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Approved Submission for a non-Antares Hylotl government

Discussion in 'Other Questions' started by squamouss, Jul 28, 2016.

  1. squamouss

    squamouss Lore Writer

    May 20, 2016
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    I've used this government before in an event on the server. They are not located in the Antares sector, and could simply serve as fluff for characters to discuss or work into their backstory, or even make an event out of. Anyway here goes:

    The Kyori Dynasty is a multi-system hereditary monarchy set on the fringes of Hylotl space. Once a people who were very much like their cousins, they have since changed drastically. Endless Floran raids have led to their society hardening into a near-dictatorship that values loyalty, obedience, honor, and pragmatism above all else. Any dissent or protest against the draconian laws of Daimyo Hitoshi Arokawa (the ruler of Kyori) are met with swift and brutal response. They say that Kyori cannot afford to falter or be lax, as the Floran threat at the border will consume them if they even for a moment allow themselves to grow soft and complacent. Although perhaps this is a crisis of their own making. In times before, they would have been assisted by neighboring Hylotl systems, but due to what they have become, they are shunned and ignored by dynasties that were once allies, and now can only rely on themselves to survive. Most Hylotl who know that the country exists do not speak about it. For the majority of its neighbors, the Kyori are a disgrace to the Hylotl way of art and pacifism. Any Hylotl from Kyori are treated in a variety of negative ways ranging from quiet distaste to outright hostility. Architecturally, they favor modern Hylotl building styles due to the advantages of metal construction over paper and wood. Designs, however, tend to be more pragmatic and traditional, hugging the ground rather than reaching for the sky. Military equipment retains Hylotl design, and is one of the few places in Kyori culture that allows the Hylotl inclination towards art to shine through. Many Kyori armor sets are a dazzling array of colors that signify which plantary ruler they belong to. Each planetary ruler, or Prefect, desires to have the most skilled and obedient military, second to the Daimyo, of course. Weapon-wise they use laser weaponry due to its tendency to light things on fire, a great asset against Florans. In the culinary arts they tend to prefer nutritional meals over taste or presentation, which often leads to Kyori dishes being somewhat underwhelming compared to the richness of most Hylotl cuisine. There are very few publicized forms of entertainment that aren't some form of propoganda or in some way instructional. The one major vice Kyori politicians seem to allow is boat racing. Every week one can see sleek wooden craft speeding from island to island while mechanical broadcasting drones display the contest to cheering fans. There is a significant semi-legal gambling industry that makes a lot of money off of the races as well. But speaking of semi-legal, there is indeed a criminal underbelly lurking inside Kyori. Gangs deal drugs to citizens who crave an escape from a hard life, and fights over turf are known to happen. The gangs only rarely act brazenly, however, as the Prefects despise them and see the fact that they even exist as a blight on their honor. Captured criminals, as you can imagine, are dealt with harshly.

    All things considered, the Kyori Dynasty is a harsh regime, but it could be said that they are harsh out of necessity. They cannot afford to slack or soften less they be overwhelmed by the Floran enemy. Yet one has to wonder, are the Floran still truely the threat the Dynasty says they are? Perhaps, perhaps not. But for now, they remain in power, and look to stay that way for the foreseeable future.
    #1 squamouss, Jul 28, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 29, 2016
  2. Haplap

    Haplap Happypaps

    Aug 5, 2015
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    This is a nice bit of fluff and I think it'd be fine to include into the setting. I'm going to hold off on approving it until we can get more staff opinions on it, though.

    Edit: well, that was speedy. Approved, we'll stick it in setting lore once we make the lore forums public. Might make a few alterations, but nothing that would change the content. General paraphrasing things and consistency with established tech, ect.
    #2 Haplap, Jul 29, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 29, 2016