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Sealed Letters Home

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Ziggy, Jun 18, 2015.

  1. Ziggy

    Ziggy Sinfully Soft

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Gratitude. Apology. I want those to be the first things you see from me on this piece of paper, punctuated with sincerity. No matter how many times you reassure me 'it's alright,' I feel like what I did will never be alright. But I'll try to make it alright, now. You entrusted me with something more precious to you than your own lives and I swear I won't fail you.

    Anyway... We're safely out of the sector now, and I eagerly await your response. To be honest, I'm really anxious over it. There's so much to say. We only spent so little time together, how in the world could we have covered it all? I suppose... I should send you my journal. It's important that you know the full truth. It's the very least you deserve. Otherwise, I'll be happy to answer any questions, concerns, and consternation you may have.

    I'd like to also point out that she's very comfortable here with me. The first thing she did was home in on my favorite bunk and claim it for her own. I promise you both that she's safe here with me. We're going to get along great, like two pearlpeas on a branch.

    The takeover, like I promised, went very smoothly. No one was hurt or even knew we were there. The shift schedules you provided were perfect. Thanks to you both, we probably got a half-day's headstart on pursuit parties. They won't catch us. No matter what, I won't let them catch us. The ship was being prepped for transport to a refitting station, so there are plenty of supplies aboard that will get us to the next sectors without stopping.

    The device I've left with you both is a two-way item teleporter. It's alien tech, but it's really intuitive. I've left a sheet of paper with my device's frequency. When you want to 'send' something, hit the green button that says 'Send,' then plug in those numbers on the sheet. When I send you something, you'll receive it automatically- a green light will flash for a few minutes when you're receiving something so you know not to try to send something. I really really look forward to your letters. And... I know this is asking a lot, but... Could you maybe send some cookies sometime? I'm sure Manya would really enjoy them.

    - Your loving son, Lovepeck Downsilk.

    Jun 18, 2415
    #1 Ziggy, Jun 18, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 20, 2015
  2. Ziggy

    Ziggy Sinfully Soft

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Momma, Daddio, a lot's happened in the past week. So... Let's start with the good news first. Manya got to fly our ship for the first time. She also really enjoyed those cookies. She seems really comfortable out here in space. It was really difficult explaining how FTL travel works to someone who's- well. Seven. It's been so long since I graduated flight school... And then there's the bad news. The Faithful know I escaped.

    Whether they know you're involved or not I can't possibly say. Manya and I were docked in a rest station, talking about Avos and how it'd changed since I'd left. At first glance, the pair that entered looked like an unassuming Flightless couple. But one of them was showing the bartender a screen- with my face on it. I hadn't been to the counter, but since my feathers started coming back in on the 22nd, I'd be pretty easy to recognize. We shuffled out with some haste, boarded the Maelstrom, and flew the coop.

    And that's not even the bad news.

    One of the two avians I'd mentioned looked a lot like cousin Tenca. What is she doing back in the core sector? If she's looking for me, does that mean that the Flightless are actively hunting? You two need to take steps to protect yourselves and cover your tracks; if you haven't already, you need to start making an alibi... The last thing Manya needs is for you two to get dragged away for hauling your heretic of a son out of his grave.

    It's not all bad out here, by any means. We had our first adventure, in fact! Shortly after we departed the station, we were hailed by an Oasis world advertising a 'sublime slice of heaven' to bathe and rest. The sun was crushing down on our feathery little bodies when we beamed down- the harsh winds were whipping fine sand into our plumes- thankfully it wasn't far from the beam pad to the resort. When I say resort, I mean absolute luxury. The waters were absolutely divine; the perfect place to de-stress. It was really refreshing to see, too, that Manya flails about in the water, like you taught me. It brought back a lot of memories of times when we would all go on our evening walk, punctuated by a visit to the bath house at sun-down... Sorry, that tangent got a little long winded! Anyway... Manya and I were thoroughly enjoying our stay when we were visited by the proprietors of the villa. Two hens, absolutely gorgeous to the eyes with voices like flowing silk for the ears. They greeted us warmly with cool juices and offers to help us preen. Manya didn't quite trust them, which I can understand, having just left home for the first time. Looking back, she was really onto something.

