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Starting a random colony from scratch with no i like cheating mod

Discussion in 'Roleplay Planning' started by Chimpowitz, Dec 10, 2014.

  1. Chimpowitz

    Chimpowitz New Member

    Oct 13, 2014
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    Im making a colony from scratch, without using anything to spawn in items. Everyone will start off with a new character, and we all are at the same planet for the simple reason for all being stuck on a ship that we use to escape a uscm prison colony, Ill see if someone can make us all uniforms, but we start off with only the basics and we build up from there. We can trade with others who do spawn items in, but need a reason of the trade, and how you afforded it. If anyone is interested hit me up.
  2. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Hmm... an interesting idea, following the game mechanics. I would be interested to see how this turns out.
  3. Chimpowitz

    Chimpowitz New Member

    Oct 13, 2014
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    Right now i have some one who is making the prison jumpsuits, and some guards armor.
    What do you think would be ok to start off with?
  4. DeltaV

    DeltaV New Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    The issue, of course, is that certain things that would be necessary to follow the game's natural progression make no sense in this RP's established canon (Such as needing to summon dragons or penguin UFOs to get to different sectors, etc).
  5. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Thinking on the spot, they could ICly 'buy' starmaps from traders. Or spawn only things of that nature into existence.
  6. Chimpowitz

    Chimpowitz New Member

    Oct 13, 2014
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    I like the idea of trading for those items, that would work
  7. Jnick22

    Jnick22 New Member

    Aug 23, 2014
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    Ooooh, fancy. But, since game mechanics arent even close to a finished state, how would that work?
    I would say wait till Nightly is moved to stable, but...
    So, I dunno, it might just be odd right now, but when the game is done then this would work splendidly.
  8. Chimpowitz

    Chimpowitz New Member

    Oct 13, 2014
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    Im just doing a test with about 3-4 others besides myself, still looking, and right now im looking for a few who want to test this with me, I think it could work, and if it fails ill wait till the next update (Like half life 3 Lol)
  9. Sen

    Sen Guest

    holy shit the server is going backwards

    honeydew prior wooden boxes, HERE WE COME!
  10. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    While it's a noble idea, it honestly... doesn't add anything to RP. Using game mechanics just feels awkward and unrealistic for this sorta thing. Most players know that just because they can OOC get 5 billion titanium building blocks at any time they want, they can't do that IC. I guess hey, do as you want, but I don't see the point :p
  11. M-Bot

    M-Bot #swellest

    Apr 4, 2014
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  12. Chimpowitz

    Chimpowitz New Member

    Oct 13, 2014
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    Idk just thought it would give a realistic challenge to it, and just in overall they all have the same struggle, so they have to work together to overcome there surroundings. Im willing to take anyone who wants to join, Im letting each player have a personal item of there choice, like a small gun, or idk another clothing item, that has the stats of something in the alpha sector.
  13. Chimpowitz

    Chimpowitz New Member

    Oct 13, 2014
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    If anyone wants to try this or let me join just message me.
    And i think really the only one that might make sense about getting starmaps is the first one, which is how we end up contacting the rest of galaxy, and there probably would be pirates to come check its out, but then we can travel to asani, and trade for new star map tech, and do even more things.
  14. The Big Bad Wolf

    Feb 25, 2014
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    I'd have to disagree.

    Not sure if I'd be down to rp this idea out all over again as I did it once before back on Memoria.

    But, this idea can work. Cutting down trees to build shelter, fire. Actually starting out with garbage gear and items and gradually building up over time. Running out of fire wood, finding better ores, the actually need to mine ores. Actually having to deal with the cold, huddling around the fire place. These are all great things for gritty rp. Anyone willing to rp that all out, truly starting from scratch deserves respect.

    I do agree with Delta though. Perhaps when it comes to getting the starmaps for various sectors it would be better off not to summon some random dragon with a decoy, or a flying saucer full of penguins. As it doesn't really mesh with the rp we have going on. At the point where the group decides its time to leave the sector I would then suggest using the mod for this process.

