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Tailon Gunson's PDA

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Cannibal_Kon, May 22, 2015.

  1. Cannibal_Kon

    Cannibal_Kon New Member

    May 20, 2015
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    These are text entries on Tailon's PDA. It is password protected. In order to access this PDA you need the password or good hacking skills. Amateurs will not work.

    PDAWESOME//Systems//Applications//Documents//"Document #01"\\
    /*Starting...*/ {

    I'm in Antares now. Apparently dad has already forgotten about me. Ah, forget that, I shouldn't write that stuff in here. Who knows what kind of people could read this? Anyway, today was eventful. I've come in contact with a few people today in my travels.

    First I met a Mr. Scheffler. He helped guide me to a few colonies from Fort Mattis. The damn place is crawling with military people and the like. I wasn't sure if I'd get found out. Either way, man, that was an interesting place.

    After that, I went to Sundew Station. I heard about these Siru Scaraba guys, they're apparently like me. So, anyway, they were advertising that they were recruiting in the bar and stuff. So, I went. I sat there for hours on end, looking for a dude who was recruiting, but to no avail.

    I ended up meeting some Florans, Nurora Stab-Dancer and Angila. They were an interesting bunch. Stab had seen me once before, but she seemed busy then and guided me to the Scaraba joint. It was empty as hell. We chatted a little while and then next thing I knew, I was the proud owner of an apartment in Sundew.

    Sundew is a weird name isn't it? Sun and dew? The two things that station doesn't see at all.

    Back on track, that was my day, I'm writing this in my apartment now, I think I'm going to go to sleep now. It has been a weird day, who would've thought I'd find such nice Florans?

    /*Signing off*/
  2. Cannibal_Kon

    Cannibal_Kon New Member

    May 20, 2015
    Likes Received:
    PDAWESOME//Systems//Applications//Documents//"Document #02"\\
    /*Starting...*/ {

    Finally, I met the big dog in charge of Siru Scaraba today. It was relieving to finally start up on getting a job around. Before I start explaining that, I've been prepared to make a disguise for myself for day-to-day life. I ain't shown my true self to anyone in Antares yet. So, maybe, no one would know who I was without my outfit on. Might be worth a shot, could finally show off my glorious hair if I did, but who knows?

    Back to business, I met the big brass, Yakim, today. He seemed a bit weird, but don't we all? Ah, well his Glitch, never get his name, came into the bar and let me know the dude was droppin' by. Took Yakim the better part of an hour after that to actually show up, good thing Sundew is a cozy, hah, place. After he showed up, I handed over the money and signed up for a life of illegal shit and all that.

    He left shortly after and I went back to my apartment. Problem is, I hadn't asked about an HQ or if Siru Scaraba even had one of those. After about half an hour I realized this and caught the dude in the Scaraba branch of Sundew. After a quick discussion, I got the coords and was on my way. The place is shit, and it could use some fixing up, but damn is it cool. I gotta say, the ship outside would make for a nice expansion, and if not, I could come up with a way to rework the hull into the existing base. I should talk to Yakim about that. Anyway, I'm not a member of Siru Scaraba and this is me signing off from the headquarters.

    /*Signing off*/
  3. Cannibal_Kon

    Cannibal_Kon New Member

    May 20, 2015
    Likes Received:
    PDAWESOME//Systems//Applications//Documents//"Document #03"\\
    /*Starting...*/ {

    Damn, I forgot to write this yesterday. It is probably due to the very little amount of things that happened to me in the past few days. I spent most of my time in my apartment, I had no reason to leave much lately. I decided to go out last night and Sundew was exploding with Florans. I've noticed I have become a lot more accepting of them and their culture. They're actually nice once you get past their savage brutality and flesh piercing teeth.

    I met a Floran named Fernpetal yesterday and she was pretty nice. I can't tell if she's new or not, so I'll assume she just hasn't been on Sundew lately. Either way, she seemed to be the bartender of the bar on Sundew and was pretty chatty. It was a nice change of pace from the more conservative Florans that tend to ignore humans on Sundew.

    There wasn't much besides that today. Well, at least, nothing I can remember. The comm channel went off like crazy all night and that was interesting, but that's it. I might write up more today in the next Document.

    /*Signing off*/
    #3 Cannibal_Kon, May 25, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 28, 2015
  4. Cannibal_Kon

    Cannibal_Kon New Member

    May 20, 2015
    Likes Received:
    PDAWESOME//Systems//Applications//Documents//"Document #04"\\
    /*Starting...*/ {

    Today was definitely a much more interesting day. I'm going to start it off by the fact I went to Dexter's Garden for the first time ever. I don't recall being there before now. It was nice, too peaceful for my liking. I beamed down and saw this human and Avian talking. The human seemed distressed about something and the avian was pulling out a soda of her backpack when she was right next to a vending machine. I'll never figure out the bird brains. Either way, before I could go and get a soda, the human frisked me for valuables, damn idiot thought he could pull a sly one by me. Since he didn't take anything, obviously due to the fact he pocket he felt held one of my guns, I let him be. It did inspire my next bit of action though.

    The avian I was talking to rudely left in the middle of the conversation, obviously not wanting anything to do with me. So, I decided to check out the area, scope out potential clients, the usual. After a mere couple of seconds, I found the pickpocket again. He was, quite obviously, listening in on a conversation. He did quite well, but some Hyltol douche came in. He started rattling off about how my visor was masking my presence and whatnot. Frankly, I didn't feel like dealing with it so I walked off. He tried to take a picture of me, but I doubt he got anything too interesting, since I got what I wanted. I was also able to slip a piece of paper into the pickpocket's jacket.

    This is where the big news comes in. I had him meet me in Sundew, where we would talk. He actually swung by and seemed interested. After a few seconds of showing off my amazing voice, he was definitely interested in me. Anyway, off the topic of dudes trying to get a shot at me, he confessed to being a drug maker and explosives creator. I gave him the spiel about being in the Siru Scaraba and being a smuggler. He was so obviously delighted I knew I had a hook. After a few more minutes of conversation I had a box of his stuff in my room and a new client. Today was definitely a score and I didn't have to do much of anything, except probably get banned from some dumb colony.

    /*Signing off*/