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That was fast.

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Link Thorncrown, Jul 7, 2015.

  1. Link Thorncrown

    Link Thorncrown New Member

    Jul 4, 2015
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    Two days of RP and already I'm tired of roleplaying as a Floran. I came to this server knowing that most of the citizens (characters) of Antares hated Florans. I thought that conflict would make for good RP. What it made for was a whole lot of standing around waiting for stuff to happen. Even when a fellow Floran got kidnapped by humans, all the tribe did was stand around the teleporter at Mawl waiting for the fiends to show up (or so I assume.)

    I'm going to make a human character and start over. Female[​IMG], maybe, since I've seen a lot of human males running around.

    inb4 quitter

    Oh well.
  2. Node

    Node Literal Edgelord

    Jan 26, 2014
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    New players tend to pigeon hole themselves with Florans.

    People will treat you like space vermin if you behave like one, and that would lead you to quickly get slaughtered. It isn't impossible to play an engaging Floran on the server, but Florans require strength of numbers to really be of any significant threat (inb4 "bluh bluh, florans are strong and perfect").

    Humans are generally one of the most relaxed races, and allow for an easy introduction into Antares. There is little lore to know (Earth blew up. Might be irrelevant if you aren't native to Earth), and they possess all the same quirks as regular humans. However, if you are feeling daring, I rarely if ever see female Glitch, or Apex. Could pose an interesting challenge if you are seeking to fill a role that others don't.

    Either way, hope the new character works out for you :)
  3. Link Thorncrown

    Link Thorncrown New Member

    Jul 4, 2015
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    I really like the story I've built up with Link over the course of the year and a half Starbound's been in early access. But he just isn't a good fit with Antares. Not relaxed enough.

    I may go for one of those later on since I'm big on taking on roles that need taking on (or just aren't being taken on), but right now laid back is what I need.
  4. Shadeykins

    Shadeykins New Member

    Jun 20, 2015
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    Apex are non-existant, and AFAIK I play the only female Glitch on the entire server who actually logs in.

    Hylotl are also pretty rare.
  5. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    Well, in Antares, most florans are... almost the antithesyss of florans. 'Good', relaxed, peaceful florans... instead tribal savages as they should be (more or less) canonically. Generally speaking, when snowflake is the norm... any race is pretty much killed and even boring to rp with. Sorry to hear your first experiences aren't what you were looking for.
  6. Link Thorncrown

    Link Thorncrown New Member

    Jul 4, 2015
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    What exactly do people do for a living on this server? Sitting around in a shop for a few hours waiting for people to show up is getting damn boring.

    Roleplay? More like sit on your ass for half the damn day listening to everyone else have all the fun.
  7. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Make RP, don't wait for it to come to you. If you want people to come to you, advertise.
  8. Link Thorncrown

    Link Thorncrown New Member

    Jul 4, 2015
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    Kinda hard to do when Mawl's full of shops and nothing else. Not sure what to do.

    Besides, I do advertise. Cy already has a thread for his store.

    So does Link's, but it's new, so I can't expect much from that.
  9. SP3CTR3

    SP3CTR3 Flipping Tables at ignorance!

    May 13, 2015
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    I think he means make a call out like I do on the radio/universal chat. It's a really smart way to bring in the other folks who are lookin' for stuff to do. It's something I forgot to mention that I do. Try it, especially when there are ten people on the server or more, you'll always get at least half to visit.
  10. Link Thorncrown

    Link Thorncrown New Member

    Jul 4, 2015
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    I do that, to, although I only do it on local chat. I'll have to remember to do it on universal from now on.
  11. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    People are more likely to notice universal chat because it's bright yellow and stands out
  12. Node

    Node Literal Edgelord

    Jan 26, 2014
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    If you are mostly uninterested in sitting around doing nothing, you really do have to be more creative. Come up with something that you can do during your characters "downtime" for cash. For instance, when I am not playing, Ion is typically either sleeping, or sitting over a stack of paperwork. So when people don't see her for ages, she just says she has been busy at work, which mostly leaves me free to walk around and answer questions about her cobalt pigmentation. Again and again. And again. Forever.

