, hooah?"

    <The team would sound off together.> "Hooah, sarge!"
    "Now let's go kick some monkey ass so I can get home to my son."

    <At the apex of where the two trench lines came together, a rally point had been established by the Platoon Sergeant, and numerous squads had arrived at the rally point, readying for the final push.>
    "Sergeant Bernard, get your ass over here!" <The Platoon Sergeant would yell over to the Sergeant.>
    Sergeant!" <The Sergeant would run over to the Platoon Sergeant where the Main Radio Operator, Senior Medic, Forward Observer, Squad, and Team Sergeants were gathered, trying to decide as to how they were going to make the final push.>
    "Where the Hell have you been, Bernard? We've been trying to raise you for last 3 hours!"
    <The Sergeant would lower his head> "Our radio relayer was shot. We had followed the original objective and made a mad rush to the defensive line, Sergeant. We just reached the trench line an hour ago and initially met resistance, but it would seem the Apex had pulled back in the section we were in as the soldiers who engaged us when we entered the line, pulled back mid firefight. We were able to reach this point without resistance, Sergeant. We were unaware that is was the rally point, but we're lucky to have reached it."

    <The Platoon Sergeant would study the Sergeant for a moment, before answering back.> "Well, despite your setbacks I'm glad you made it. Now, back to our plans. The Apex have the exit of the trenches under heavy watch by machine gun nests and mortar teams. This is going to be the hardest point to get through as they have us at a choke point. If we could get two squads to flank the machine gun nests, the mortar teams would be blind and we would have a shot at this. Any questions?"
    <A Squad Sergeant would raise his hand.>
    "Go ahead, Rodriguez."
    "Yes, Sergeant. Uhh...who's going to be watching our flank? On my drop pod team's way to the rally point, we noticed that the adjacent trench to ours, or the one to the East, is still occupied by the Apex. How are we to prevent that, Sergeant?"
    <The Platoon Sergeant would think for a moment and respond.> "We'll have to set up a guard then, in the case of a counter attack. Your team and another could take up a defensive position near there. Gerlado's team could go with you. Any other questions?"
    <The group would look around at each other. No one raised their hand.>
    "Good. We have a resupply point near the bunks, with medic station inside the bunks. Make sure everyone sends up two troops up to the line for watch. Richardson, Larks, Hale, and Wert, meet me with your teams after this. Everyone, dismissed." <The group would disperse. The Sergeant making motions for the Marksman and the Rifleman to make their way to the line and for the Automatic Rifleman to make his to the medical station with the Sergeant following him.>
    <The Rifleman would follow the Marksman up to the makeshift bunker near the exit of the trench. Two other soldiers from another team would be in there as well. One near the firing port, the other would be sitting with his back to the wall, sleeping. The near the firing port would speak up as they entered.>
    "Welcome to Fort Kickass, you two. One of you could take a nap and the other would come up here with me."
    <The Marksman and the Rifleman would look at each other and the Rifleman would shrug.>
    "I'll take first watch then."
    <The Rifleman would walk up to the port and place his weapon outwards, taking a deep breath, and relaxing.>
    "Sure is dark for the mi-" <The Rifleman would shush the soldier at the port.>
    "You hear that?"
    "Hear what? There's nothing making a sound out there."
    "Exactly, why in the fuck in the middle of a battle would there be no sound?"
    <As the Rifleman would finish his sentence, thumps of mortars would be heard firing off, and canisters of smoke would hit the ground, obscuring the sight of the Apex base.>
    <The two would look at each other as war cries as heard charging toward their line.>
    "OH SHIT! Counter-attack! Apex are charging the fucking line!"
    <The Marksman and the sleeping soldier would run up to the firing port to accompany the other two in firing at the incoming Apex charge. Bullets and stray laser shots would hit the makeshift bunker. One bullet hitting the Rifleman in his helmet cam, cutting the feed completely.>
    #2 Titus, Aug 18, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 18, 2016