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Sidney Jie Hui

Discussion in 'Character Descriptions' started by OmegaMatt, Oct 20, 2016.

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  1. OmegaMatt

    OmegaMatt Last But Not Least

    Jan 4, 2014
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    /* Overview */
    [table][tr][td]Name:[/td][td]Hui Jie[/td][/tr][tr][td]Aliases:[/td][td]Sidney, Lucky[/td][/tr][tr][td]Age:[/td][td]29[/td][/tr][tr][td]Race:[/td][td]Human[/td][/tr][tr][td]Ethnicity:[/td][td]Chinese[/td][/tr][tr][td]Sex:[/td][td]Male[/td][/tr][tr][td]Height:[/td][td]5’2”[/td][/tr][tr][td]Weight:[/td][td]103 lbs[/td][/tr][tr][td]Render:[/td][td] View attachment 4471 [/td][/tr][/table]

    /* Appearance */
    Sidney Jie Hui, also known as just “Lucky” or “Sid”, is a 29 year old human male of mixed oriental descent. Sid stands at a modest 5'2" with a slender build lacking in muscle mass. He is fair skinned and sports a mop of shoulder length murky brown hair, sides neatly tied near the bangs with two red elastic bands. His irises are a slightly brighter shade of brown, although it is difficult to tell due to his tendency to squint compounded with his naturally narrow eyes. The skin below his sockets is dark and baggy from prolonged sleep deprivation. Above his right brow, a beveled piece of silver hardware protrudes from his skull. Due to his round, youthful facial features and floaty, high pitched voice he is occasionally mistaken for a woman.

    Sid's outfit of choice is a pair of skinny jeans beneath a pair of knee high boots and one of several sleeveless v-neck shirts. Frequently he will complete his look with his lucky jacket, a hooded, bright red article with thick purple stripes along the hood and cuffs. When he foregoes the jacket, you can catch a glimpse of black ink depicting an ouroboros circling his left arm along his shoulder and side. On the inside of his left forearm lies the faded, indistinguishable remains of another tattoo, which was apparently removed not too long ago. Sid walks with a pronounced limp, hinting to the fact that hidden under the leather of his left boot is a prosthetic leg.

    /* Personality */
    Sid is best described as high strung. While typically friendly and quiet, his continually drifting gaze and fidgeting grip give off a nervous vibe. Sid cannot stand to be in tight spaces or overcrowded rooms and dislikes most forms physical contact. He is also notably self-conscious of his appearance, making significant efforts to look clean and trendy when out in public.

    Sid is, by all accounts, a technophile. He tends to value the company of robots and synthetic life forms over that of ordinary people to the point that he completely inseparable from his modified data pad, “Tabby.” He has specialized education in artificial learning systems but due to his lack of business connections and entrepreneurial nature, he finds himself working as a software and electronics contractor more often than not. Sid also has an obsession with gambling. He tends to view challenges in his life a game and is constantly trying to find ways to increase his odds.

    Sid typically speaks a mix of Terran Common and Mandarin with a tendency to shift to mostly Mandarin when distressed or excited. He also knows a few key phrases in a variety of other Asian dialects. Despite his multilingual talents he is not proficiently literate in Common Script and habitually reads out loud when he can not use a translator to assist him.

    /* Background */
    Jie was the accidental first born of an industrious young couple in the far off colony of Nubejing. As a child he was frequently left at home by himself when his parents worked late hours. Although lonely, his feelings of resentment towards his parents wouldn't begin to blossom until much later, when he was regularly tasked with watching his baby sister, Shu (later taking the name Sandra), 7 years his younger. In the absence of their parents the two forged a strong bond. Once Shu had completed her primary schooling, the siblings moved out of the cozy prison of their parents house and into a scummy but liberating apartment deep in the city. Embracing the new lifestyle they took Terran Common names and absorbed the heterogeneous techno culture surrounding them. Sid found work at a quasi-legal robot fighting club to help support the pair while he worked on his doctorate and she began university. Of course this didn't end well, though Sid remains tight lipped about the details; however, with his sibling bond shattered and a triad breathing down his neck Sid was forced to flee his home.
    #1 OmegaMatt, Oct 20, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 20, 2016
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