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Syndicated Broadcast News Station

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Ziggy, Oct 28, 2015.

  1. Ziggy

    Ziggy Sinfully Soft

    Feb 1, 2014
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    *A cheesy animated intro begins the broadcast, followed by a very dapper Apex addressing the camera with an alluring smirk.*

    "Hello frontiersmen and women! This is the BroSyn Network station bringing you the juiciest, most satisfying morsels of news to the outer rim and colonies beyond! I am your host, Chip Coco. Tune in for our scheduled news and the latest postings on the Council Space bounty board."

    *After a hasty shuffle of a few papers on the host's desk, he studies a few lines from his report.*

    "First up this morning we have a little somber news. An entire Hylotl colony has completely vanished from existence in the metaphorical blink of an eye. No alerts were raised, nor were any distress calls made. Investigations are pending, but Council Space authorities' searches have turned up nothing so far. The peaceful colony of Bubblyon seems to be nothing but a few scraps of floating metal, burning rubble, and a shroud of a mystery. The planet is found in the Embroxillia Veil system; planet III. Coordinates are as follows: -77857, 44564. Search parties have combed the entire planet for survivors or clues as to what has happened, though nothing is clear at this point. The last known contact from Bubblyon was recorded well over two months ago. Now, moving on to weather."

    *Chip glances to someone off-screen and gives a subtle nod. A screen lowers behind the Apex, and with a fluid motion he raises a jewelry-adorned paw to indicate the shown star charts.*

    "As you can see here, ion storms have been ravaging the Andromeda sector. You'll remember that last month these storms were a serious problem for the folks of the Cor Corali system. We'll be monitoring the situation and keep the people informed. Please be sure to tune into your local news broadcasting for more local and relevant weather reports. I'm Chip Coco, and we'll return after the BroSyn Network bounty board update."

    *The Apex nods and waves farewell to the camera, as if it were an old friend. Once the broadcast fades to black, another animated BroSyn logo plays as the transmission transitions to the main attraction.*
  2. Ziggy

    Ziggy Sinfully Soft

    Feb 1, 2014
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    *A brief broadcast would play, featuring Chip Coco announcing the lastest news in the mystery of the vanishing colonies. Yet another settlement was razed to the ground without any clues or survivors. Notably, no bodies are left behind. Only distant families crying and begging the questions: 'who?' 'why?'

    Once the news and weather stories have completed, the bounty board is updated and reposted. Stories from Council Space have circulated about the accidental capture of one Deka Mbali, a petty criminal wanted for mugging and assault that had attempted to turn in an avian resembling another subject on the board. This avian was a fraud and was released. Deka was taken into custody and her partner, a Glitch whose name is undisclosed, was paid the full amount for her capture.

    Reports are flooding in from residents of Pinewood about the subject Lovepeck Downsilk being gunned down on the settlement, despite the local security officers' attempts to defuse the situation. His captor was slain in the ensuing battle. Reports indicate that the avian suffered a fatal wound, though no claims for the bounty have been made. Any information regarding this subject's fate should be submitted to the BroSyn network's Bounty Board line. [PM Ziggy on the forum.]

    Finally, one Sev Orgon was delivered to the BroSyn Bounty Line. He was declared dead on arrival and the payment was granted in full to a human whose name will not be disclosed. Reports indicate that the subject was subdued in a firefight on the colony of Pinewood, resulting in two casualties.*

    *Below, the Bounty Board has been updated to reflect the changes.*
  3. Ziggy

    Ziggy Sinfully Soft

    Feb 1, 2014
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    *Everyone's favorite well-dressed, meticulously-groomed, and undeniably-handsome Apex news broadcaster, Chip Coco, makes a comedic entrance to your various device screens, sliding in from stage left on his chair, before spinning around twice and settling into place at his desk.*

    "Hellllloooooo Council Space! Welcome back to another BroSyn news update. We have a few unfortunate stories to cover. We're receiving reports from all around Council Space that colonies are disappearing or being razed to the ground! We have three colonies on the list tonight. One being the Grounded village Freefeather, with a population of just under thirty. Freefeather was apparently a bustling colony of Grounded avians, featuring a lush marketplace, Ullamaliztli tournaments, and yearly 'lottery' drawings. Freefeather has reportedly 'gone missing.' There are no traces or clues of its existence or its disappearance. Next on the list..."

