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Shadowstep's Datalogs

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Shag, Sep 19, 2014.

  1. Shag

    Shag High Impact Sexual Implications

    Feb 22, 2014
    Likes Received:
    ((These logs can be found in Shadowstep's PDA -which he carries on himself at all times- since his old logs were destroyed along with his ship during the CENTCOMM raid on Union.))

    //:>User verification...
    //:> Shadowstep Lightbringer VI
    //:> User affiliation..
    //:> Relzurautt Armada, ODA 7114
    //:> Loading data...
    //:> Data loaded.

    Been a long time since I last wrote a log entry; a lot of things have happened since then. I've lost an arm, I've been branded a traitor by the CENTCOM along with the rest of the ODA 7114, lost my ship, lost my money, lost some very close friends, lost my way of life. But I guess some good things have happened as well. I've joined the Relzurautt Armada and at least I'm getting back on track. After I went into hiding because of the bounties on our heads, I kind of lost it in my own way. I wondered what would I do; I'm no farmer, I'm no scientist, I'm no teacher, medic, engineer, mechanic, pharmacist, etc. I'm a soldier and I was trained in martial arts when I was just a child, I was exiled at the age of 13, I joined a mercenary band when I was 14 and served only to carry the wounded and try and heal them with almost no knowledge, I worked as a Peaceshaper at the age of 17, then I joined the USAF when i finally turned 18. What else would I do if I'm not out there fighting and risking my life? I've been in the field since I was 14, and not by choice. I don't have proper education, I don't have someone to turn back to, I don't have a place I can call home.

    But, things are once again turning for the better. I've joined the RA and found another family, reunited myself with my old squadmates of the ODA 7114 and I'm ready to get back in track and kick some ass.

    I'll finish this entry later, I've got some things to do.

    End of log.

    //:> Logout? Y/N
    //:> Yes
    //:> Logged out.
  2. Shag

    Shag High Impact Sexual Implications

    Feb 22, 2014
    Likes Received:
    //:>User verification...
    //:> Shadowstep Lightbringer VI
    //:> User affiliation..
    //:> Relzurautt Armada, ODA 7114
    //:> Loading data...
    //:> Data loaded.

    Hum... where to begin...

    Mr. Hollow is taking over Opportunity, so I got to see the old colony again. I feel both happy and sad, and very nostalgic. Everywhere I look I seem to see ghostly figures of my friends, like holographic memories or flashbacks... I feel empty.

    I checked Shelly's old clinic. Everything was in place, just like old times, yet I couldn't help but feel a dreadful weight inside of me.

    As I walked through the colony whose inhabitants once recieved me with open arms. I began to question if I could really ever find a true home. The RA feels just like another temporary family, one which is bound by strings of blood and clashing steel; I wonder how long will these strings that bind us together last...

    I'm just another leaf, carried by the wind
    I go where its current takes me, never stopping
    Always wandering, never stopping
    Not a place to rest, never stopping
    Grit my beak and weather the storm, never stopping
    Memories and feelings already lost, never stopping
    Without anyone to turn to, I never stop.

    End of log.

    //:> Logout? Y/N
    //:> Yes
    //:> Logged out.