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Tecya's Rough Drafts

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Cassidy, Jul 22, 2015.

  1. Cassidy

    Cassidy The Strudel

    Jan 18, 2014
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    Contained in beaten up, and worn journals, notebooks, and notepads are a list of stories from this avian. These stories vary for tales of heroic feats, to notes of what she should eat for dinner tomorrow. These tales will forever either be forgotten, or will be published one day, but for now, they sit and wait, waiting for their time to shine in the spotlight for times to come.


    -Unknown Title, TBD (To Be Determined)-
    --Chapter 1: The long road ahead--

    It was a dark afternoon, the sun had begun to set over the hills. many of the group had already fallen asleep for it had been a long day. Je'remar, the groups leader was the only one awake, he sat and watched the sunset. he could get his thoughts in place, he was worried about the mission. If they failed this, it would most likely be the end of his career. it was a simple job, 'Go to the planet, get to the crashed ship, and salvage what you can from it', he was told that it was of the up-most importance. He sat confused on as why they would send him on this mission then, why did they send so heavily armed men with him. He wondered what exactly was he looking for, the people told him that it was "Classified" information, and that they were unable to disclose it at the time of their conversations, but that they would tell him when he arrived. Something was up, and he knew it, but he couldn't just decline the mission, if he did he would be fired, he would be broke. he lied back, stretching one last time before he would doze off, he had to be prepared for anything tomorrow.

    The other two chapters were ruined by what appears to be a large coffee stain, but a few pages over it would appear that the next chapter would begin to be re-written. along the sides of all these pages are doodles that speak 'Writers block' and 'Boredom', the rest of the pages are filled with other random notes, things to add to the story and little bits of information about some things.


    ((The story(ies) will be updated every now and again))
    #1 Cassidy, Jul 22, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 11, 2015