    *and he pauses to steal a glance at the papers under his hand...*

    "Is Pinewood. A relatively small colony housing fewer than twenty residents. The settlement itself was rather low-tech and the structures were primarily wood. Pinewood was razed to the ground, and the attack would later be claimed by Flightless Radicals. The link to the claim video will be provided below." *another shuffle of the papers and he continues.*

    "Lastly, another hylotl settlement has been simply plucked from the face of its planet. Like Freefeather and Bubblyon, the settlement seemingly just ceased to exist. No reports of survivors or casualties has been filed at this time."

    "Next on our program tonight is the report of our bounty board updates. They are as follows:

    One Pasupti Hearthfeather has been cleared of his charge and the due was paid to one red-plumed avian. Pasupti was released, and is now free to roam.

    The listing on Necapan 'Firebird' Thunderseeker has been reduced to 1000 pixels, as the primary benefactor of the subject's capture has been reported killed. The poster's assets have been frozen, and until the next-of-kin expresses a desire to pursue the subject, the due will remain at one-thousand. As the current price on the subject is below the minimum required bounty for a live capture, the listing will remain for a week before removal.

    Still no information has been brought to the network's attention regarding Listing three. Anyone with proof of Lovepeck 'Ziggy' Downsilk's passing or whereabouts please contact the BroSyn network. Proof must be presented in physical documentation, such as notarized death records or photographic evidence that the subject still walks. No zombies, kiddo."

    *And with that, Chip shoots the audience with a quick-drawn finger gun, then speaks in a very, very poor western accent.*

    "Happy huntin', y'all~"

    *the link is posted for the Pinewood Razing Claim.*
  4. Ziggy

    Ziggy Sinfully Soft

    Feb 1, 2014
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    *The listing would update daily. The information can be viewed either on the BroSyn website or directly from the nearest television.*

    BroSyn Bounty Board:

    Bounty1.png *A handsome brunette in the pose of attention, wearing full ONI NWUs.*

    Name: Reise "Nettles" Cori
    Race: Human
    Age 26
    Wanted: Alive
    Charges: One felony count of Desertion
    Relevant information: The subject was separated from his unit and failed to report to his superiors in the Antares sector. He is considered Absent Without Leave and a Deserter until processing. Last seen in Olympus of Council Space. [-35, -23]

    Reward: 5000 Pixels

    Bounty2.png *One hell of a fiery vixen stands in a shady parking garage. Very photogenic, despite the terrible quality of the security camera.*

    Name: Deka Mbali
    Race: Human
    Age: Unknown
    Wanted: Dead or Alive
    Charges: Four counts aggravated assault, six counts of robbery, two counts of extortion, six counts of assault with a deadly weapon, four counts of mugging, two counts of arson.
    Relevant Information: Subject is considered armed and considerably dangerous. Last spotted on colony Olympus of Council Space. [-35, -23]

    Reward: 5000 pixels dead/ 8000 pixels alive

    Bounty3.png *The cadbury avian stands about six feet of uncertain fluff. This picture appears to be very old; the subject looks to be no older than a teenager.*

    Name: Lovepeck 'Ziggy' Downsilk
    Race: Avian
    Age: 24
    Wanted: Dead or Alive
    Charges: One felony count Grand Larceny, one felony count Vessel Theft, nine felony counts Burglary, sixteen counts petty theft, twelve counts resisting arrest.
    Relevant information: Subject is not considered dangerous, though extreme caution is advised. Last seen on colony Terra in Antares. Reports suggest the subject has fled to nearby Council Space.

    Reward: 8000 pixels dead/15000 pixels alive. If the subject and ship, ICS Astral Maelstrom, are retrieved intact, an additional 15000 pixels will be rewarded upon delivery.

