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SPEC Suit Progress and Development

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Cole Ombre, Sep 10, 2014.

  1. Cole Ombre

    Cole Ombre Lurking Admin

    Feb 11, 2014
    Likes Received:
    -Jace Ombre-

    . . . Initializing Secure Satellite Relay . . .
    . . .
    . . .
    . . . Relay Secure . . .
    . . . Differentiating Facial Recognition Patterns . . .
    . . .
    . . . Facial Recognition Complete . . .
    Welcome back, Jace. How can I help you?
    Create a new file, text, name of "SPEC Suit"

    File Created. Would You Like To Edit?

    Opening File . . .


    SPEC Suit Research and Development, Phase One.
    Date: 9/10/2414
    Time: 20:32

    Stage one of the SPEC suit. Stirpis Personal Exo-skeletal Combat suit.
    Purpose is to reinforce and assist soldiers in duties on the field.

    Predicted Armor: Light-Medium
    Predicted Battery Life: 4-6 hours, full systems, 12-16 hours, minimal systems
    Predicted Armaments: 6 Plasmatic discharging kinetic round integrated assault rifles
    2 Integrated light grenade rounds
    Predicted Weight: 350lbs
    Predicted Materials: Durasteel, 200lbs
    Carbon fibers, 5 3'x3' sheets
    Titanium, 50lbs
    Gold, various amounts
    Silicon, various amounts
    Ruby wafers, various amounts
    Various electronic plates

    Current Stage: Phase 1, Mk1

    Blueprint Stage: 75% Complete


    The SPEC Suit is a project, developed by me, Jace Ombre, designed and adapted for military use with the elite forces of respective armies. Cost is expected to be high, but I should ahev enough to jumpstart the project. Blueprints are almost complete, Finishing up the helmet. Lots of small pieces. Im hoping for this project to be successful, as it would grant alot of extra income.


    File closed. How can I assist you?
    Encrypt level 5, proxy through satellites 1 and 2, feed back to my computer, file name "SPEC Suit".
    Satellite 2 is in need of repairs. Asteroid showers have misaligned its trajectory and knocked loose multiple solar panels.
    Add to text file "To do", divert engine power in satellite to maintain orbit. Redirect through 3 only. Completion, sleep.
    Yes sir.

    . . . Closing . . .
    . . . Starting Encryption . . .
    . . .
    . . . Success . . .
    . . . Starting Direct Proxy . . .
    . . .
    . . . Satellite 2 Unresponsive . . .
    . . . Attempting Proxy Through 3 . . .
    . . .
    . . . Success . . .
    . . . Entering Sleep Mode . . .

  2. Cole Ombre

    Cole Ombre Lurking Admin

    Feb 11, 2014
    Likes Received:
    -Jace Ombre-

    . . . Initializing Secure Satellite Relay . . .
    . . .
    . . .
    . . . Relay Secure . . .
    . . . Differentiating Facial Recognition Patterns . . .
    . . .
    . . . Facial Recognition Complete . . .
    Welcome back, Jace. How can I help you?
    Open file; SPEC suit

    Opening . . .
    Spec Suit Research and Development, Phase One
    Date: 9/12/2414
    Time: 21:07

    Blueprints are complete, and I'm already seeing problems.

    6 rifles integrated into the arms allows little to no room for shell ejection. A minor problem, but important. Might have to cut rifles from 6 to 4, maybe even 2, unless I can find some way to redirect the spent cases out of the arm. Case-less is an option, I guess, but that requires a redesign of the rifle and its mechanisms.

    Arms cover the hands, that means I need some system for reloading the weapons. Direct feed from a pack into the weapons is possible, but too risky for a suit with 6 guns. Still, that goes back to the case ejection.

    Overheating problems could be caused by the plasma cells powering the arms. Prolonged firing -could- overheat the internal tubes, frying the circuitry and damaging the gun. Must work that out. Heat sinks, thermal paste, the works.
    File Closed. How May I Assist You?
    Function; proxyEncrypt
    Running . . .
    . . .
    . . .
    . . .
    Additional Commands?

