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Star Dancers Memory Server.

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by JackGrimsly, Jun 29, 2016.

  1. JackGrimsly

    JackGrimsly New Member

    Jun 19, 2016
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    Right. I making this So I don't forget anything anymore, I'm tired of forgetting things. Nova kids may be plagued with this handicap But i will endeavor to over come it.

    Nova Dancer.
    Relation: My father
    Status: Deceased
    The man who started it all, dead and gone thanks too my snake of a mother. He did dealings with the core and it cost me my wife and home... never trust the core... just kill them.

    Lunar Dancer
    Relation: my mother
    Status: Deceased
    The she which living large in the core with the family fortune. The day she dies is the day I can relax.

    Moonlight Dancer
    relations: Oldest Sibling
    Talented musician and singer. She always shined the brightest among all of us. I miss her... but I'm glad I still have her music.

    Dusty Dancer
    Relation: older Sister
    Ace pilot and thrill seeker. Dusty always loved the rush she got from her profession of choice. though she was shorter and more ill tempered then the rest of us, she was always the cutest.

    Shadow Dancer
    Relation: Oldest Brother
    Occupation: Assassin, Merc
    Status: Deceased
    The last thing people never get too see. I helped develop the stealth technology for his favorite suit. He has thousands, if not millions of successful jobs under his belt. despite being a Pycho... I miss him. And I'm ashamed to admit that.

    Cliff Dancer
    Relation: older Brother
    Occupation: Mercenary, grave robber.
    The Adventurer, as soon as he could fly a ship he left home to plunder the galaxy. I have seen him the least of all my siblings.

    River Dancer
    Relation: 2nd older Sister
    Occupation: Former CEO of Dancer Family Firearms back in My home Sector.
    Status: Deceased
    River is probably the least hillbilly out of us all. polite, sophisticated, dangerous with words.

    Aurora Dancer
    Relations: Youngest older Sister
    Occupation: ???
    Spunky and joking, I'm glad she's joined me out here... and hope she stays safe.

    Star Dancer.
    Relation: me
    Occupation: entrepreneur
    status: not dead
    I am Star, I'm from the Helios system. I came to "council space" too escape what my family has become. I used to be apart of the Marshals, but their all gone now. I just wish I could have come here with Spades, She'd have liked it here.

    Spades Slick/Dancer
    Relation: My wife
    Ocupation: Leader of "The Marshels"
    Status: deceased
    I have too never forget... She was so important too how I got here and Why this all happened. without her I'd still be the lil dog lusting after his fathers approval, she was my sun rise, no star in the universe compared to her. The Core was her undoing. The day she died... was the day all the light in my life vanished. I can never forget her. I must never forget her.
    If I do... what will be left of me?

    Battle hardened merc. usually angsty and pissed off.

    Angsty cyborg queen of Nogun.

    Newest Partner in crime, even if he won't admit it.

    Space princess turned homeless. nice enough.

    Mayor of Mud, Pacifist, will probably get alot of people hurt.

    Kind girl on Mud, Conner's Girlfriend. cute as a button.

    Well intention'd Moron. good heart.

    Nogun's gate guard. do not envy him.

    Young idiot Novakid.

    Nice guy. good drinking buddy.

    Sunshine mercenary. Will be paying him a visit in 45 years or so.

    Sunshine Mercenary. Will be paying them a visit in a good 50ish years, maybe sooner judging by their medical records.

    Razor Vines:
    Floran Merc, intelligent and trustworthy. for a Floran.

    Atticus Nepos: KOS
    Terrorist who attacked Mud.
    Dead man Walking.

    Apex: Strong, usually pretty smart, dangerous foes, good allies.

    Florans: Some are OK, most need a good planet glassing though.

    Avians: split between religious Nuts and genuinely OK folk, approach with Caution. DO NOT TALK ABOUT KLUEX. Stupid shitty fake ass gods, cutting out their spleens and waving it around like their hot shit.

    Hylotl: an Honorable and peaceful bunch. Most Trustworthy of the other races.

    Humans: I just love these fuckers. they come in every shape and color and breed like there is no tomorrow. their lives may be short but they accomplish so much in them its hard not to admire them a little. they range from genuinely kind to as crazy as Florans.

