Due to the recent trapssss and kidnapingsss, I thought I ssshould make a thread ssso you're a little less afraid when visssiting Space Ikea. SPACE IKEA ISSS NOT A FURNITURE SSTORE. Although there isss furniture available. We sell Weaponry, clothing, capture pods, and other commodities including furniture. Recently Space Ikea was designed to be a store, yet it turned to be so much more. Recently Sssspace Ikea recieved a community room, then an arcade and bar. Itssss like one big mini mall, yet i own it all! Sssecurity is ssecured in the ssshopping center and will be inssstalled in the arcade and bar. Shoplifting will result in a fine. We hope you vissit and trusst Space Ikea in the future.
-Johnson- Why call it "Space Ikea" in the first place? You don't sound human, let alone Swedish, and you hardly sell furniture.
"I'm human and I've never heard of it." -Aedan ((Please try to keep references to modern day stuff to a minimum if you can. This is 400 years in the future, afterall. Not to mention that this sort of information being available to non-humans would be almost completely impossible. 400 year old company would be considered ancient by most standards.))
((Debatable. For all we know, they could have maintained their successfulness, at least until Earth's destruction))
-Johnson- Yeah, Ikea was this big place that sold furniture hundreds of years ago. And also meatballs and things. ((Considering that we know plenty about the 1600s today, I don't see why we wouldn't know about the 2000s four hundred years in the future, especially with the sheer amount of information we have about our time [Wikipedia, etc.]))
((Do you know of any shops or similar from the 1600s? Plus, if they continued their successful business to the current day, making something like this would likely be considered copyright infringement, would it not? It's also generally advised to steer clear of stuff like this anyways. It's honestly better to come up with your own unique name for this sort of thing. Don't steal names of existing places, people, etc. Especially given the fact that this isn't only called Space "IKEA", it also uses the exact same logo.))
((Here's a list of all the oldest companies in existence in the United States alone that still exist; you'll notice some prominent ones when you hit the 1800s. Now here's the list of all the oldest companies that still exist, period. It's not impossible to suggest that some of these companies could have expanded to space sometime in the course of human history, especially if it is truly the future. The only real problem is that it lacks originality.))
(( Fine, ill try and find a different name for it, but what? Mashfist's doesnt sound too happy. I always thought my character found an old piece of furniture with an Ikea logo on it, and considered it to be a form of some sort of shop. Ikea most likely is dead in the starbound universe, and if its not. Eh. Any ideas on what I should name it? I thought of it as a bit of a joke. I mean a company named after a dead company that sells furniture yet sells little to no furniture at all is a bit comical, or atleast i think so. ))