    In my time living in Antares I kinda... warmed up to... several women. It's hard to admit, since that kind of thing had always been an uncomfortable subject. You remember how my classmates used to treat me after school and practice... Anyway, my point is, the two hens, Illina and Cuitli, didn't really strike me as odd- rather, they seemed very friendly. Manya wasn't having it, something was really off, she felt. When she brought it up, it got me thinking, too. Something was starting to nag at me, and I couldn't figure out what. Cuitli and Illina had me surrounded in the pools, though, preening my newly grown feathers into place. They were paying very, very little attention to Manya. It's at this point I would like to thoroughly apologize. I let her out of my sight for but a single minute and she slipped away...

    Which is very fortunate. Because what she discovered turned the entire situation on its head. She returned to the lip of the oasis hollering, cheeping, and making all kinds of fuss. I was about to ask her to keep it down so as not to disturb the other patrons, but then I realized we were the only four present. Which struck me as odd. An Oasis resort just outside of the Avosian core sector is empty? Manya had discovered the truth of the oasis and wasn't shy about letting us know.

    Apparently, the harsh winds that buffeted us from the beampad were caused by a machine constructed just out of sight. They weren't just blowing sand particles; apparently they were blowing hallucinogenic spores as well. The hens did their best to try to settle us down, but now it was strikingly apparent something was wrong. Sensing they were fighting a losing battle, the two decided to show us their true selves- with the illusion broken, they burst forth from their feathery husks like two overstuffed sausages! They were hideous monsters in disguise! The hallucinogens were helping disguise their true faces and voices...

    Needless to say, with a terrified shriek I scooped up Manya and busted tail out of there with her in my arms. I was still ragged and physically worn down from the beatings, but we made it to the beampad and zipped up to the ship post-haste. I shudder to think what would have happened to us had we stayed. Though, who knows; maybe they just wanted company?

    At any rate, I feel like that fiasco has given Manya some insight as to how bizarre things can be out here. Currently I'm worried about our trajectory. I want to avoid Antares and the frontier's uncharted space, but if we're being actively pursued, we may have no choice to head there.

    To answer your questions from the last letter (yes, I didn't forget, ma.) :

    I have been keeping up with my studies and I still read often. Always have. You would be very proud of me, momma. I learned how to cook! Proper cooking with seasoning and spicing. In fact, I'll send you a pot of our stew we're having tonight!

    Dad, Yes, I have met several avian women; no, I haven't... you don't have grandchildren. Stop asking.

    Mom, I've met many kinds of wonderful people, and many that aren't so wonderful. There's no way to categorize all of one sentient race- what you've been told by the temple, scriptures, and the books at home differ greatly from what I've experienced on my own.

    Dad, you asked about where I learned to fight like that- I always told you one day I'd beat you in a spar! You didn't believe me! I met a man named Glauen in Antares who took me in for a little while- introduced me to his friends, fed me on occasion, and taught me how to defend myself properly. My journal currently belongs to him.

    Mom, Yes, I will make sure Manya studies. It would be a great opportunity to bond with her. We can learn about history, mathematics, and I can teach her basic survival skills I learned on my own.

    Please... understand that there's a lot I'm not telling you. I've done a lot of things I'm not proud of while away from Avos. I've stolen, hurt, and even killed... But I'm trying real hard to make the right decisions. I've saved lives, been saved, worked in the shadows to cripple organizations, the list goes on. If I ever see Glauen again, I'll send you my journal.

    That's about all I have to write for now. I'm going to let Manya write her own, separate letters to you two. It'll be good literacy practice and she can tell you all about the things we do. Time's up. I promised Manya I'd play ullamaliztli. I hope to hear from you soon!
    #2 Ziggy, Jun 25, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 25, 2015
  3. Ziggy

    Ziggy Sinfully Soft

    Feb 1, 2014
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    In typical Antaran fashion, we were swept up in another disaster. Manya is perfectly fine. She's a strong one, just like her dad. Details...

    I had figured that keeping Manya cooped up in the ship would be unfair to her growth. After all, you did send her with me to get a taste of life off Avos. We were certainly treated to a buffet today. To treat the little one for her excellent study habits we went down to one of the newer colonies, Terra, for some chocolate. Because we both love chocolate. Who doesn't love chocolate? Right? You'd have to be crazy not to like chocolate. Anyway... She giggled and poked me in the tumtum. Apparently I'm getting fat. Cheeky little bird.