    [​IMG] *A silvery blue girl. Her face is stern and cold.*

    Name: Ion/Holon
    Race: Android
    Age: 27
    Wanted: Alive
    Charges: 7 Charges of Grand Theft in the First Degree
    Relevant information: Subject is an abnormally coloured girl. Silvery blue skin, and blue hair. Speaks with little room for excess. Subject goes by the name Holon but has gone by the name Ion in the past. Subject is considered armed and potentially dangerous. Subject was last seen at the Sunshine Slaughter Center (-1, -6 IV)

    Reward: 100000 pixels

    Bounty5.png A weather-worn Apex with fiery reddish-orange hair. The wisps of grey in his mane seem to suggest he's getting on in years.

    Name: Sev Orgon
    Race: Apex
    Age: late 30s
    Wanted: Dead or Alive
    Charges: four counts murder in the first degree, three counts murder in the second degree, six recorded accounts of aggravated assault, six counts assaulting an officer (deadly weapon), three counts burglary, two counts grand larceny, one count jaywalking.
    Relevant information: THIS SUBJECT IS INCREDIBLY DANGEROUS. The subject is prone to intense fits of violence and displays signs of sociopathy. Last seen fleeing the Southwestern Quadrant, where he is known as 'The Terror of the Southwest.' Bearings indicate the subject is headed for Council Space.

    Reward: 8500 pixels dead/12,000 pixels alive

    Bounty6.png *The picture depicts a worn and beaten robin staring into the burning building with a vacant, hazy stare. Her clothes are torn and a cigarette hangs loosely from her beak.*

    Name: Necapan 'Firebird' Thunderseeker
    Race: Avian
    Age: 26
    Wanted: Alive
    Charges: one count assault on an officer (deadly weapon), one count felony breaking and entering (government building), two counts arson, six counts petty theft, one felony count vessel theft.
    Relevant information: Subject was last photographed by a security camera fleeing the scene of an arson involving the building of one Federation officer. The officer reports that he had previously tried to detain the subject, and during the attempted arrest, the subject drew their weapon and fired into his chest repeatedly. The subject is considered armed and dangerous.

    Reward: Alive 1000 pixels

    *A red avian of a rather average build stands proudly in his armor, smiling at the camera.*

    Name: Pasupti Hearthfeather
    Race: Avian
    Age: 23
    Wanted: Alive
    Charges: Deserting, Theft of a fleet vessel.
    Relevant Information: Subject has dropped communication with the fleet, possibly dead or deserting. The subject is to be returned or proven dead. The subjects ship must be returned for any payment to be given. Subject is likely only armed with a spear. No precise last location can be found, however the subject is confirmed to be in council space.

    Reward: 9000 Pixels for the return of the vessel, an extra 1000 if the subject is returned alive.

    Bounty8.png *A floran with purplish skin and tribal garb stands tall, wearing the skull of some alien creature.*

    Name: Stab-Grass
    Race: Floran
    Age: Unknown
    Wanted: Dead/Alive
    Charges: Unknown - Private Investor
    Subject last seen on Pinewood (656 897 IIa). The subject is considered armed and dangerous. Caution is advised.

    Reward: 4000 pixels Dead/5000 pixels Alive.


    Name: Becky Ratskin
    Race: Glitch
    Age: Unknown
    Wanted: Dead/Alive
    Charges: Private Investor
    Relevant Information: Pirate Glitch with silvery metallics, red armor, and ratskin hood. Subject is likely armed and dangerous, exercise caution.
    Bounty benefactor would like to have the books and money stolen from their personal safe by the subject returned. Bring the effects to BroSyn to be accounted for to receive payment.

    Reward: 5000 pixels Dead/8000 pixels Alive.

    Captors will have to notify the BroSyn officials and RP holding their bounty subject. If the detainee is unable to escape, they will be handed over to the proper authorities and the bounty will be paid.

    If you would like your character added to the bounty list, please send me a PM with all relevant details. Please be aware that being listed on this board enables your character to be killed or captured at any time. This also means that anyone actively attempting to capture or kill the bounties may suffer the same consequence. Likewise, you're allowed to put someone else on the board WITH THEIR EXPRESS PERMISSION ONLY.
    #4 Ziggy, Nov 22, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 25, 2015
  5. Ziggy

    Ziggy Sinfully Soft

    Feb 1, 2014
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    *Due to having been bought out by a rival news network syndicate, the board has gone down for maintenance, and attempting to contact BroSyn's hotline would yield static and an old soundclip of a dialtone.*