    Upload File; SPECblueprints.hpf;
    Run Function; uploadEncryption;
    Upload Starting . . .
    Function Running . . .
    . . .
    . . .
    . . .
    . . .
    . . .
    . . .
    . . .
    Upload 100% Complete
    Function Complete
    Additional Commands?

    Entering Sleep Mode . . .
    . . .
    #2 Cole Ombre, Sep 12, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 13, 2014
  3. Cole Ombre

    Cole Ombre Lurking Admin

    Feb 11, 2014
    Likes Received:
    -Jace Ombre-

    . . . Initializing Secure Satellite Relay . . .
    . . .
    . . .
    . . . Relay Secure . . .
    . . . Differentiating Facial Recognition Patterns . . .
    . . .
    . . . Facial Recognition Complete . . .
    Welcome back, Jace. How can I help you?
    Open file; SPEC suit

    Opening . . .
    Spec Suit Research and Development, Phase One
    Date: 9/15/2414
    Time: 21:23

    Production of base prototype is coming along nicely, I switched out the rifles to integrate 4 instead of 6 and beefed up the cooling ysste slightly to fill the extra space. Over-heating may only be a problem now with extremely extended periods of firing, but i have yet to solve the shell ejection problem. I am making headway, however.

    Must figure out how to insulate the pack to prevent from interstellar rays, assuming I will be able to fully seal and add life support eventually. Holding all the equipment, it is a very vital area. Might add extra shielding to it in case of direct fire.
    File Closed. How May I Assist You?
    Function; proxyEncrypt
    Running . . .
    . . .
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    . . .
    Additional Commands?

    Entering Sleep Mode
    . . .
    . . .
  4. Cole Ombre

    Cole Ombre Lurking Admin

    Feb 11, 2014
    Likes Received:
    -Jace Ombre-

    . . . Initializing Secure Satellite Relay . . .
    . . .
    . . .
    . . . Relay Secure . . .
    . . . Differentiating Facial Recognition Patterns . . .
    . . .
    . . . Facial Recognition Complete . . .
    Welcome back, Jace. How can I help you?
    Open file; SPEC suit

    Opening . . .
    Spec Suit Research and Development, Phase One
    Date: 9/19/2414
    Time: 21:15

    Most of the large pieces are constructed, although I am missing some of the more delicate pieces. I put an ad on StarNet, but no one seems to have spare rubium wafers lying around. Figures.

    Contacted Cole to test the suit when it's completed. Also asked him to find a few other people he trusts to do the same. I want more than one input on the design. Anything that can be added or changed to make it more effective will be done. I know he's with the Armada, and they have ships, so I might contact them and see if I can buy some materials if they ever go asteroid mining.

    The suit is, for the most part, fully constructed. Im mostly just missing the important helmet pieces, and the sealant barrier to allow it to work in a vacuum. Rubium, some gold wire, circuit boards, the visor materials, that stuff. Also still have to program in the main OS. Don't know much about coding, but Cole does. I'll get him up here. That could take a while.
    File Closed. How May I Assist You?
    Function; proxyEncrypt
    Running . . .
    . . .
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    . . .
    Additional Commands?

    Entering Sleep Mode
    . . .
    . . .
  5. Cole Ombre

    Cole Ombre Lurking Admin

    Feb 11, 2014
    Likes Received:
    -Jace Ombre-

    . . . Initializing Secure Satellite Relay . . .
    . . .
    . . .
    . . . Relay Secure . . .
    . . . Differentiating Facial Recognition Patterns . . .
    . . .
    . . . Facial Recognition Complete . . .
    Welcome back, Jace. How can I help you?
    Open file; SPEC suit

    Opening . . .
    Spec Suit Research and Development, Phase Two
    Date: 9/27/2414
    Time: 13:51

    First working prototype of the SPEC suit is complete, and testing has begun. Minor problems have arisen mostly in the form of the weapons systems, but those can be fixed thoroughly in the next Mark. I am hesitant to test the vacuum sealant of the suits with a living person inside, even though the suit has shown resilience to the effects of space through unmanned testing. Weaponry had to be cut down to incorporate two rifles on one arm, and the grenade launcher on the other arm, however later Marks of the suit could be designed to fir specialized roles, allowing the use of complete integrated rifles, or no rifles and only launchers.