    I know that this is a tactic employed by many characters on the server. Though they appear to have jobs, they are not usually seen actually doing said jobs, or actually accomplishing any real tasks. In my case, Ion occasionally works over potentially new clients, and strikes business deals and invests with characters on the server, but of course I never actually roleplay her doing any other aspect of her job. Mostly because its boring and no one wants to see it.

    So if you are bored with standing around in a store, find an alternative. Something that you can use to get out, or simply shove to the side. In the event that you have a job you are not seen doing though, do not expect to make stacks of cash.
  13. Tallen

    Tallen New Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    Currently, Glauen is still in charge of the Dexter's Gardens. Of course OOC'ly everyone crashes when they go there but ICly that is no such thing. That is how I do not do the boring stuff of managing a colony that nobody visits. When he wants to take a break he calls his friends to discuss.

    The same goes with Nano and everyone else on my character list. No, it is not fun to emote him in front of a computer on his ship doing fuck all on his tech job. It is infinitely more fun to have him pop up and annoy the ever loving crap of everyone around him.

    Back when I was in the Kero Kero REstaurant I would announce in Galaxy Chat when it was open - it was a good point of convergence both for people who had nothing to do as well as pointing out to people that "HEY WE'RE OPEN RIGHT NOW COME ON OVER!" If you want to work on your job as a chef, the best way to go is to announce it over galaxy chat.
  14. Smokestack

    Smokestack Bird man with a bird plan

    Aug 14, 2014
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    I never advertised my shop, Smoke's Stop and the Storehouse. Never advertised it one bit. And I get RP everyday to the point where anytime I want to leave, something else happens. The thing is to do something in your shop even when no one is around. Emote what you do like the guy is living his life. OOCly people are curious and will be like "Hey, that person's doing something. I wanna do something too". At my shop, aside from obvious business, I do a lot of moving around. I work on the financial reports on the forums, and am ICly on the computer. Then I end up going around talking to various business contacts. Then I end up reprogramming a robot, talking to fellow workers, answering calls, walking around, and all that.

    Point is to have fun with what you do alone as a character and people will generally just come. When the server isn't active and I'm on, Smokestack is usually around talking to himself about Starnet videos he's watching. A lot of times just putting words in a text box, either in universal or planetary chat, will gather attention.
  15. Link Thorncrown

    Link Thorncrown New Member

    Jul 4, 2015
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    Considering how successful Smokestack's shop is, I'm thinking I should do that. It does make sense. And I've been advertising in public radio whenever I open a shop, be it Cy's or Link's. Doesn't work. So maybe emoting will. Thanks.
  16. skeletor

    skeletor Banned

    May 2, 2014
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    I currently have 90 hours on Mark and i'm still not really tired with him. Just make a character you feel like the server is lacking and one you would enjoy playing as. I'm not saying create the most special snowflake there has ever been, I'm just saying make sure your character's personality differs from other peoples or else it becomes extremely bland and uninteresting.
  17. Clem

    Clem Lore Writer

    Jan 31, 2015
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    Make a Hylotl, I got plans ready for a sword school for Hylotl-style combat training and maybe fitting weapon sales too. AKA Space Samurai goodiness, but I dont wanna start it up alone. Since most of my attempts to start a Hylotl thing always appeared fruitless, rather do it with someone this time.
  18. Link Thorncrown

    Link Thorncrown New Member

    Jul 4, 2015
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    That's because there aren't enough Hylotl ont he server. If Link's flops, I'll come join you.
  19. Clem

    Clem Lore Writer

    Jan 31, 2015
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    Sure thing.
  20. Link Thorncrown

    Link Thorncrown New Member

    Jul 4, 2015
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    Tried advertising and roleplaying with myself at the same time. Still got bored.

    And yes, there are specists in the server. Don't let anyone tell you differently. The Floran penis envy is real.