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Approved Terran Intergalactic Worker's Party

Discussion in 'Faction Questions' started by Edward_Norton, Oct 4, 2016.

  1. Edward_Norton

    Edward_Norton New Member

    Oct 17, 2014
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    Hey. I was hoping to make a political party for Antares. It's a nationalist pro-human party. After hearing of the politics of the Council, the goal of the party is to make more advisers to the human rep be nationalists. If this is accepted, could I please get a subforum? thanks mates.

    (info made by britton)
    Terran Intergalactic Workers Party - The TIWP is a human nationalist party focused on the betterment and progress of humanity. Most supporters are merely docile humans harboring little to no xenophobia, however a radical paramilitary arm of the party does exist, consisting of exclusively humans who strive to eradicate, or at the very least segregate, any non-humans. 37% of registered human voters support this party.
  2. Haplap

    Haplap Happypaps

    Aug 5, 2015
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    I'm somewhat confused. Why would you need a subforum? This sounds like something that should go in setting lore. Are you intending this to be some sort of faction?
  3. Edward_Norton

    Edward_Norton New Member

    Oct 17, 2014
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    Okay, so Haplap and I talked about it. This is a faction that is aligned to the nationalist party that i proposed. The faction itself is a violent street gang. I decided to do this because political RP would be lackluster and no one else would do politics in Starbound RP. The goal of the street gang is to illegally make money for the party.
  4. Haplap

    Haplap Happypaps

    Aug 5, 2015
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    Alright. So, that's the idea, but i'd like to see a little more detail on basically everything. You haven't really given us the when, the why, the who, the how, ect. Where do they come from? Who's involved (I'm fairly certain factions need five total members to be given a faction forum)? What sorta equipment are they going to need/you want? The idea is there, the skeleton is there, I just wanna see it with some more meat on it, if you feel me.
  5. Edward_Norton

    Edward_Norton New Member

    Oct 17, 2014
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    I came up with the idea that they were originally from the core, but were moved out of that sector after being discovered and many members arrested. Currently, it's just me involved in this faction, but I can try to get more if you want. The equipment they would be using would be mostly civilian grade weaponry that I could buy from a PC, ICly. Extra information, I'll start out with 10k then do missions/events to gain more money for the faction, rather than have a weekly allowance.
  6. Haplap

    Haplap Happypaps

    Aug 5, 2015
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    Alright. Despite being a little short, everything is pretty reasonable and agreeable. You're clear to play/recruit for the faction, but we won't be handing out any subforums unless you have five members. Sorry! And also... approved.