I need a few things for a few projects of mine. 100 pieces of 3.9 inch sheet metal 100 pieces of 2.4 inch sheet metal 5 large spools of insulated wiring 10L of coffee and lots of turkey legs 2 Barrels of Petrolium 1 Hydrolic based drive train, 6 meters in length. View attachment 3093
M'can deliver some bits terday, just make sure yer got'em money ready. Got'em spools, coffee'n turkey and them petrolium. Rest is gon'er take'em two days ter get. ~ Clem
Yer in'em luck! Clem 'ere jus' got'em last o'em bits y'need. Bu' there's been them slight problem. Y'need ter make them train from'em parts m'got. Send me them coords fer when me needs ter drop'em goods off. ~ Clem
T'is quite costly fer'em lot. About nine hundred'n eighty would do, plus one hundred'n fifty fer'em delivery costs. So tha'll mark y'up ter one thousand'n one hundred'n thirty. ~ Clem
Well, this was considerably cheaper than I thought. Alright, teleport it to my ship, and I'll send your money to you online Mutethegreen