    Checklist; Additions to Mark 2:
    - Magnetic boots for work in zero or null gravity environments
    - Larger ammunition capacity or adapter for use of standard 30 round rifle magazines in the weapons as a last resort
    - Updated HUD to display current position and vitals to anyone connected over the SpecNet
    - Multiple hardwired radio channels for communications on separate levels throughout SpecNet, mostly for use with military squads
    - Possible adaptations of suit arms to incorporate plasma torches or other tools instead of the weaponry for use as an engineering or specialist suit.

    Current Armaments as of Mark 1:

    2x Kinetic firing plasma discharged integrated assault rifles, utilizing the burst of plasmatic energy through the weapons mechanisms to propel the projectile faster and straighter, and with less recoil. Will help the Operator fire more accurately in zero-gravity environments or int he free-float of space where a normal weapon would propel him around. With the arms and pack holding a total of 750 rounds, direct-fed into the weapons, with shells from the top and bottom gun being ejected through the top and bottom, respectively.

    1x Kinetic firing impact plasma discharged grenade launcher, capable of holding 6 small-medium grenades around the wrist of the left hand. They are fired with the same mechanics of the rifles, and when they make contact will burst, throwing small shards of metal and plasma around their impact point.

    Current Mark 1 Armor:
    Current armor levels are slightly below expected, however they should still allow the user to survive the majority of small-arms fire. Heavier armor is surrounding the torso, neck, head, and thighs, with lighter armor for movement on the arms and legs. Elbows, wrists and knees are relatively unarmored due to the need for a rolling movement from each of them. Heavier armor should be able to stop moderate amounts of small-arms fire before caving, as well as withstanding the shrapnel from most small explosives. Limb armor will survive less shots, with preliminary prototype results predicting stoppage of one to two projectiles of 7.62 ammunition before suit depressurization.
    Further Testing is Needed.

    ((seriously though, if anyone has any sort of problem with the specs, pun intended, of the SPEC suit, i.e. power-gamey or the like, feel free to message me. I'll be happy to discuss and/or change anything here))
    File Closed. How May I Assist You?
    Function; proxyEncrypt
    Running . . .
    . . .
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    . . .
    Additional Commands?

    Entering Sleep Mode
    . . .
    . . .
  6. Cole Ombre

    Cole Ombre Lurking Admin

    Feb 11, 2014
    Likes Received:
    -Jace Ombre-

    . . . Initializing Secure Satellite Relay . . .
    . . .
    . . .
    . . . Relay Secure . . .
    . . . Differentiating Facial Recognition Patterns . . .
    . . .
    . . . Facial Recognition Complete . . .
    Welcome back, Jace. How can I help you?
    Open file; SPEC suit

    Opening . . .
    Spec Suit Research and Development, Phase Two
    Date: 10/6/2414
    Time: 22:47

    Adaptation of the grenade launching system resulted in a limited carrying capacity of 3 grenades with one loaded, 4 total, due to the size of the items. New blueprints have been drawn up to map the weapon. Going to upload to the secure database. Testing with the new projectiles will commence as soon as possible. The new Multi-Canister Explosive Cluster Grenades, or MCES 'nades, are large grenades fitted with 4 smaller canisters inside each one, designed to burst out after the weapon is launched. Those grenades will launch even more small volatile shards around the landing area of the canisters, peppering the area with shrapnel and small explosions. Result is devastating, to unarmored and light-medium armor alike, however the explosive force isn't large enough to severely damage heavy armor. Use for clearing light infantry/bunkers.
    File Closed. How May I Assist You?
    Function; proxyEncrypt
    Running . . .
    . . .
    . . .
    . . .
    Additional Commands?

