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Server reset ?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Darkwhip, May 31, 2014.


Do you think a reset of the server is a good idea once a big update or new phase shows up ?

Poll closed Jul 1, 2014.
  1. Good idea

  2. Bad idea

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Darkwhip

    Darkwhip That Russian-Canadian-Nazi

    Jan 5, 2014
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    Will be there a server reset once a big update or a new phase of the beta will show up to allow a fresh new start ?

    In my opinion I think once a big update or a new phase will be available the server should reset and everyone's character too. It could be fun to do a fresh new start and everybody roleplaying with the new stuff etc..

    I created a vote to share your opinion.
    You can still comment.
  2. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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    As much as I can see what you mean by that, I think it would be a very bad idea. This would effectively mean wiping everything this server has had going for the past number of months completely clean. It would mean a complete restart of everything, losing every bit of the development that has been had on the server up until now.
  3. Darkwhip

    Darkwhip That Russian-Canadian-Nazi

    Jan 5, 2014
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    I just meant to reset the world and characters. It's just an idea.
  4. Animator

    Animator New Member

    May 9, 2014
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    A server reset of all lore and characters would not end very well. People have been cultivating their characters for a good while now: Just having it vanish like that is just sorta sucky, and would be a huge waste to the people who not only worked hard on them, but also those who admired said characters.

    There is a very important detail that you do raise with wiping the worlds, though. The new phase of the beta is slated to permanently remove the current system of sectors that we have and replace them with only 3 sectors: Normal, Creative, and PVP. From what the developers have been saying, it seems that the tiering system is going to be completely removed and replaced with planets that have differing environments that require different things to access them, which creates delinearization. You can go to any planet you want with the right equipment. Along with the work on other parts of the gameplay (farming, making homes, selling/buying, participating in the market, etc), things are going to be very radically different than what they are now.

    So the question is, how is this going to affect our roleplay in the distant(?) future?

    From what I can anticipate, this is how it's going to go down.

    - Retcons are inevitable. The systems known as alpha, beta, gamma, delta, and X are going to cease to exist, which means whatever passive lore that the server has created about those sectors is going to go out of the window as well. Passive lore is the term I use when a group of people make an informal consensus about a given thing, like saying the Delta System is home to bandits. However, despite this, it won't be so bad. Instead of abolishing the passive lore, it can just be delegated over into the new locations that they're in, i.e. If people have said "Oh, the Delta system is full of bandits", it'll instead shift as "Oh, the PVP system is full of bandits" and the like.

    - There will be new material coming soon. And not just minor new material, either, like the small Agaran snippets that we're getting. We're talking about huge new things that could potentially contradict the characterization some players have been cultivating for chars since forever and a day. In the worst case scenario, if the new material that is introduced creates such a problem for the character's story, it then may be easier to start with a blank slate and start from scratch. Maybe new types of characters will pop up, and people will try to RP it or integrate it with that? Who knows! However, I doubt it'll be that radical, so instead, there will have to be retcons accounted for a couple people around here. Who will be affected? No one knows. There's many NPCs and concepts in Starbound that simply haven't been touched upon yet, which may potentially be expanded and create new lore that breaks things for people. I have no crystal ball; prepare for the worst and hope for the best, is my only advice.

    - People are going to rebuild their factions and colonies. I have no idea if old planets will be compatible with the new update, and I have my doubts. If they are, great! The admins could probably slip them back in, hand the coordinates of their location privately with the people involved in it, and then be brought back. If not, they'll probably rebuild it all again: Some people may take the direction differently and use the wipe and change as some sort of relevant plot to give their land, faction, group, or colony some more characterization. Others will probably just rebuild it, and then when it's done again, they'll just share the coords and keep going as if nothing ever changed. Can you blame them? I don't.

    - Novakids. They're coming, along with their lore. That new lore will have repercussions for all races.

    That's all I can think of, for now. If something comes along, I'll post it.
  5. Darkwhip

    Darkwhip That Russian-Canadian-Nazi

    Jan 5, 2014
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    A fair good point here.