[Message Author: thenewrichardtracy@starmail,com] [Message Subject: Seeking a Side-Arm] [...] [...] [...] [Begin Message] I have the money to trade, but I'm seeking to purchase a firearm for self-defense. I don't need some puffed up high-caliber mess of a handgun, just something reliable. Proper licensing would also be nice in case I return to places where people care about that kind of thing. [End Message]
*Audio to text from Fernpetal* Me have a plasssma hand gun for trade for cheap. It isss in good working condition, nothing problem. Jussst need home. If you interesssted pleassse asssk for Fernpetal on Sssundew Ssstation. *All following messages are converted from text to audio*
[Message Author: thenewrichardtracy@starmail,com] [Message Subject: Seeking a Side-Arm] [...] [...] [...] [Begin Message] I looked at the Raptor, high caliber, unwieldy, bulky magazines. I'll pass. And Plasma isn't something I'm keen on either. I just need bullets. Something I can actually maintain. Plasma's not something I'm used to handling or good with... besides, bullets have more accuracy. [End Message]
*Audio to text from Fernpetal* Me underssstand, me do have a machine pistol that usssesss roundsss, but me not think that what you want. *All following messages are converted from text to audio*
-JOmbre I've got a side-arm coming in soon that may suit your needs. Make sure to check back on the Stirpis page regularly to check it out. It should be available for order later today or tomorrow.
[Message Author: thenewrichardtracy@starmail,com] [Message Subject: Seeking a Side-Arm] [...] [...] [...] [Begin Message] I look forward to it. It seems there aren't many gun manufacturers out here. And what's on the market is overblown or impractical. I definitely don't need some assault rifle or shotgun or sniper rifle or anything. [End Message]