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Starbound Plot Theories: The Ark

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Khaltor, Apr 22, 2015.

  1. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    So you've all probably noticed The Ark now, at the Outpost Gate... Which we should probably just dub as Gate now, since it's apparantly connected to more things than "just" the Outpost.

    So when we arrive at the Ark, we find ourselves in a huge dark place, with a camping site to the left. I assume this is probably where we'll find the first major quest NPC's. Y'know, the unique ones that they're working on. I'm thinking it's one of the first three nerds. (Human, Avian, Hylotl)
    Since the human looks like an explorer/archeologist type she's probably the best candiate to be found at the Ark and the questline may reveal more information about Starbound's overarching plot.

    The first picture/image we see is this: [​IMG] .
    Whereas the second one we see is this: [​IMG] .
    I believe these two to be the "Progenitors". I'm labelling the first one "The Maker", because I'm assuming it either created life on planets or the planets themselves within the Starbound universe. The second one would be its opposite, (because who doesn't like a good old good vs evil, god vs satan, Raava vs Vaatu, it's pretty cliché, but that's why i think it's probable) the Destroyer, who is portrayed destroying planets, perhaps devouring them. (Could also rename it the Devourer, but i'm sticking with Destroyer for now :p)

    I believe, because these two higher lifeforms / progenitors were eachothers opposite, they eventually conflicted and fought a great battle, as is portrayed here: [​IMG] . I think the Maker sealed the Destroyer, because i don't think that pyramid/triangle-shaped thing is a part of its body, because we've seen its body in the previous image and it wasn't a part of it, nor does the statue of the giant tentacle monster have a shell or something, if it was a shell.

    However, i also think that sealing the Destroyer and the battle preceding that put a heavy toll on the Maker, because i like to assume that both are somewhat similar in strength, but y'know, good is always supposed to prevail.
    I believe that, The Maker had used so much strength, that its life was nearing its end. But it found a way to "live on", i believe that the Maker, sensing its days were numbered, decided to enlighten/elevate the sapient races it had created, leaving the safeguarding of his creations in their hands, making them "Guardians" of his legacy. This however went terribly wrong, somehow. I also believe that some fragments or seedlings of the Destroyer had escaped prior to it being sealed, but they remained hidden. I also believe they hid among the Floran and had a vile influence on them, making them eerie, savage and agressive. Later however, when the Maker was going around enlightening the races, the Maker found out about this and he enlightened the Florans, ridding them of the Tentacle threat and making them "better" ? Or at least creating some form of good influence on them. (Making the Florans not completely evil.) The maker would also go on to elevate the Avians, i think, perhaps it went back to the Glitch to alter their programming so that they could become true lifeforms and become self-aware though i do not know what sort of influence the Maker had on the Hylotl, Humans and Apex.
    I believe that when the Maker "ceased to be", it shattered into the race know as the Novakid, which would explain their eerie intelligence, weird personality, creative tendencies and their weird physiology (even when compared to Floran and Glitch ). The Maker did not "Create" the Novakid, it became the Novakid. Thus it is not portrayed among the other 6 races it created.

    Other interesting things to keep in mind is this:
    Human intro WIP vid script:
    http://starbounder.org/Species_and_their_Gods :

    Now get a load of this, if the 7th race is fragments of the Maker, then perhaps the 8th Race is the Tentacle race, by which i mean fragments of the Destroyer that escaped before it was sealed and have grown, in the shadows, resulting in the bigger Tentacle monster which is now wreaking havoc on Earth.
    This teaser would imply so: [​IMG] .
    In-game the 8th race is missing, but i think this subtle difference was supposed to tease that the tentacle monsters are the 8th race.
    Members of this 8th race would be: 1. The giant tentacle monster that attacked earth. 2. The "cute" tentacle monster creature that the human brought aboard in the human intro, which proceeded to slay the rest of the crew before he managed to open an airlock and get it out of the ship. and 3. http://starbounder.org/Eye_Guard Eye Guards. The Eye Guard have a very intersting set of dialogue, aside from the typical mysterious bad guy speech: I am become Death, destroyer of worlds. (I know that this is also a cliché insane badguy thing but listen!) This may imply that they are KIN of the Destroyer!

    Everyone knows i'm a great fan of the Floran race and are perhaps bummed out that there seem to be a lot of connections between the Floran, the Maker and the Destroyer in the lore. (They're currently hogging the lore spotlight.)
    I believe that the Avians and Glitch also came into contact with the Maker, but i honestly have no idea where the Apex, Hylotl and Humans come in then...
    Oh the Humans get fucked over by fragment of the Destroyer so they're sorta plot-relevant as well.
    Perhaps the Maker created the Humans, Apex and Hylotl after the sealing of the Destroyer, and created the Florans, Glitch and Avians unconsciously during the first phase of its universe creation process.