    Glitch: Worst. Idea. Ever. usually witless "peasants" or psychotic "royalty." can be reasoned with, but talk alot of shit that they don't seem to be able to back up once the chips are down and the guns are out.

    once upon a time there was a Nova kid called Nova Dancer who was a mother fucking bad ass and created one of the Few Nova kid cities in the known universe, this Town became a trading hub because so many people went in and out of it and he quickly became very rich and very powerful, attracting the attention of a lot of slavers, floran hunter fleets, and bandits.
    He set up a group known as "the Marshall's" who were basically the space police.
    With the marshals being composed of a "optimized" system that played on each races strength, the Marshels quickly smashed out most of the threats, though Nova lost his first wife [ and his first 4 children's mother] in the campaign.
    this made Nova bitter and he slunk into Seclusion with his second wife, the Marshals quickly becoming more corrupt as time pasted
    eventually Star was born and married the current leader of the Marshels, a nova by the name "Spades Slick" who was actually in to stomp out the marshals corruption. To make an example of her they Tried to kill Star and ended up killing her.
    Star then proceeded to meticulously decimate every single facet within the Marshals, gutting the whole thing from within and throwing the system into anarchy with his passionate and burning fury driving him to lead a ten year campaign of Slaughter against those who had plotted against the Woman he considered the only light in his universe.
    The other Dancers either Helped star, profited on the Chaos, or got out of his way
    When the Dust Settled, Star vanished.
    #1 JackGrimsly, Jun 29, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 28, 2016
  2. JackGrimsly

    JackGrimsly New Member

    Jun 19, 2016
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    Begin recording....

    Today Skylar Died.
    I killed her.
    She was sick. mental instability, hallucinations, among other things.
    She tried to Kill Danni. She tried to get me too kill Danni. She attacked me.
    and it all came rushing back. all the instinct. All the... Rage? yeah, Rage. That is the emotions name. Hate, betrayal, hurt. before it even registered, the gun was in my hand, the trigger pulled, and she was dead. Gut shot by plasma at that range is lethal too every Race.
    I buried her, made her a tomb stone, thats what humans do with their dead, felt respectful. Danni wants to take the blame, but the didn't do it. I did. I Defended myself, simple as that really.

    Aurora and Polly are in this system now. good too see old faces, helps me remember. good and bad memories, but I like remembering, keeps me rooted. guess thats why i'm still recording. Guess thats why I'm typing this.
  3. JackGrimsly

    JackGrimsly New Member

    Jun 19, 2016
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    Upside is gone... My Debt has become crippling... the people i thought could help this place lie battered and broken under the boots of a new sociopathic order...

    Time to play the long game, Like I usually do. Human lives are short and fical. They will grow Old I won't. I know their name. So I will wait. I will research. I will wait until this human is old, has retired, has forgotten what he did. Then I will kill him.
    Not like it would be the first time. The first was the Avian, then the floran, then the next few were just a handful of Apex and Humans. Their short lives mean nothing t a person who can live as long as me. The last thing this Richards will see in when he is old and grey will be a Star.

    This Sunshine corporation though... they have "Core tech" pasted all over them. so it begins again. nuclear weapons research. Tesla and lightning guns. mass production of Plasma weaponry. Shielding technology research. The long night in solitude.
    Whatever it takes too keep these people alive and whatever trust fund baby out of the frontier.
    Old Gods have mercy on our souls.
  4. JackGrimsly

    JackGrimsly New Member

    Jun 19, 2016
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    This is bad...
    Sunshine is putting pressure on Mud. I have a plan to beat them now, and the tech, but not the numbers...
    on top of that the cult is getting more violent and attacks more frequent. I need help, Polly can't just be the guy I lean on for this stuff anymore. theres a judge stomping around Mud now too, said he might make me a Marshel. Do i really want that though? I was a cop for 50 years... do I really need more of that. The critters from the Forrest have started coming out and attacking my workers too, whatever i do I can feel the Noose tightening around my neck, and this time no ones gonna cut me down.
  5. JackGrimsly

    JackGrimsly New Member

    Jun 19, 2016
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    Beginning New Recording...

    Terrorists attacked the mine...
    and the same day we wiped out the cultists. Markus is dead. took a rail gun spike to the head.

    For every head we cut off this snake another raises its head.

