*posted by user: "wheredoesthegoodgo77"* ((Dirt-Biter)) Time moves fast in Antares, don't it? It was only 9 months ago I came to this branch sector to find something new. Feels like a lifetime and a half. And, broody, did I find somethings. I made friends, lovers, mistakes, messes, enemies, and a touch of good... I've seen some amazing folks get chewed up here 'til they're nothing but bones. Dunno how much longer an old bird can keep up with you feckin' kids. That clock in Avos keeps tickin'; I'm just getting older by the day, hah. Think I'll head home, wherever that is now. Maybe Avos, even. Whelp, this is it folks. Keep trying to bottle that starlight, Antares. See ya on the other side of the tin roof, thanks for the time. -Sweet-Glider, signing off.
((Corson logged in as an alternate user named "Hippo")) Other than that one time you ruined my save, and had me re-do an entire level. I liked you for the little time I've known you for.