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Shades of Red, Bar and Arena

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Wreth, Jul 26, 2014.

  1. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    The Bar and Arena at Drosera has been officially opened.

    Come to ''Shades of Red'' bar and arena today! We have drinks, meat, and arena fights all under one roof.

    The bar is located at X:-1 Y:3 Gamma Omega Cas 41 iv a, the Drosera Tribe planet Tsirkonya.

    Please head into the tunnel just under the beam point, and head east (Right) until you find the bar.

    Non-florans are welcome, but for your own protection do not pass the skull signs, we cannot guarantee your safety past these points.

    Enjoy a variety of food and drink in an authentic floran bar.
    Relax in a warm and inviting hot tub before drying off around a crackling campfire
    Watch dramatic and thrilling live fights in the arena.

    Shades of Red Bar and Arena has something for everyone, fun for the whole family!

    The bar offers most common drinks, as well as many specialties unique to Drosera Tribe.

    All alcoholic beverages are brewed on planet, and all meat is hunted free range, from one of the planets that share Tsirkonya's star


    If the excellent food and drink isn't enough to convince you to visit, in the lower floors of the Bar exists the arena. You may be lucky enough to view a live fight whilst you enjoy your stay.

    Non-Floran safety.

    Those of you familiar with Drosera's laws may be aware that unaccompanied non-florans have previously been offered no legal protection against assault.

    This has changed. providing you remain within the areas between the skull signs and the beam point, you are officially under the protection of the bar owner ''Blood Drinker'', as killing customers is bad for business. Random attacks on your person are illegal.

    If you pass the skull signs, the law no longer protects unaccompanied non-florans, not to mention the trees will literally eat you alive in these areas.