Hey, This ship is sick wicked... http://www.nexusmods.com/starbound/mods/88/? Would this possibly work in multiplayer...?
No, that mod is client sided. Meaning that only you or the people who have the mod installed can see it. I don't know what would happen if people without the mod happened to beam to your ship but as of now, you should just stick with the mods that are already approved. (FCS mod)
Could also use it for visual reference and make your own duplicate using FCS. Shouldn't be too difficult.
That ship uses custom art assets. If it isn't using only blocks and objects already in the game or the default ships, it will be very bad for the server. To answer your question in short. No. In long, it won't work in multiplayer unless the server and any clients who see it also have the mod.
The points raised in this thread apply to all mods that don't use vanilla/base-game assets. Don't use mods unless you're explicitly told they're okay somewhere on the forum.