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Taking a Break

Discussion in 'Announcements and Information' started by Kazyyk, Aug 9, 2015.

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  1. Kazyyk

    Kazyyk Administrator

    Dec 16, 2013
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    Hello, everyone.

    I'm taking a 6 month break. I've been thinking about this for a little while now.
    Between my new full-time job, college, and working on the new systems for Antares... I will have little time to myself, let alone administrate a community. So...

    I will not be available for anything. Someone else will need to take my place until I return.
    Whoever this is, I will be available via Skype or Steam for advice at my own discretion.

    Those few who remain loyal to Antares, I ask you to choose (or be) this new person.
    Vote for my Regent who will take over administration while I'm away.
    (See below.)

    EDIT: I'll be picking a Regent from the three candidates that decided to run. Apologies to those who did not have a chance to run themselves.

    If one cannot be decided upon, then there simply won't be an admin during the hiatus.
    The server and forums will remain up, but only policed by the Moderators at their discretion.

    Those who sent in Moderator applications will have to be reviewed by the Regent, unless one doesn't emerge, in which case I will still pick new Moderators to help keep things going while I'm gone.

    Hopefully 6 months from now we will have a fully fleshed out and discussed lore through the lore discussion forum and better systems to help manage the economy. A proper rebirth with things that players will actually be excited about and want to participate in.

    Voting in a Regent

    If you're interested in the position, simply leave a reply with your reasons why you think you would be a good fit for it. (All other replies will be deleted.)
    (The announcements forum will temporarily auto-moderate all replies for this purpose.)

    If you're interested in voting for someone, rate their post with an Agree rating.
    Whomever receives the most Agree ratings by Sunday the 16th will be selected.

    You cannot vote twice. Any voter who does this will have their votes thrown out.
    You cannot vote for someone else if you're running. Think before you post.
    Only recent active players may have a valid vote. It will be removed otherwise.

    Discuss Regent candidates here:
    Regent Voting Discussion | Starbound Roleplay

    Only people who are recently active may have valid votes.

    After the Regency

    Once I return, the Regent will become an Administrator to continue assisting with leadership.
    #1 Kazyyk, Aug 9, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 9, 2015
  2. GoneDark

    GoneDark Previously Darkwill

    Feb 7, 2015
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    I would like to apply for this position. As a member of Antares, there has always three main focuses for me. Keep our community together, help improve the server itself as well as the forums, and lastly try and remain neutral in my feedback especially in matters of arbitration that I am not directly involved in. If I were to gain this position, things would not change from this end. However, rest assured that I will be seeing some changes to Antares. I hope that these will all be good changes, and I'll try to get the community involved in decisions as they come up. This will be OUR server, not MY server. This isn't a dig at Kaz, its simply a different policy. If chosen, I'd like the staff to get to know the community on a more personal level, which helps encourage communication. I want us to have fun with things, through server events, community events, all kinds of stuff. I'll work tirelessly to see my vision of Antares once again a bustling server full of life.

    Antares might be your home, and it certainly is mine. It really helps me cope with real life sometimes, seeing some of my favorite users online can really cheer me up. And if all of you get to know me, you could all become my favorite users. We'll talk OOC and all kinds of stuff. I would be an admin first, but second, I'd be a friend. A confidant. I want to lead by example. I might take a less direct approach in game, but I'll still try to log in and stay current, somewhere in the background. I'll keep up with events IC, OOC, and SB Dev related events as well. Perhaps in the future, we'll even expand... But first thing's first, let's fix what we've got.

    Help me to help us all save Antares, because Antares is worth saving!

    -Logan Custner (Colin Bosworth)
    (Darkwill, V, PressXToColin, AYBABTUFTW777)
  3. Julius Mayne

    Julius Mayne Member

    Jun 2, 2014
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    I'd be willing to. I've been here forever, am familiar with most people, and a friendly and responsible person.
  4. Angre

    Angre Majestic Penguin

    Dec 23, 2013
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    I would like to throw my application in for this position as well.

    I've been with the server for over a year and a half now, two years this December. I'm devoted to this community and I want to see it thrive like it used to, I want to see Antares reach the top once again as I'm sure you all want to as well.

    I'm not saying I would be able to work any magic and draw in a massive crowd if I was chosen for Regent. However, I would actively work with the community to, first of all, get our server lore worked on and finalized. If chosen, I would personally speak to any community members and accept feedback or suggestions anyone has to offer for the server and community. I don't want Antares to crumble away during this time period, we're still going strong and this temporary change in leadership should not make any difference here.

    But why would I be qualified? Well, I've been with the community for a year and a half now and I've seen Antares at its best and its worst. I know what works and what doesn't, and I know that we need to work together, like a community should. I've been a Super Moderator for Antares staff for the past several months and I am more than familiar with how the server works and even how Starbound works. While I am no programmer like Kazyyk is, I am more than capable of keeping things running in his absence.

    So please, consider me for Regent. If you have any doubts, message me on the forums, over Steam, or on Skype. I'm more than willing to speak to anyone and everyone that has anything to say.
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