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Approved Synthetic Application

Discussion in 'Character Questions' started by Cassidy, Oct 28, 2016.

  1. Cassidy

    Cassidy The Strudel

    Jan 18, 2014
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    Well, i'm not sure of what to do for an application, so i'm just going to throw some stuff together and see what floats, anything and everything is up for criticism and changes!

    M.A.K.E, or the Multi-purpose Assistant of Kalentine Electronics, is a service synthetic; Their main purpose is to complete tasks needed of its creators, as well as following its base set of laws. Though it is an Artificial Intelligence, whose job is to learn and complete tasks that it is asked, it has a base law-set that it must ultimately follow, much like a 'moral code'. These laws are in place to ensure that it has a better chance of survival, as well as being a servant. Categorized as a 'Phase II' Synthetic, it is not very advanced, and its outward workings are mostly cheap, easily accessible materials such as a stainless steel alloy; This is mostly in place to be easily repairable, as well as preventing rusting. Though, the metal being very cheap, the robot can be subjected to physical damaged, such as bullets and other projectiles. Things such as dents can cause movement impairing affects to the robot, and shrapnel can cause damage to the inner wiring and circuitry. Along the lines of circuitry, most of it is water-resistant, but isn't untimely water-proof, too much exposure can cause damaged, and even short out the circuitry. EMP's or ionic weapons are /heavily/ effective against this robot, and can ultimately destroy circuitry, and make the robot completely unrecoverable, therefor backups of memories are suggested of the owner, in case of any emergencies. The robot must have sustainable power; If and when its power reaches less than 5% power, it enables power-saving mode. The reason being behind this, if the power were to reach 0%, its processes would be unable to keep memory of what it has remembered, and learned, therefor going ultimately 'brain-dead'. In power-saving mode, power is cut to only the bear minimal, and the unit must be carried to an area where it can be charged. The power-saving mode is able to keep the charge for a month on average, before reaching 0%. The robot must also ensure that it is cooled, it uses gasses in the air to cool, and its unable to enter a vacuum without shortly overheating, and frying the systems that keeps it functioning.

    M.A.K.E's appearance is that of a humanoid chassis, though, it is mostly skeletal (Spooki). It stands to be about 6'4", and It's design is easily able to wear clothing, as well decorations. It is designed to develop a personality based on interactions, much like how a child learns how to behave, or act. It would take much time for it to function in the same mannerisms as a human. It also uses the interactions to learn how to emulate emotions, though it itself cannot feel emotions, it can use connections that it has made from interactions to mock emotions, to cause people to be more comfortable with it.

    I'm not really sure what else to add, but if anything else is needed, i'm more than willing to add it!
    #1 Cassidy, Oct 28, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 29, 2016
  2. Haplap

    Haplap Happypaps

    Aug 5, 2015
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    This sounds perfectly okay, so long as you don't go full terminator robo-hack mode or something whacky. Approved.