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Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by QuestionableMotives, Dec 6, 2014.

  1. QuestionableMotives

    QuestionableMotives Not To Be Trusted

    Oct 25, 2014
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    ((This is Vireo's personal log. This can only be accessed by someone on Vireo's ship terminal. Feel free to comment OOCly or IC'ly if you've gotten to my terminal. Venn, feel free to add text/video logs to this entry, since you're kind of like a ship AI alot of the time.))

    The first log is simply audio.
    *There is the sound of Vireo's voice, in a rather neutral mood* "Well, this is Vireo Heartplume, reporting on the S.S. Falcon. Generic name, I know, but hey, the thing works better than the Solace ever would. And that's all that counts." *He sighs.*
    "So, I've managed to escape Avos once and for all. After what I did there..." *He remains silent for a little bit*
    "I left the other Grounded. They were too extreme. Way too extreme. I stole Sparrow's ship, I hate to say it. She was always good to me. As of right now, I'm in a sector known as Antares. Uncivilized mainly. Let's see what happens." *He signs off*

    The second log is video. Vireo is revealed, sitting in full armor. Dirt streaks his face, and there is a small crack running along his beak. On the wall behind him, there is a rack with a menagerie of items, featuring a helmet matching his armor, a machine pistol, a large coil of wire, many different tools, and a guitar.

    "So! Good news and.. sort of bad news. And close call news. I guess." *He points to the crack on his beak*
    "This is the bad news. The good news? I made a friend! The first one since I've been here in Antares. His name is Adriano. We met on a place called Gum. He was telling me some of the background of Antares when he mentioned Port Last - I couldn't resist but go there. I've always had a fascination with that sort of thing. When I got there, we were about half an hour in to our exploration when I walked over a rickety beam. Which snapped. Which gave me this." *He traces a finger across the crack on his beak*
    "And the close call news is that we almost got ambushed by Florans, right as we were leaving. It was a close call. Super close. But hey, we made it, and thats why its a close call. Anyways... that's all. Later."
    The feed abruptly cuts out.

    Another Video log opens up, revealing Vireo sitting in casual clothes while sipping on a cup of coffee.
    "Welp, I work for a company now. Called Knurco." *He runs a hand through the plumage on his head. His hand is streaked with a dark substance, it resembles oil.*
    "It was just an odd job for them, I had to fix some helicopter for them. It's been a while since that actually, and I still haven't gotten any update or new job to do. I may resign soon if I the pay is still this low, too. Anyways, nothing really happenin' since then. Out."

    This is an audio log. Vireo's voice sounds heavy, as if he is heavily regetting something.
    "I think I killed a man. For the first time since the incident on Avos. I can't be sure, the bastard beamed up before I could tell if his wounds were fatal... he was bleeding so badly though..."
    He doesn't speak for a moment. You hear ragged breathing and a loud 'THUD' as something hits the floor.
    "He did quite the number on me too. I've got some bad shrapnel injuries on my leg. My armour caved in there. It should heal within a while though..."
    The log cuts out.

    A video log starts. The timestamp is some time after the last.
    Vireo is sitting upright in his chair, armour on but visibly excited.

    "I've made a pretty cool discovery. An AI. It's- or his, I feel like I should call him him, given how... sentient it- he - seems. His name is Venn. He's onboard the ship right now, but you won't see him at the moment. He's inside the ships systems, doing who knows what. But I trust him, so I don't really mind. He's been nothing but helpful since I first met him, a week or so ago. There was a little issue getting a charger for him, since he needs to be charged every now and then, but I managed to pull something together from the wreckage of the ship he came from. It seems like his creator, 'Greg' may have had somewhat of a shady background. I can't be sure though, Venn either doesn't know or doesn't want to tell me much other than there were some mercenaries after him. In other news, I've finally gotten a chance to help some people 'round here for a change. I fixed up two ships since the last log - one had a broken power supply, and an outdated FTL which I fixed, and the other one had a completely screwed up thruster. I took care of 'em both...."
    *He sits silently for a bit, tapping on the console in front of him. The console itself is out of sight.*
    "Anyways... I think that's all. Vireo out."
    The feed ends.
  2. QuestionableMotives