    Upload File; MCESblueprints.hpf;
    Run Function; uploadEncryption;
    Upload Starting . . .
    Function Running . . .
    . . .
    . . .
    . . .
    . . .
    . . .
    . . .
    . . .
    Upload 100% Complete
    Function Complete
    Additional Commands?

    Entering Sleep Mode . . .
    . . .
  7. Cole Ombre

    Cole Ombre Lurking Admin

    Feb 11, 2014
    Likes Received:
    -Jace Ombre-

    . . . Initializing Secure Satellite Relay . . .
    . . .
    . . .
    . . . Relay Secure . . .
    . . . Differentiating Facial Recognition Patterns . . .
    . . .
    . . . Facial Recognition Complete . . .
    Welcome back, Jace. How can I help you?
    Open file; SPEC suit

    Opening . . .
    Spec Suit Research and Development, Phase Three
    Date: 10/11/2414
    Time: 13:27

    First completed and fully functional model is finished. Major lab testing is complete, and now it is ready for the field. Revised suit blueprints are attached. Suit is not yet sealed, as that will come in later modifications, and as I regrow my dwindling finances. This project really took a toll on my wallet. Sunk over 80% of my money into it. Good thing the weapons are bringing in a constant income. Final specifications are as follows:

    2 integrated kinetic plasma discharged assault rifles in left arm. Weapons fire at a rate of 630 rounds per minute each, which adds to a combined total of 1260 rounds per minute when firing both weapons at the same time. Shell casings are ejected from the top and bottom of the arm, depending on which weapon is fired. Current ammunition capacity in the pack is 600 5.56 rounds per rifle, neatly stored in hard crates inside the pack, taking up most of the pack space. Still room for small medkit and other battlefield needs, however personal wants may not fit. Jamming can occur, but the low fire rate per weapon limits stoppages to rare.

    1 integrated interchangeable-ammunition grenade launcher, capable of firing multiple types of 40mm grenades. The launcher can be loaded from an outside source if necessary, although the process will take a good amount of time compared to the auto-loading function of the suit. The launcher carries a total of 4 grenades internally at any time, one in the weapon and 4 wrapping the arm in a magazine. Current deployments are seeing use of the MCEC grenade. Average fire time can be as high as 1 per second, although it is not recommended.

    Attached is an image representing the various armor protection tiers. Red is strong, green is medium, and yellow is weak. Strong is relative, as the armor has been shown to be able to withstand a number of small arms projectiles, and even small amounts from close range, however the user may still receive bruises or broken bones form the impact.
    Main weak points are the back of the legs, the top of the sternum, the visor, and the antennae. Movement in the suit is clumsy and awkward, even with the servos, as the suit is heavy and bulky. Close quarter fighting is not recommended. While suit is not sealed, the helmet is able to be sealed to a relatively high degree and air from outside fed through filters fro a short time in case of deadly gas attacks or the like.
    File Closed. How May I Assist You?
    Function; proxyEncrypt
    Running . . .
    . . .
    . . .
    . . .
    Additional Commands?

    Upload File; SPEC2blueprints.hpf;
    Run Function; uploadEncryption;
    Upload Starting . . .
    Function Running . . .
    . . .
    . . .
    . . .
    . . .
    . . .
    . . .
    . . .
    Upload 100% Complete
    Function Complete
    Additional Commands?

    Entering Sleep Mode . . .
    . . .

    ((OOC time: I loosely based the design off the suits from Edge of Tomorrow, below, although the SPEC one has slightlky more armor on the limbs. The over all look and bulk is about the same, and the user cannot really use his hands outside of the suit. No grabbing, just shooting.
    [​IMG] ))