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"Spurgle" Florans

Discussion in 'Roleplay Planning' started by DirtyGoblin, May 26, 2014.

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  1. DirtyGoblin

    DirtyGoblin Guest

    So, in the past, Myself, TD, and Malachar did this thing, where we let other folks in on the whole Spurgle floran thing, playing the spawn of Mucklurk/Traptooth and Mucklurk/Petaldancer, back when Muck had thoroughly infested Tetanus Fields sewer/undergound.

    I am.. Cautiously, trying this once more, but on this go around, it's more along the lines of "converts."

    Basically, Mucklurk is attempting to branch out and infect other florans with the Spurgle.

    What is spurgle?

    Well, it's an Agaran spore. I've talked it over with Mugwump to flesh out some details, and such (Mugwump is smart :D)

    Basically, the spore is symbiotic for the most part. It is related to the spores that plagued Alioth Prime, whether it is the same or not, will be discovered later, if at all. Florans that are infested will begin to show fungal growths on their skin/hide in patches. The longer it's allowed to grow, the more it spread, deeper as well in some aspects. It causes the infested to floran to have an aversion for places that are either bright, dry, or a combination of the two. When in dark, moist/humid, and relatively warm places it's safe to say they may feel a sense of comfort or euphoria, the spores approval of a suitable region that promotes it's growth. It's a bit fluffed over, but I've always gone with the idea that the spores allow the floran to forego or do without photosynthesis, adopting a far more meat heavy diet, the spore using the floran as a sort of foodsource, in exchange rendering it capable of living for extended periods of time in the darkness or underground.

    Now, recently in the Starbound Chronicles, there was a little blurb about an avian ship infested with Agaran spores. Turns out these spores are apparently sentient, and kill off the host, and eventually resulting in a batch of newborn Agarans. What's this mean for a Spurgle Floran? Well, as Mugwump suggested, these florans devotion to the Spore, essentially pleases the Agaran spore, leaving it content to remain as it is, as opposed to completing it's incubation and killing off the host.

    Now, as far as the spores sentience goes, I absolutely love the idea of their being some rudimentary communication between the spore and it's host, and perhaps a sort of 'network' of nonverbal communication between spore-infested florans that is enabled by these spores when in relatively close range (Say, ten to twenty feet maximum?) This could play into the reverence and borderline religious attitude held by the Spurgle florans for the spores.

    Some mundane notes on spurgle florans...

    They are not you're run of the mill, happy go lucky types. Mosst embrace savagery on some level, but that does not make them utterly halfwitted. They are like most florans, simply at a lower stage of civilization. They still have a system of morality reflective untainted florans, and they have a series of titles, words, etc. they use that are floran in nature but of a very specific dialect. Think of the variations in different languages based on region. Ggogblat, Rugathumbor, Spurgle, are the only common ones at the moment, Ggogblat being a sort of Shamanic Chief, Rugathumbor being a sort of Rage/Bloodlust, and Spurgle being essentially a term for a concept which is often explained IC.

    If there are any takers for this, feel free to post. If you want to throw in new word things, feel free :)

    Mucklurk is currently trying to gather up his old brood as well. He currently only has 15-20 of the feral brood left (npcs), out of the hundreds that burned beneath Tetanus.

    As far as the prior pc's go, his primary search is for those whom he was around the most, which he managed to teach. Mudspike, Narfball, Sludgelick.

    He currently has Phlegmgil in tow, as Muck, Flem, and Tar had escaped TF together.

    Regarding the Petaldancer Brood: I am extremely, extremely hesitant to bring these back in. For the sole fact that the prior issue of a few being roleplayed as toddlers, was extremely offputting, and the cause of me burning out on Mucklurk. I will be fairly stringent about which of those is essentially brought into the fold.

    A quick guideline: If you're not sure about a floran, the very best examples I've seen and RP'd with outside of the little muckgroup, would be Firedrinker, and Sen (And Traptooth). If your floran rp is anything like there's, just "muck it up" a bit, and your spurgle floran would fit right in.
  2. DirtyGoblin

    DirtyGoblin Guest


  3. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Also, to point out, this doesn't mean people will be able to become full-fledged Agarans or something. Agarans themselves still remain a species that players are not allowed to play.
  4. Narfball

    Narfball narfball

    Dec 22, 2013
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    I still play my Spurgle floran, all it takes is a little elbow grease and a new ship.. And a radio... and the ship to have access to the beta sector...
    to find.. mucklurk.