    No Gods.
    No Kings.
    Theres Just Us.
  6. JackGrimsly

    JackGrimsly New Member

    Jun 19, 2016
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    The Defrag is complete... All My memories are back.
    Its hard looking at them. looking at all the little moments... My mistakes as a kid, building my ship, Joining the Marshals, all the rookie mistakes I made, meeting Spades... loosing Spades... sending the man that killed her too certain doom.
    All these things that make me who I am without me realizing it, like its just floating beyond my grasp.

    147 years old... I finally know how old I am. Youngest of my family but still compared to the other races... I am an ancient.

    The saddest thing I've found in my memories and on Starnet is the fate of Earth. the Jewel of the USCM and the human race... now that i have the pictures of my brief visit. She truly was a beauty without measure, and now... the thing I have is known by many names. The Beast, The Unmaker, The Ruin, but my family knows it as "The Nemesis."

    The relics from my life begin to fall into place with all these new pieces... the Rail gun, Polly's parents worshiped was created to probably fight it and knowing the damage done to the station probably succeeded in firing at... probably not the one on earth but definitely something similar before being thrown away.

    The large amount of ships on my home planet would indicate that this... thing also did quite a bit of damage, probably stranding my ancestors there, leading to the Dancer family plasma line. and from these ships I made my own, which brought me... here. Beyond the stars I once called my sun and the Moons I knew so well.

    For Once I feel... Whole. Like I finally have a grasp of the whole picture that is my life, what made me, where I came from.

    Its Good too be Back.
    #6 JackGrimsly, Jul 20, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 27, 2016
  7. JackGrimsly

    JackGrimsly New Member

    Jun 19, 2016
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    They were beautiful... those lights over Mud. Then some merc showed up... some other Nova blew his brand out in front of me.

    It started off as such a nice day too.
  8. JackGrimsly

    JackGrimsly New Member

    Jun 19, 2016
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    "Evening Son."
    "Evening Old Man."
    "Didn't see you at the memorial."
    "I already mourned for her enough."
    "And yet you insist on this campaign."
    "Their Criminals, their victims deserve Justice."
    "Just Spades more then the others."
    "Don't you Dad me squirt I have seen this kinda rage before, it is Toxic. you'll burn out going on like this."
    *Breaking glass*
    "WELL WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO?!? That is all you seem to be good at Dad, telling me what Ah should be doing!"
    "Star... Sit back down."
    *silence followed by a muffled thump.*
    "Gonna tell me another long story to get me bored?"
    *Loud Sigh of resignation.*
    "Her name Was Sky... she was beautiful, I loved her. I met her years ago on a little business Trip. At first it was rough, almost antagonistic. we would Constantly Snipe at each other. Her open style clashing with my By the books attitude/ but the more we worked together the more I came too Appreciate her. The Doors she could open with but a few words, her subtle observations... She was brilliant and strong in every sense of the word, wearing a cynical Shell but beneath it she was warm and more loving than anyone I have ever met."
    "Even mum." He sounds Snide.
    "I remember the first time we made love..."
    The grey Sands at Dawn... the sound of the ocean... Her warmth... he-"
    "Ew dad what the fuck?!?"
    "I need you too understand."
    "understand what!?"
    "Understand that I know what this pain your feeling feels like. To love someone, not to just settle. not too find your Best friend or Special some one or any of that useless tripe. I mean Love. True Love."
    "yes... bu-"
    "I burned a City for her Star. They Killed her and in turn I raised Fire from the darkest places I could Find. I burned the entire City and its castle too the ground to be Sure they were all Dead. That Crazed King, His Family. His Palace. All the things that he had Created. Everything. a Whole City. Reduced to Ash."
    "Thats... Dad..."
    "I loved her. I need you too know that I loved her. I need too know that you understand that so you will know what I say next is spoken without Exaggeration."
    "I... Ah think I understand dad."
    "I loved her. I burned a city for her. But If I ever looked at her the way you always looked at Spades, I would have hunted the Globe and taken my revenge on the whole Planet. And if she had gazed at me the way Spades looked at You Star. The planet would Still be on fire from my Wrath."
    *a long moment of Silence.*
    "Ok dad.... I understand."
    "Then you have my Blessing Star."
    #8 JackGrimsly, Aug 3, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 3, 2016