    QuestionableMotives Not To Be Trusted

    Oct 25, 2014
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    You can hear Vireo's voice coming through the speaker. He sounds in a relatively good mood.
    "Well... let's see. I might hopefully be quitting that godawful job with Knurco, I applied for a job under a different company and i have an interview scheduled for later. Hopefully it'll all go well."
    He sighs.
    "I made a decent amount of pixels as well. Some bot was broken near the infirmary on Asani, it kept looping an alarm and the thing practically caught fire. I replaced some of the gears and smaller parts - but the motors were melted away practically. They were custom made, so I obviously didn't have spare parts. Venn, Adrian and I contacted the owner and luckily he responded over the comms. He replaced the motors and gave me a pixel voxel worth 400 pixels."
    There's a pause.
    To be honest, I kind of miss the old days back in Avos. Not the- not the bad things. The sense of family there. Even though I've.. made some bad decisions there, Sparrow and Derion and, " He chuckles a little "Even the annoying as hell Iris. So I'm hoping to maybe find a place here. I dunno. Just a crazy thought coming from my crazy mind."
    Theres about a thirty second silence before the log ends.
  3. QuestionableMotives

    QuestionableMotives Not To Be Trusted

    Oct 25, 2014
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    It opens up to Vireo in his combat armor. He's in Asani, sitting on an ornamental chair. From what you can see of the background, it appears he's sitting on the balcony of a building. He is awfully stressed, and his eyes seem to have trouble focusing.

    "Nothings.. nothings even wrong. Literally. I've done worse, I've... god..." He buries his head in his arms, staying in that position for a moment. He raises his head back up again.
    "I responded to a distress signal. Got into a firefight. Helped to kill an attacking Glitch. Then some cowboy asshole pulls up and starts- I don't even know. I saw him later at Asani and couldn't do a fucking thing. He's - " He kicks the table and the suddenly the camera pitches upwards. It comes back into focus a moment or so later, Vireo now looks very very angry.
    "Two dead bodies. I didn't see the scrap but I know he had something to do with it. Know it. But by the time security got there, he was playing all innocent- until he caught sight of me and started spinning some bull about how I was trying to collect money from him and tried to kill him 'cause of it. It's... " He stops, his breathing ragged.
    "It's rediculous. I don't know what his problem is. I don't know what my problem is. I need to cool down. I... phew. " He looks back at the camera, he looks slightly more calm.
    "Okay. So. I'm going now; catching some sleep and thinking it over will do me good."
    He gives a weak smile towards the camera, although he still looks like an emotional mess. Log ends.
  4. QuestionableMotives

    QuestionableMotives Not To Be Trusted

    Oct 25, 2014
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    The video log opens up to reveal a happy looking Vireo. He's sitting up on his bed, which is fairly messy and has both a pile of papers and messy blankets scattered about on it.

    "So, I got a new job finally. And I'm actually getting payed for it." He contentedly swings his legs back and forth "Five thousand pixels bi-weekly. I can actually do stuff now. Heh. The company is called Triton Industries, they do ship building and stuff. Their shipyard is pretty impressive. Oh, and they have an AI as well! I kinda want to have him meet Venn- the results may be interesting." He chuckles a little to himself, before looking down at his legs and 'spacing out' for a while.
    "When I came to the interview, cowboy glitch was there. He was there for an interview with Vivian at the time- Like me. I don't think he got that job, thankfully. I haven't seen him around yet, so I suppose it's safe to assume he didn't get it. He was still pretty worked up about.. whatever the hell it is I supposedly did. The tension was so thick, I probably could've cut it with a knife if I tried." He smiles a little, before it quickly melts into somewhat of a frown.
    "I'm still... struggling, with that. I kind of figured it out though -- before Avos, I.... I hate to say it, but I craved violence. I loved a good fight. But then, after what.. " He gulps.
    "After what I did, I felt like a monster just by owning a gun. Obviously I don't know- but.. I can't handle killing. The problem is myself- I love to fight, and I hate myself for it. It gives me a savage joy to be in the fray, the 'heat of the moment' so to speak... but then after it's said and done, it's.. like suddenly everything becomes gray. I dunno."
    He looks up again, looking rather neutral. He starts to smile again as he resumes speaking.
    "No word about Scarff's whereabouts. Dynyl's working with Triton now as well, and he told me he wasn't sure what happened. I'm... a little suspicous, to be honest. He just kind of vanished into thin air, and when I first met Dynyl, he acted like he was hiding something. And now... he isn't acting funny, but something puts me off about it. I dunno." He sighs
    "Well, I think that's all for now. Later."
  5. QuestionableMotives

    QuestionableMotives Not To Be Trusted

    Oct 25, 2014
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    The following is a text document saved to Vireo's log. It seems to be a financial record or something.