    ...oh wait that's almost impossible nvm
  5. DirtyGoblin

    DirtyGoblin Guest

    To clarify the Agaran point Terr brought up, This ain't a route to playing an Agaran. Think of it as a failsafe. The ones who are basically derptastic, wind up dead, via agaran birthing. Said Agaran is an npc.
  6. Iridium616

    Iridium616 New Member

    Feb 2, 2014
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    So basically, betray and hurt the spores and you'd end up dead?
    Welp. Then GoldLeaf should have died when she searched for someone to get rid of them.
  7. DirtyGoblin

    DirtyGoblin Guest

    There are some constraints, like the SB Chronicle blurb had shown, it's not instantaneous, and likely depends on how deep the infection/infestation is. I don't expect many takers on this, but I'm also trying to keep like, a solid grip on it this time, and be a bit more clear about certain constraints, to avoid last time's fiasco.
  8. Loveless

    Loveless New Member

    Jun 5, 2014
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    Why are Agrans banned from being playable? There's a shit ton of official lore on them, a designed way to speak as them, and now they have even more details. Plus, there's nothing in the official rules against it.
  9. LaserLlamas

    LaserLlamas Mother of the Pack

    Mar 28, 2014
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    To answer that, one can't directly play as one without the help of mods. That, and Agarans as a whole are pretty much something you don't want to be around.

    Say a PC is an Agaran and beamed down onto Taranis. There goes a good chunk of their population. Their spores are /fatal/. It's why you see so many posts in the general section criticizing people for even getting near their pods. The mushroom on the Agaran's head is full of those spores, and it could easily blow its top and send said spores into the air, literally infecting half the population and killing most of them, since there would be too many infected to treat all of them.
  10. Loveless

    Loveless New Member

    Jun 5, 2014
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    You don't need a mod to play as an Agaran, just a floran character with the proper equipment. And how are these spores lore friendly if they never affect anyone in the vanilla game?
  11. Sen

    Sen Guest

  12. Loveless

    Loveless New Member

    Jun 5, 2014
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    This is cannon? Even so, it doesn't say by what means this corpse was infected. It even goes far enough to refer to it as a virus, which would make it a disease that causes Agarans but not necessarily spreads like a plague. Plus, there's an item in-game called the Agaran hat that drops from Agarans, so the spores can't be that lethal especially spreading as much as it's been made out to.
    #12 Loveless, Jul 24, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 24, 2014
  13. LaserLlamas

    LaserLlamas Mother of the Pack

    Mar 28, 2014
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    There's also a hat of a face leech that can be obtained as well. It's all for the looks, not meant to be taken seriously. Realistically speaking, putting an Agaran mushroom on your head in the /worst/ thing you can do. Your face would be surrounded by spores and you'd probably die the fastest. At least it wouldn't be as painful as the long route.
  14. Loveless

    Loveless New Member

    Jun 5, 2014
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    Except the Agaran hats are obtainable in-game, and there are no adverse effects from being in Agaran settlements. It'd be a lot cooler to have Agarans running around for the simple fact it makes the world seem larger and is a bit more accurate to the lore than having them completely banned.
  15. Sen

    Sen Guest

    Hylotl cannot breathe underwater in-game. This does not mean that Hylotl cannot breathe underwater.
  16. Loveless

    Loveless New Member

    Jun 5, 2014
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    Except that's been officially announced as a future feature for Hylotl armors. Also, most hylotl roleplay being unable to breathe underwater, acting more as a dolphin as they need to come up for air eventually. The same effect will be done with the armor sets. I don't recall, however, Agarans being announced to be instant-kill if you're a foot away.
  17. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    Best of luck!
    Hope it turns out better this time.
  18. Sen

    Sen Guest

    Players can carry 720000 tonnes of steel blocks in their inventory in the game.

    Lore has higher canon than game mechanics.
  19. LaserLlamas

    LaserLlamas Mother of the Pack

    Mar 28, 2014
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    I... don't think you understand...

    I'll put this into an example someone used on me not too long ago.

    They broke into the Keep of the Wolves' Den and was sitting in one of our labs, saying OOC it was /easy/ to get in because all they had to do, they said, was hold the ALT key down to look at everything. Because of that they magically knew where everything was. ICly they wouldn't even be able to use the first handscanner.

    Realistically speaking, since this is an RP, it's a 2d world, but in RP it would be considered 3D. Just because it's a 2D world in game doesn't mean it would be IC. It's like taking everything literal that the game is. Hylotl are fish/frog folk and have gills, allowing them to breathe underwater for the most part. Glitch do not require nourishment yet they need to eat so they don't starve OOC. I can magically carry like 20 different firearms and swords in my inventory, even though I'm only carrying one of each ICly.

    Just because you can get near Agarans in game doesn't mean they aren't hella dangerous when you're actually interacting with them.
  20. Loveless

    Loveless New Member

    Jun 5, 2014
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    Glitch do in fact require nourishment, as it's part of their energy source. Look at the fact they have crops. Sure, it's not entirely realistic, but the roleplay is supposed to stick to the official lore. Also, I would appreciate it if you didn't talk down to me when I'm trying to have a civilized discussion. I understand the idea of locked doors IC, and the OOC unrealism for both weapons and inventory, but that has nothing to do with the situation regarding the Agarans.
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