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Solour's video-diary.

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Solour, Apr 22, 2015.

  1. Solour

    Solour a dad

    May 26, 2014
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    What's this? Another log, by the man who makes impossible; possible?
    Yes, it is. The first video's background shows off a nicely-kept disaster of a bunk. A small, metallic table holding three near-finished bowls of noodles; a nice, un-drank S.W.R.A. Tea, with what could be the soonest bowl. Several drawings of simple cartoony skulls sprawl the finely-grooved metal walls. Near the cartoonish-skulls, are the words 'BORN TO KILL!' Further on down, is a poster of a Hylotl female. Every often, a purple and pink Crasberry can be seen skittering back and forth. Nothing too particular of it. Background music's continuesly playing. And finally, the man himself. He is visibly seen, laying back against wall, sitting upon the bed. He stays immobile for a moment, the music engulfing him, then Shit! The video's playing!
    "U-Uhh.. Fuck me Ah' had it goin'. Nice." He lets out a loud, gutteral sigh, quickly running the left, mechanical dull-blue arm through his hair, 'fixing' it. "Well. Is' goin' les' talk. I'm Solour." He introduces himself, for himself. He then rubs his right eye, preparing for this wonderous speech of events. "Lance-corporal. CQC Instructor. Lonely som'bitch." He gives a goofy lil' laugh, mocking himself. "Where do Ah'--... Oh! Well.. Ah' stopped a war. Yukari's good as dead ta' me. Mah' fault I'm a demon." He admits, with a joking snort, pausing for his own effect. He knew it was his fault. Although his voice doesn't carry the sweet timge of resentment, his face clearly shows it. "Fuck it. Les' keep this short. Girl. Aruana. Hylotl. Haven' felt like this since Lily." Lily. Oh lord. He stares off-camera for a moment, re-collecting fond, and not-so-fond memories of her. "..So this girl. Way shorter than me, 'course. Light blue, GORGEOUS lookin' self! Oh gawd; the gots' this fin? An' it jus' don' quit!" He then motions a long fin, upon his head, showing an empty audience. "Awh, The cutes' lil' body; OH, why's she godda' be cursed with that immune-thingy. Ah' know her pain. Ah' got mine fixed. Ah'm helpin' her get it fixed, too. Whadda' smart, sensible gal she is. Could talk ta' her fer' days, if Gawd' allowed it. Do Ah' like her? 'Course yeah. Do she like me? Prolly' not ever never." He purses his lips at his last statement. Did she? Does he know? How will he ever know?! He gradually changes position, laying upon the bed, his right-hand in the air, playing an invisible tune, out-of-sync with the music. "Whaddo' I do with myself? Do Ah' tell her Ah'd like ta' kick it off? She' got the brains an' free-spirit ta' decide. Is' what Ah'm afraid of. She' so smarter than me." He abruptly cuts off, losing his thought. Nice! He thought. I lost my train of thinking--I worry too much. "Ah'll. cuddit' short. Worryin' got me all worried. Can' think. This time? Ah'll keep y'updated. Solly' out." He quickly sets himself up, reaching for the camera, before it cuts off.