Hello. My name is Macha Stainedwing, and I operate a business known as Outpost Teleporters Inc. I have a degree in particle physics and have successfully developed a brand of teleporters which can be used to teleport between a planet, a ship and an outpost from a planets surface. Our teleporters come in the models listed below, and each starts at around 3000 pixels each. Something to note, Each individual teleporter is calibrated to a certain point in space, moving the portal offsets the delicate coordinates in place necessary for teleportation over long distances to the outpost, and doing so could result in Self Total Protonic reversal. In layman's terms, once your teleporter is placed and calibrated, please do not move it. I've included a safety feature that prevents accessing the Outpost teleport functions should a teleporters coordinates in space be changed, in the instance that this safety is triggered, reach me and I shall recalibrate the teleporter for a modest fee on your behalf.
Ew, that building's nasty looking. Clean up before you post video for your own business. I couldn't tell if those teleporters were real or not. -SteveOGreenO
I'm afraid that the issue with Snowy settlements is that there is water everywhere, which causes some non-tempered metals to rust, It's not the facility that I normally do my research in, only one that I chose to display the shells of the teleporters themselves in. The details concerning my work must remain a secret. Please let me know if you're interested in doing business, and please judge less by appearances in the future.
Dummy birdmeatsss ssstill ssspell "are" wrong, even when Floran corrected dummy birdmeatsss... fix it! --Meat-Pulverizer
A Floran and a poor.. whatever you are aren't my target market fortunately. You don't have the money nor the reason to buy a teleporter from me. So there's no point in even speaking to you further.
Floran not care what sssstupid birdmeatsss sssay, and Floran can afford teleporter, but issss jussst no point because iss ssstupid. --Meat-Pulverizer
"Yes, because all Floran are fonts of money and can obtain 3,000 pixels soooo easily. Tell me, Floran Meat-Pulverizer, how do YOU make your money, eh?"
Isss ssssimple. Floran lootsss dead bodies that Floran huntsss. Floran gets pixelsss. Dummy birdmeatsss. --Meat-Pulverizer
...Does the dummy birdmeat expect Floran to know namessss of victimsss? No! Isss sstupid! Jusssst random killed for ssssport. Dummy birdmeatssss.
So how do you expect to make a living now that the entire universe knows you're a scum sucking plant murderer? Who would leave themselves alone with you knowing you'd likely steal their money and their possessions and kill them?
"Hmm.. I'm afraid due to the size and complexity of the circuitry that a smaller teleporter just isn't probable." -Macha