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(Starnet) Blood-Grasss' Online Meat sshop!

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Fluffeh, Aug 13, 2015.

  1. Fluffeh

    Fluffeh New Member

    Mar 11, 2015
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    Floran huntss animalss almosst every day, and thought it would be a good idea to ssell the meatss sso the Dionaea tribe and floran can get more pixelss. 100% of thiss meat iss from wild animalss, 0% of it iss meat-bag flessh, sso meat-bagss don't need to worry about 'cannibalissm', whateverss that iss. All meatss are kept in a magic box called a 'refrigerator', and ssalt iss added to magically help presserve after the first day of the meat being kept in the 'refrigerator'. Floran does not harvesst already dead animalss. Sshipping iss free. We can trade for the meat, or you can pay in pixelss. If you want to buy, either talk to floran in persson, or private messsage floran on sstarnet. Floranss in the Dionaea tribe get meat free, becausse tribe iss family.

    WARNINGSS: Meat, if eaten raw, can make one ssick. If you eat it more than a week after floran sstarted preserving it in the 'refrigerator', it can also make one sick. Ssome people are allergic to meat, or jusst don't like meat at all, and are called 'vegetarians'. Vegetarians, thiss meat iss real meat and issn't made of ssoy, tofu, vegetabless, fruitss, or anything of the ssort. Ssome animals get poissoned, disseassess, or anything else of the ssort. Floran is not able to tell if an animal iss poissoned, disseassed, or anything of the ssort.

    Pricess*: a few hourss to a day old: 10 pixelss a lb.
    a day to two dayss old: 8 pixelss a lb.
    two to four dayss old: 6 pixelss a lb.
    four dayss to a week old: 4 pixelss a lb.
    a week to two weekss old: 2 pixelss a lb.
    more than two weekss old: 1 pixel every 5 lbss.
    *Thiss iss for if your paying in pixelss, trading iss more complicated.

    - Blood-Grass
    #1 Fluffeh, Aug 13, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 13, 2015
  2. OcularOccultist

    OcularOccultist New Member

    Jun 10, 2015
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    "Doubtful. I must simply say I am doubtful. Though the business acumen displayed by whoever opened this 'online store' is clearly that of a child, at best, I still doubt that it was a Floran who managed to come up with this nonsense. A Floran with an entrepreneurial spirit is like an Apex without any fur, unheard of. So, if you are simply a child mocking the disgusting Savage Folk, well done Young One. If by some Ungodly chance you do in fact happen to BE one of the Savage Folk, well.. As they say in Sol, cover yourself in pitch and light yourself up you disgusting Shrub. Have a fiery day."

  3. Ricardo

    Ricardo ERP Champ 2016

    Aug 25, 2014
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    [sent from [email protected]]

    God damn! Ey no1 buy no meat from a daisy, ya feel? If I learnd anything is that panocha florans is trikksters!

    Ey but I got some meat for you if you hungry, daisy! You like chorizo, cabrĂ³n?Jajaja! No but stay away from me, shit. Yall gimme the willies...