    It's true. There's a few inches I can pinches. To punish her for her insolence, I checked us into the gym so we could swim a few laps. No baby sister of mine will grow up a ball of pudge. During our swim, though, we heard a commotion from elsewhere in the gym. It sounded like shattering glass- which always means trouble. After making sure she was safely tucked away behind cover, I ran to retrieve my gear, since it was stowed away in a locker. I'd barely had time to get my weapon and armor before... whatever that thing was crawled up the elevator shaft behind me... Luckily it proceeded up to the third floor. We were on the second. An officer of the colony arrived on our floor asking if it'd passed us and I gladly directed him to the next floor up- until the monstrosity burst through the window and dropped to the pool in front of us. Without a second's hesitation I bolted to put myself between this twisted metal creature and little Manya, who was, by now, terrified. As she should be. The creature pulled itself out of the pool, however, and was between me and her. It didn't seem interested in us, which was very, very fortunate, because I was less than interested in firing my weapon so close to Manya. The robot pushed past me and shredded the elevator's doors on its way out... eech, the sound of tearing metal still rings in my brain. Without a moment's hesitation I scurried over and scooped up my little sister and sifted through her feathers, making sure she didn't catch any shards of glass or any kind of harm. She was pristine, just as she'd been brought in. If not a little more terrified.

    After waiting a few more minutes for the coast to sound clear, I ran Manya back to the ship post-haste. I'd like to say she occupied herself with books and her drawing pad, but I can't say for sure... I beamed back down to help the planetary forces to contain the thing. Old habits... they die really hard. I know in the few hours we spent together I told you about the Gardens and my service on their security force. The entire time we were trying to get this thing under control I was a nervous wreck... Now that there's someone that depends on me there's a lot more to lose. I don't know what to do... Logic says let the locals handle it, but I also feel like if I'm not involved, how can I be sure this place is safe enough for Manya to visit?

    To make matters more confusing, one of my best friends, Sarah- we spoke about her briefly- was there. Weeeeeee may have had a romantic connection. And it maaaaaaaay not have ended on the best of terms. But we handled it. The rogue machine was subdued and launched off-planet by one of the officers and Sarah, who is now the governor of this particular colony. After that business was dealt with, she invited me back to her home. It was really nice to see that she's been taking care of herself. She's really had it rough... I didn't really help matters.

    That's all that really needs to be said in this letter... I owe Manya a proper dinner to make up for today's atrocity. Hopefully Terra's veggies and meats stack up to our expectations, because I spent the last of my money on them. Everything I had before coming back to Avos was left behind. Looks like I need a new job...
  4. Ziggy

    Ziggy Sinfully Soft

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Mom. Pop. Things are going well so far. Terra's been pretty quiet for the most part. Manya's helping me get into shape. Despite her sass she can be quite the motivator. We both really appreciated those cookies you beamed to us the other night, thank you. And dad, it turns out I owe you a huge apology. You do, in fact, have a grandson.

    His name is Willow, and he was laid and hatched during my leave to Avos... Neither I nor his mother, Acacia, were aware she was pregnant. There are some details about his birth and upbringing that are difficult to explain... Particularly the fact that he's eighteen years old. When I came back to the sector and met his mother, she told me that both she and her son had been trapped in their ship during a warp gone wrong. Eighteen years. That boy's whole life is aboard that spaceship. I can't imagine the culture shock he must've experienced when he finally came out of it. ... I digress. There's no doubt that he's our blood. He shares our feathers. He has his mother's eyes. And... He has the Downsilk Sticky-Talons.

    I've spent the last few days trying to get to know him a little better. I understand that he may not be completely accepting of the truth considering he was raised believing someone else was his father. Acacia, his mother, told him that his real father was one of the marines in the sector who was recently killed in a bombing. It's like this entire sector is one revolving cruel joke. He followed in his dad's footsteps, learning mechanics and witchcraft with machines, just to find out he was never related to the man. Smokestack, for all intents and purposes, was his father. I would never try to take that away from Willow, but now that I'm here, I've made it clear I'll do anything I can to be there for him and his mother.

    Manya doesn't know yet that she has a nephew. I was hoping to introduce them during a field-trip after her studies, but Willow's been quite busy. He was supposed to show us around his machine workshop, but that didn't pan out. That's okay. I'll give him some time to let it sink in. The last thing I want is to barge in and tell him how things are going to be. He's a grown man. He can make his own decisions. Still, if he ever wants guidance of any kind, he has my number, and I'll be keeping a close eye over him from now on.

