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Slyffs Logs.

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Slyff, Jan 30, 2015.

  1. Slyff

    Slyff New Member

    Jan 27, 2015
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    ((OOC note: You're free to comment, this is an Ic voice log of Slyffs days.))
    Day 1
    "Alright, this thing on?.. Well hey it is. Neat, didn't think my patch work wire splicing was worth anything. Uhh.. Captains log one, new systems,I guess is the proper start to this little voice log. Though I doubt anyone but my self is going to listen to it. Well, maybe Sail, but he's just an AI so. Eh? *The log records a sound of a chair creaking as he sits, soon following the idle sounds of a banjo in the background* Yeah, but! In case someone does stumble into my log, suppose I'll at least give the kindness of giving more then me flapping my maw huh? Right. Guess I'm Captain Slyff now, seeing as my partner decided not to jump into the system with me. So that makes me the sole-owner of this little ship! Neat right? Anyhow, I'm what most folk would call a scrapper, or scavenger if you want to get rude. Basically means I go out, find old abandoned husks of bunkers, temples, ships, hell I even stumbled into an old lab once. Got shocked by the security there! But hey, that's the fun of it. Digging up old junk, turning it to useful junk, I suppose. Might think about selling some of it, if I see a market, if not then I'll splice the semi-used tech into my ship. Really easy too, once you uh, figure out exactly how. Had a few times where I had to instal a back-up Sail, heh.. Unexpected security here and there. Uh, well until I find a bar, or abandoned vessel adrift the stars... I'll leave the log off here. Slyff, singing off. " *The banjo stops playing as he leans forward, turning his audio log off for now.*
  2. Slyff

    Slyff New Member

    Jan 27, 2015
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    day 2
    Captains log, new friends? Well heyoh! What do you know, first time breaking my chatter-silence and already met a kind woman, if a little jumpy at a gun, though I don't blame her. Also met an odd man, quiet type from the looks, didn't seem keen on folk not liking weapons about their home. Suppose I should hold more faith to folk, but you never know! Beam aboard what you think to be an abandonded drifting wreck, and you've got a bunch of floran waiting. Ah well, thats all I got for now. Sylff signing off.
  3. Slyff

    Slyff New Member

    Jan 27, 2015
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    day 5..?
    *The tune of wayfaring stranger can be heard on his banjo* Well, log..three, day five? Skipped a few days. Got lost in repairing an old com-base I found on a dust planet. Not a jackpot, but hey! Its.. Something..? I'unno. Going to be searching around, see if anyones got some junk drifting. Helped a few folk too. Couple of drifters. Regrettably a Floran, but hey, it didn't eat me, so. Yeah. Also helped another guy get his ship moving, not much help with his F.T.L drive though, at least he get around the system he's in though. Ran into a few problems my self as well, running low on non-canned food. Might have to stop by the outpost and stock up, after I sell off some of this semi-functioning junk. Pretty sure a floran would buy it..Though Do I want to risk that? Ah well. Thanks for listening.
  4. Slyff

    Slyff New Member

    Jan 27, 2015
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    Day something.
    Welp, ship clock shatterend, popped my main power gen, and killed the life support system all in one foul swoop. Note to self, Apex-tech, out of your league of understanding. Sitting here in an EVA suit. Also don't quite know what happened to my banjo.. More then likely laying in a hold or something. Gunna be a long, long week.