    \Opening 'Finances.log'...\
    \PASSWORD ACCEPTED: OPENING 'Finances.log'...\

    CURRENT BAL: $23,521.02
    RECENT EXP. -10,000.00 [ OUTRIDERS_ARMOR QNT:: 2 ]
    CURRENT BAL: $13,521.02
    CURRENT BAL: $13,021.02

    ((This log will be edited and updated often rather than creating more logs for finacing files. This is mainly for a new mini-faction startupt I'm going to be kicking off ICl'y. It's for exploration and stuff. PM me if interested? :D ))
  6. Not A President

    Not A President [help me]

    Oct 19, 2014
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    *An audio log begins with no video but the picture of a two-sided Venn Diagram, nothing much more but it changing colors ever-so-slowly of the colors of the rainbow.*
    *A monotonous robotic voice is heard.*

    This is the ship's AI, Venn, as in Venn Diagram. I help with everyday knowledge, though as of recent, I've just kind of been 'lounging'. I don't know why, but it seems like I've been kept indoors more of the time, now. I haven't gotten very much interactivity with these people Vireo speaks of in his logs, such as Scarff and Dynyl and Adriano, Scarff I can understand why.
    *The Venn Diagram all of the sudden shows the headers titled 'Me' and 'Other AIs'. As Venn so to say 'speaks', the Venn Diagram would fill both sides of it, twice in the middle.* Alright, so, let me explain for a moment. I like Vireo and all, he's a nice Avian, really... But he just hasn't been letting me out of the ship often. I have little to no interaction with others unless they arrive on his ship, and though it's been happening quite a bit, they usually beam down to another planet right away. It saddens me being an AI that doesn't do its job. Sure, I'm treated like a living humanoid, with respect, but still. I don't miss my old owner Thin at all either.
    And, yes. AIs do have feelings, like the Glitch. Think before you act.
    *The log ends with the picture of the Venn Diagram and its little amount of into on it. It looks more like something a little kid would write on a diagram.*
    View attachment 2821

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    #6 Not A President, Dec 14, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 14, 2014
  7. QuestionableMotives

    QuestionableMotives Not To Be Trusted

    Oct 25, 2014
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    A video feed opens, revealing a happy looking Vireo.
    "AET finally kicked off. I think it'll be great- I love exploring and there's actually like minded people. It's pretty cool. Finances are a little problem, but hey, I'm not complaining right now."
    He looks off into space, thinking.
    "We've been trying to find good places to explore and stuff. There's currently an old mining facility, but we've scrapped everything we could. Not much to tell us about previous owners unfortunately."
    He shrugs.
    "Rumors of an old USCM base, currently unconfirmed. We might be checking it out later. Oh, and for my job with Triton.. I'm not technically an engineer, but I've drafted up a design for a cargo ship that I'm looking forward to showing Vivian. I think she'll like it.. although it's not the prettiest, I've done the best to optimize it for speed and performance. It can hold a ton of stuff, too. That's... it. I guess. Later."
    He reaches over and touches a button out of the camera's view. The log cuts out.

    This net log is found on his PDA; Venn would not be able to see it unless he somehow accessed it.
    //Opening Text File//
    I saw that thing that Venn put onto my ships log. I realised that he was sort of right.. he's not like most AI, who don't really care if they see people or not. I have a feeling Venn is more than just an AI. I've decided to give him my ship's beamcode. I tampered with him whilst he was in a sleep state charging on my ship; the ship can now directly teleport him to and from a planet. I'm going to let him go as he pleases, so long as he behaves. I have a feeling he'll be happy with that.
    //Closing Text File//
  8. Not A President

    Not A President [help me]

    Oct 19, 2014
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    *An audio log begins with no video but the picture of a two-sided Venn Diagram, nothing much more but it changing colors ever-so-slowly of the colors of the rainbow.*
    *The monotonous voice returns.*

    My database doesn't show anything about this, but apparently Thin, my old creator who used to father me, had installed an automatic teleport. My system's were confused, trying to parse what it was. Eventually once it'd dicovered it, I'd beamed down to some campsite. I tried to beam back up to the ship, my systems still in confusion. My database is now however is completely aware of it and how it works. This means I could disregard the earlier audio-log I had made, I can roam freely now.
    *The Venn Diagram freezes it's rotation of colors. The log has ended.*
  9. QuestionableMotives

    QuestionableMotives Not To Be Trusted

    Oct 25, 2014
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    Text log entry.

    Caught an illness. Nearly died. I rushed myself out of sector for a while- the people that treated me called it 'The Weeping Death'. No idea what that meant- but it almost killed me. On more than one occasion, actually. I'm back in Antares now, but I might not do journal entries anymore, and if I do it'll probably be a lot less common.