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Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Chromis, Apr 22, 2014.

  1. Chromis

    Chromis New Member

    Apr 21, 2014
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    ((This is not a recording this is a documented journal from Vengeance writing after the events that transpired))

    The Day Vengeance was Born

    Chromis like anyone else in the cosmos was searching for answers about his life. Life for him was a wreck. His past was full of holes, his present was nothing but dull and his future was the only thing he could hold on to. Though he was limited on the knowledge of his past that didn’t stop him from searching for what was lost. But no matter where he’d go it was another dead end. He had stopped place to place, seeing many things, ones of which were disturbing and other things that were full of beauty. Through the many travels across the galaxy, one day he had come across what was to be known as ‘The Black Tower’. He was unaware that on this day, Vengeance was going to be born within him.

    Discovery of ‘The Black Tower’
    Chromis was travelling across a dirty path on the planet X Gamma Vol Majoris VI a. In the distance he could see a silhouette of a towering black castle-like building, this made Chromis very curious. Why would a building be in the middle of nowhere on this volcanic planet. He had to investigate, but the closer he got to the building it loomed over him like a demon waiting for his prey. He did not let his suspicions get in the way, he still had to move on, but he was getting the feeling that this place was full of nothing but evil.

    Chromis had finally reached the set of doors, he noticed that they were huge compared to how small they looked in the distance and that they were made of some type of black metal with carvings that had depictions of horned demons. While he was observing this the doors creaked open. Chromis jumped back, he was a little startled at what had just happened. He changed back into a more relaxed state and slowly walked into the building, while he did that the doors slowly closed behind him. As soon as the doors had fully closed, *Whack* Chromis was hit in the head and fell to the cold metal ground with a *Thud*, into an unconscious state.

    Chromis awoke to a blinding bright light, he tried to cover his eyes but he could not move his arms at all. He looked towards his side and saw that his arms were bound in rope and he could feel on his back that he was lying on cold hard stone.
    “It seems the subject is awake”, a hooded figure turned towards someone else that was wearing the similar garb.

    Chromis in an angered voice said
    “Where am I, what do you want with me?”
    The hooded figure moved towards Chromis, as he did he removed his hood revealing his face, he was an Avian, and his appearance was similar to what a raven would look like.

    “Welcome to The Black Tower”, the unnamed Avian said while stretching his arms attempting to ‘show off’ the chamber.

    “And your reason for being here, you’ll find out soon enough”, the Avian grabs his hood and places it back over his head. The Avian grabbed a piece of cloth in his pocket and tied it around Chromis’ mouth.

    The Journey to Another Dimension
    The hooded figures including the Avian, formed a wide circle around Chromis. As they all got into their positions they began chanting some sort of ritual. The brief sounds of Chromis’ muffles of anger and struggling, were heard but the chanting still continued. As the chant continued, Chromis was starting to feel weird, he could not feel his body, and that’s when the chanting started to fade away.

    Chromis woke up on a dirt path. Where am I? Chromis looked around noticing he was not bound to a death slab anymore. That was a relief. No matter where he was the atmosphere was unreal, it looked like he was walking in a dream, or maybe a living nightmare. This did not seem to bother Chromis to much so he started walking, though he did not know where to go, it was better than standing out in the open. As he continued down the dirt path, he could see quick apparitions of what he thought were spirits. What were they doing there he did not know, the more he moved on the freakier this mysterious place got. Lost in thought he did not notice the guard standing in front of his path.

    “Halt!” the guard says in an authoritive tone. Chromis looked up, with a slight hint of surprise on his face.

    “Why have you been summoned here, foreigner?” The guard questioned Chromis.

    “Well, to be certain where is here exactly?” Chromis asked.

    “Ahh…I see you don’t know, this is known as the Spirit World, where those who have died live for eternity, and many other spirits dwell.” The guard stated.

    “Wait! Does that mean I’m dead?” Chromis looked frightened.

    “No, you are not dead, you are another victim of those damn cultists, your real body is still alive, but your spirit was transferred here by some other means.” The guard said.

    “So…How would one get out of here?” Chromis asked.

    “Well most who have been here before you, have been stuck in the Spirit World for eternity because their real body was destroyed, but if there is still time it is possible.” The guard answered.

    “How so? Chromis asked.

    “One would meaning you have to fuse with a stronger spirit one that could tear away from the Spirit World.” The guard answered his question.

    “Who though, where can I find such a spirit?” Chromis asked.

    “There are many but they are spread across the Spirit World, and this world is limitless.” The guard stated. “But today is lucky you are before one of them, and I am willing to assist.”

    “I can see you have a longing for justice and to punish those who oppose your sense of justice, I am known famously as Vengeance, I will lead the way” Vengeance answered.

    “Wait…you’re the spirit of Vengeance?” Chromis said baffled.

    “Indeed, I am willing to help you be free of the spirit world, but for a reasonable price.” Vengeance said

    “You see your world is full of injustice and that must be halted, so if I’m with you I can rid these injustices in your world, bringing forth peace between the worlds.” Vengeance stated.

    “I agree with your statement, our world has become so corrupt it needs change and I am willing to go by your terms as long as I may return to my world safely.” Chromis said.

    “Then let it be so, on this day Vengeance is now bonded to your soul” Vengeance extended his hand to finalize the bondage. Chromis proudly shook Vengeance’s hand and a bright glowing circle formed around them, slowly blinding the area they were in.

    Back To Reality
    Chromis awoke, lying on top of the cold hard stone he was forced on. He noticed that his hands were not bound and he could move his arms freely, so he moved his hand above him. Staring in complete and absolute horror, his hand was soaked in blood but not his. How did this happen? He pushed himself up so he could sit on the slab and that’s when he saw everything. The hooded figures that tried to kill him were scattered everywhere, lifeless and soaked in blood. Chromis looked at his hands again, was this me, he thought. Chromis quickly gathered most of his senses and bolted down the stairs to exit the Black Tower through the big black metal doors. As soon as he reached the outside he immediately beamed up to his ship.

    When he reached his ship he went to the bathroom and took a shower to rid himself of the blood soaking his entire body. After he had finished his bathing he reached his quarters, and dropped on top of his bed. He rolled over so his face was looking at the ceiling, this is all just a bad dream, Chromis thought as he slowly closed his eyes, and began to sleep. What Chromis didn’t know was that Vengeance was the one who had done this but he does not remember the actions that transpired in the Spirit World, it seems his memories were tampered while he returned to his world. Chromis now bears Vengeance within him not knowing what he’ll do, or that he’s even there for that matter. Vengeance though is aware of everything and will continue on his path by utilizing Chromis, to rid the world of injustice. This is how I…Vengeance was born in this world.
    #1 Chromis, Apr 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 22, 2014