    I feel terrible for missing the opportunity to raise the boy, but I know deep down it isn't my fault. It's just bad circumstance. I'll send you both a picture soon. Congratulations 'Gramma. Pawpaw.'
  5. Ziggy

    Ziggy Sinfully Soft

    Feb 1, 2014
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    *Attached is a picture of Willow standing next to Greenpetal in the Quay. They're in the middle of a conversation, but there's no doubt about it- he greatly resembles his bloodline.*

    It's been a while since the last letters and I apologize. Things have been a bit hectic lately, as I'm trying to get Manya's and my things shuffled aboard my friend's freighter. I've taken a job as a deckhand with the crew of the Coelacanth. Manya also helps me cook and clean- I feel like it's important that she learn early on that she's expected to earn her keep. After all, Bork and his crew are sheltering us from Cousin Tenca.

    She's been poking her beak around asking questions- there's no doubt she knows that we're docked above Terra. I'm confident that as long as the ship is docked above a protected planet she won't dare make a move to forcibly board it or tow it. Likewise, she and her allies won't attack me on the planet as long as the guards are patrolling regularly. Still, it was really unnerving to see her the other day... She was asking bystanders about my whereabouts. I was just out of sight.

    Willow is doing quite well. He isn't involved with Tenca in any way- I don't even think she's aware of his existence. She shouldn't have any reason to involve him anyway. I'm quite proud of the boy. Just recently I've started teaching him a few of the skills I've learned and tried starting him on an exercise routine. I caught him jogging just the other day without any help. The boy has initiative and determination. My chest swelled up with pride- is this how you felt, dad?

    I'm doing my best to keep both Manya and Willow safe, but with our cousin looming just over us like a dark cloud, I'm a bit worried about what the future holds. I'll be sending you my journal soon, it's still in the possession of one of my best friends, Glauen Moonseeker. I keep forgetting to ask for it back, but expect it any day now.

    I love you both very much and am proud to be your son. Thank you for your continued love and support and your titanic patience.

  6. Ziggy

    Ziggy Sinfully Soft

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Mom, pop. Manya and I would love to thank you for the cookies you sent us! At first I thought 32 was an odd number of baked goods to receive. Until I remembered what day it was. Today marks both Manya's and my hatchdays! How could I forget? Today I showed her how to build a reed flute from one of the reeds in our new home, Hope Springs. It's a very cozy hot spring on a cold forest planet. We're situated just above a dormant volcano. Anyway, we're both very comfortable and appreciative of your gifts. We both wish you could be here to share them with us, however. Manya informs me that it was nice that she didn't have to suffer eight hatchday spankings from you, pop. I see you continued the tradition even after I was gone. Don't worry, she still got those spankings, giggling and skipping around trying to escape my grasp. I don't think I'm strong enough to hold her up by one foot like you used to do to me, daddio.
    Ma, don't worry. I didn't spank her hard. She's been very studious lately and we often teach each other new things. I teach her about survival in the wilderness and she teaches me our history from the books she's brought. It's interesting to see where our species has been, especially when I've spent so much time among the other species.

    I received my journal from you both, and I appreciate you sending it back. I hope it was easy enough for you to read. I know a lot of the material contained within was of questionable ethics and moral, but I feel like you need to know the honest truth about me. Your son. I'm not ashamed of what I've done up to this point. It's made me who I am and I wouldn't change a thing. So I won't apologize, only ask that you understand.

    I love you both very much. Manya's letter will follow mine, so please leave the transmitter on.

    #6 Ziggy, Sep 15, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 15, 2015
  7. Ziggy

    Ziggy Sinfully Soft

    Feb 1, 2014
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    *The writing is scratchy and erratic. Tear droplets stain the page.*

    Mom. Dad. I'm returning Manya to Avos. I'll be entering Avos-controlled space around noon your time. From then, I'm going to hire a shuttle to send her back. Please be ready to receive her at the boarding station planet-side.

    With the death of my son's mother it has become painstakingly clear the safest place for my sister is in your care. Acacia was killed in front of me. She literally died in my arms.

    Though Manya wasn't present at the time, she does understand I'm grievously shaken and she is willing to return.

    Please take Manya. Please keep her safe. I can't come back. I'll be returning to Council Space. I have nowhere else to go.

    Please understand.

    I love you both.