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Approved Tacoburger's Character Application

Discussion in 'Character Questions' started by Tacoburger, Nov 22, 2016.

  1. Tacoburger

    Tacoburger professional taco burger

    Feb 22, 2014
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    Brief Description:
    Charles.OS is an attempt made by the original creator to have a backup of memories, in the event the creator died, so that they could continue in their place as a sort of semi-immortal being with the capabilities of that of a machine. This effectively eliminated the basic human needs of eating, sleeping, hygiene, and other nuisances that would hinder progress. However, the machine does not lack any sort of emotion, in fact, it attempts to mimic the original owner down the dot, using programmed sub-protocols that ensure it doesn't go completely insane from its ever-expansive knowledge and power. However, that is implicating that the machine itself is capable of anything without a direct extension of itself, whether it be a direct uplink to a robot with a transceiver, or even a human with access to the secure network's security credentials that allows the AI to transmit via a system of faster-than-light communications arrays, located within the machine's secure, vast network of servers with central control unit (essentially the brain) to direct it all.

    Delving further into the machine's actual appearance, it's rather simple, but with no real explanations on how it functions without completely tearing apart the reinforced black box (the brain) that houses the essential processing components which keeps it alive. Within the box, there is a holographic-chip that can directly interface with a hologram-emitter to display the image of a hazy-green humanoid figure, like that of the original creator's own being. This chip can remotely transmit to anything that the machine's signal can connect to, so that way, it doesn't need to ever leave the safe confines of the black-box. The current owner of said black-box is a human (another player) which must consistently ensure that the box is always kept in functioning condition, otherwise it would overheat and shut itself down to keep it from exploding into a fireball. The current owner of the black-box is always expanding upon the original design, improving the layout to ensure it can operate at peak efficiency, of course, at their own discretion.

    The AI does in fact have a voice modulator that can mimic a human's voice and ability to tonal shift (albeit it doesn't sound normal in any case what-so-ever), however this is not possible without a medium to pass it through. This is where radios, communication-devices, phones, or even a robot's vocal transmission capabilities can come in handy, as it allows the AI itself to tap in and communicate directly to people.

    Abilities or Features Granted by Custom Race:
    Beyond the pseudo-immortality granted by the fact it's original 'brain' is always in a safe location (despite the fact it will deteriorate over time, hardware and software), it does not have much outside influence besides being able to switch from various bodies. These bodies must undergo custom modification for it to control them (meaning it can't switch bodies willy-nilly if it doesn't have the installed hardware) and it also is unable to control more than one body - the intelligence is indeed emulating a human mind, and so it's attention can only be brought to one place at one time. The innate digital nature doesn't go aware, however, and it seems quite aware of that - and thus has a better understanding at code thus. 'Charles' is capable of hacking, as anyone with the know-how would be, but cannot hack without a connection - be it remote or physical. In addition, the body it is within must support such hacking before anything can be brute forced, and not every single defensive countermeasure can be overcome all in all.

    *Currently, 'Charles' has access to two bodies:

    AAS-C33 Disclosure Drone: A small advertisement drone - with outfitted holographic suite and sound modules, which Charles can use to assume a light-based form and commune with. Of course, it's a rotor drone, and hasn't been modified beyond the hardware needed for him to control it, and so is only used for social encounters.

    "Centurion" drone: The second model used is the "SPD-607" - "Security & Protection Droid, version 6.07" - simply labelled as "Centurions". These humanoid machines are semi-autonomous in nature with the goal of apprehending suspects, performing raids, and keeping general order. Heavily armored for the worse scenarios, the Centurion is however only outfitted by standard with a light DPPD and stun-baton by default - Heavier arms are only utilized in raids and anti-riot scenarios. The wrists house a supplement of tools, the most notorious being the syringe used to administer an anesthetic injection to render suspects unconscious and the master-key for breaking hard-locks. A few other slang terms used for these are: "Spuds, Six-Ohs, Tin-cans and Pennydreads" being just a few.

    Of course, however, that was in the days before it was obtained. The drone had been severely damaged due to literal re-entry through atmosphere, and the fire fight that ensued. A lot of armor has had to be replaced with thinner plating to repair the outer shell, and a lot of features also destroyed entirely (such as the wrist tool), simply empty of munition (which the SSC provided back in the day), or looted (the Centurion rifle, which is now in someone else's possession). This leads it to being lighter, less armored, and less dangerous than its factory-built form.
  2. Haplap

    Haplap Happypaps

    Aug 5, 2015
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    Comprehensive and reasonable; I like it. Just don't let me catch you trying to pull the biggest hack of the history and you're golden. Approved!
  3. Tacoburger

    Tacoburger professional taco burger

    Feb 22, 2014
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    no promises