-It'd be impossible to access this unless you get on Tachi's ship somehow, gain access to his ship console, and gain his password and username.- Username: ****** Password: ****** Logging in... Log in successful. Welcome, Tachi Kenvenoi. Accessing /T:/datastuffayy ...Access Granted. Alright, so where to start off at. Well, I've been thinking about doing one of these for a while. It all started a few months ago. Technically speaking, it was last year. I entered some random coordinates running from space pirates and got here in Antares. Oh boy.. I'd heard things about this place. Bad things. I only came in with 15,000 pixels. Not enough to make a living. I had to get a job. I looked all over the place, whenever I heard about a colony on Gum. I met this nice Hylotl named Shachi at the bar. I hope she's fine now. Seemed nice. She told me about all the jobs. Among all of them, one stood out to me the most. GSF. Gum Security Force. Oh boy! Here we go again! Whelp, I met Yukari. No application or anything was needed. I asked, she said yes, told me the protocol, and she armed me. There were a LOT of things to do as GSF on Gum. Crazed anti-Miniknog Apex. Oh boy! I remember that one! So I did my job, when I heard about the invasion of Opportunity. Well.. yeah. Made my way there. I met all the RA there. I went to the battlefield, whenever I saw Shachi. What the hell? Whatever. She let me through. I ran to the nearest RA station. I asked if I could help any at all, they said yes. Boom. Mattulip got wrecked by some flame cannon. Whelp, I got shot. HOW FUN?! A few days after I heard Opportunity was RIP. Well, hell. Not good. I heard a new colony. ASANI! ----- The Asani Saga ----- I went there whenever I saw Eight. OH BOY! LONG TIME NO SEE! He used to be wanted for murder back at Gum. I uh, yeah. We're friends now, so yay. Met Yukari and Lukingram back there, also. Remember them from the GSF. Anyway, so I stayed here at Asani for a while. Got bored. Itching for action again. So I asked to join Asani's security force. I got accepted. Yeah. Nothing unusual. Bar fight, two Avian scammers. Oh well. That's where I am now, and yeah. My first log. Hooray. ////// Exiting /T:/datastuffayy .... Successfully exited. Enter any command. user: logout Logging out "Tachi Kenvenoi" ... Log out successful. Enter any command. user: shutdown Shutting down... Shut down successful. Goodbye!
January 21, 2415 I quit A-SEC yesterday. Took everything about Eight and Ernal's little prison break that I know with me. I hope Eight's okay. God, where did I go wrong with my life? I need a break. A big one.