    Aside from that all the power to you @Chimpowitz. Temptation will be your biggest enemy.

    Side note: As much as I like being able to spawn items in as I need, especially blocks for building. The spawn mod really hurts rp to a certain degree because it does get abused.

    -We've come to a point where we need to create threads on logs of our cash flow and how we obtain it.
    -Items have zero value. No point in being a tailor or weapon dealer unless your the bomb dot com at color coding or able to tweak weapon appearances and visual effects.(Even then the money you get is just spawned in or rp'd out)
    -People want more realistic rpers, miners, doctors, hunters, farmers.(Imagine if we actually had to really mine to build something, perhaps we'll wouldn't mind being down in a shaft getting paid 50 pixels for every 100 ores they bring up/ or doctors had to actually cut down some vines to make bandages(not sure what else is involved its been so long), or farmers had to actually plant to grow the food that we chop on mid conversation when we realize were about to die.
    #14 The Big Bad Wolf, Dec 11, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 11, 2014
  15. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    All your stuff, /yes/ I agree that building up from nothing is fun and enjoyable!
    But I mean why do it with game mechanics, thats just restricting and frustrating. Why not just roleplay it.
  16. The Big Bad Wolf

    Feb 25, 2014
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    Using the game mechanics is still roleplaying, no?
    Scenario: You and I are in a small wooden shack we just built. We have just enough wood to get a fire going, but were both starving and ran out of food during nightfall.(Rather then spawning in food) I tell you I'm going to head out to see if i can find us something to eat. You throw me your cheap jacket which will barely keep me warm and I head out into the woods to get us something before we starve. I take a piece of wood and some coal and head out.

    Its freezing and I should probably turn back but we need food right? So i keep going. Long story short I find the creature manage to kill it and take its meat with me but it's too cold for me to make it back without starting another fire to warm of first(game mechanics). I find a short cave and hop inside and create a fire. During this whole time your character may be worried concerned, yada yada. I come back in the morning cook us a alien steak and tell you the adventure I had and how I almost froze to death.

    Now sure you can say well shoot instead of using the game mechanics you could just rp that out all the same.
    Problem is no one does. Everyone has 999 food on them, the thought doesnt even cross their mind. I've been on the server a hell of a long time and honestly cant say ive never heard anyone say they need to head to the market to stock up on food.
    (Assuming: And the people who do, do this at the start of rping as new survivors and once they get past that phase they dont go back. Food just magically appears all of sudden)

    (I am not suggesting this but just putting it out there. Back on Memoria the moderators were the only ones allowed to use cheat mods. You were shunned otherwise. If you wanted to build a colony you would have to present an ooc list, as well as a brief description on why and how you could afford to build this colony, or whether its just a place you stumbled upon. The list would be like.
    x1000 heavy stone
    x6000 iron blocks
    x30 doors
    You get the point.)

    This kept things in check. It also kept rpers in check really well also. People didn't want to get into random fights and do "edgelord" shit because were their character to die. Starting a new character would be a bitch. Here, starting a new character is nothing.

    I remember actually having to use a pixel compress to pay for gear I needed. The pixels came from hunting, and mining. I actually worked for my stuff.
  17. Sen

    Sen Guest

    it is amazing to watch this sever regress
  18. Chimpowitz

    Chimpowitz New Member

    Oct 13, 2014
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    Sometimes regressing isnt the worst things in the world...
  19. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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    He said amazing. So I -think- he meant it as a good thing.

    Don't murder me if I'm wrong plz.
  20. Chimpowitz

    Chimpowitz New Member

    Oct 13, 2014
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    Was not saying it to defend myself just saying it, because im trying to get at least 3 others, to make one single character and join. Its an old experiences that i think others would enjoy.
    #20 Chimpowitz, Dec 11, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 11, 2014