    8th race clarification:
    1. It can't be penguins. Penguins are a subspecies of Avians, there's a semi-canon story about how Avian colonists evolved over time into penguins after they were marooned on an arctic planet and they're often referred to as the lost children of Kluex. (? the Flightless ? (quotation needed))

    2. It can't be Agaran. I know exactly what Agaran are, i asked in the nightly chat to one of the lore people that happened to be there and he pretty much confirmed that: 1. Agaran were origninally Apex who were infused by Floran DNA (Greenfinger helped some Apex scientist do this, but proceeded to send his assasins after her(?) because he had told her the secret behind Floran DNA (perhaps some link with the influence the Destroyer had on their race?), this Floran DNA was meant to make the Apex stronger because THE FLORAN ARE PHYSICALLY SUPERIOR IN CANON LORE, deal with it! (Seriously xD, but they're also mostly stupid but yeah ...) The Apex saw the Floran as a threat (rightfully so).
    This experiment failed, they broke out, which explains the broken Apex labs with flora and Agarans all over the place and probably why they often had Floran prisoners in their mini biomes in previous updates, because they remember their miniknog programming of combatting Florans / hating Florans. Later on a semi-canon story was released where Agaran spores in a corpse supposedly transformed a crew of Avians into Agaran. So Agaran are contagious mushroom people and are also really dangerous, they're essentially an abomination mix of Apex and Floran.

    3. Splurgle are server canon mutated Florans from Tetanus Fields and i'm just mentioning them because all good things come in threes.

    So these are currently some connections i've made within the lore that fit within the whole Ark thing and creation of the races/history... I'm not perfect and it's been a while since i've read some parts of this lore, so i may have made some mistakes here and there, but this is my current view.

    Discuss! What are your thougts?
    #1 Khaltor, Apr 22, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 23, 2015
  2. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    Human and Novakid might be the remaining aspects of the Maker, think about it. Hylotl and Apex are fricking awesome at science and tech and really on different sides of the same coin. While Hylotl have a more passive approach to things. Apex are the opposite aggressive, dictator, seeking power. Yet both look down upon the others races. Which is usually the case with opposite principles. Fear and Tranquility as an example.

    When it comes to humans and Novakid they seem to be on the same coin but different sides. Humans in starbound show a stubbornness, creative knack for problem solving, and they are also very adaptive. Earth wiped out move to Mars. They are also have an eagerness to grow, like a children. Novakid are an interesting bit when referring to The Maker. They are forgetful, impatient, and yet one of the oldest races, and the longest living one.
  3. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    Don't think so, the humans are among the 6 races depicted on the last image, whereas the Novakid aren't, nor are the 8th race.
  4. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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  5. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    Okay then here's the question. why are the Novakid not a part of the six holding something (BTW your right. I over looked that while I was at work.) but they are on the side of the gate.

    Also it looks like some one decoded the writting around the gate (Here) and it says, "COLLECT THE SX KEYS AND PLACE THEM HER TO OPN THE BLACK HOLE."

    Also in the Mining Facility mission there is a secret room with a plague, which decoded is says, "It will return". I can only assume that is the destroyer.

    Perhaps the Novakid know of the system or have seen the particular star in question, and the reason why the Avian says it reminds them of Kluex, cause in probably some of their ancient text that system might be mentioned. Or simply the novakid had another part to play and Chucklefish has not revealed it yet.

    Wasn't there a floran art or something that spoke of the destroyer or them worshiping at god once?
  6. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    Okay I found it, or at least some thing of it. In the in-game book "Species and their gods" - The Florans seem to worship no god, but make reference to a Light Lord, a being who came from the stars that enlightened them.
  7. meanwhile

    meanwhile drunk cyberpunk catgirl

    Dec 17, 2013
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    florans worship us novakids
    i knew it
  8. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    So do flies. :p
  9. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    All of this is false. The hylotl are the master race.
  10. NovaZenk

    NovaZenk New Member

    May 3, 2014
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    This all seems about right, in my opinion.
    and toadkid pls
  11. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    I referenced that in the main post ;) but yeah i believe the Light Lord is the Maker
  12. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    I believe the Maker would have planned out that the other races get rid of the Destroyer using the black hole which he created before ceasing to exist? Each of his sapient races he knew he created would posses a key on their home planet, the Novakid don't seem to have a home planet.
  13. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    Perhaps the Erchius horror is related to the Destroyer seedlings/mutations/8th race.
  14. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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    What destroyed earth is more than likely related to it as well yis. (Not sure if you mentioned that or not.)
  15. Solour

    Solour a dad

    May 26, 2014
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  16. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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  17. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Before we speculate and start speculating based on speculations, let's stick with what were relatively certain about.
  18. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    What do you mean?
  19. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    If the purpose of this thread is to theorize and nothing more, then I have nothing to say.

    If the purpose is to theorize and then employ those theories in RP and assume them to be lore, that's another thing entirely.
  20. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    Nah, there's not enough evidence in the current lore + the information that supports my lore theory isn't available to our characters, whereas Oak supposedly did research on the Floran and Glitch, so there the codex and item descriptions back up what Oak would've found. But those articles also aren't server canon.

    TL;DR: No this isn't supposed to become canon, we're just theorizing.