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Scientists of the Server, Who Are You and What Have You Done?

Discussion in 'Roleplay Planning' started by Silver, May 24, 2014.

  1. Silver

    Silver Ain't no thing like me 'cept me.

    Jan 30, 2014
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    As per the title, I am interested in knowing who among you are fine gentlemen and ladies of Science! I'm asking for introductions and accomplishments to learn more about the state of scientific research and application on our server. If you're affiliated with a faction or an organisation, feel free to throw that in too.

    For example,

    is a gear head, more of a mechanic than a scientist. It's no OOC secret that JR is the result of a Miniknog cloning project, so almost all of his endeavours have been pointed toward hiding from the government, dissing "the Man," and protecting his clone brothers still in stasis. His major in-game accomplishments are feats of scrapheap engineering -- the installation of two scavenged ship reactors to Tetanus Field and the retro-fit of a third reactor to an abandoned Apex laboratory in deep space. If it a project to do with electrical or mechanical engineering, and you don't mind a bit of duct-tape, JR's your grease-monkey.

    Damocles, another clone like JR, is more interested in the chemical and subatomic than his brother. He hasn't been around too long yet, but using the remnants of a tentacle experiment, he juiced together the basis for his current invention, the PC4U, which, despite its disgusting ingredients, actually works.

    Both now belong to Damocles' nascent science "faction," Thermal Dynamics.
  2. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Aedan Terallis is a relatively good aligned mad scientist. Though, his scientific focus is far more on the technical side of things. Quantum physics, astroengineering, nanotechnology, and otherwise. He's not very well versed in medical related science, but he does have a general idea of how to make certain types of chemicals. His endeavours are generally just projects that he decides to do on his free time, and don't really come together very fast. He's trying to get his corporation, "The Phoenix Corporation", off the ground. As of the current time, his scientific accomplishments include creating the nanite treatment for the spore outbreak on Alioth, as well as the information contained in this post. Not all experiments are completed or successful, but his general log is located there.
  3. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    Engineering is like science right, yeah

    Abbey Bennett is highly passionate when it comes to mechanical, applied, manufacturing, and electronic engineering. She likes to tinker, build, and experiment with gizmos, gadgets, and guns.

    She's only "invented" two things. The MUR, which was developed to compensate for her lack of innate physical strength, and the Plasma Cutter, which is just a generally handy tool.

    M.U.R. , a Mechanized-Utility-Rig, is her most prized creation, almost like a best friend. The MUR suit is a large, thick, and slow moving humanoid mecha, with a hull comprised mostly of steel. The arms alone account for 40% of the entire body size, sporting strong retractable clamps for hands with welding torch nozzles between. Capable of lifting and moving 1.5 metric tons, the MUR is an irreplaceable construction tool. However it's slow speed and restricted array of movement make it vulnerable to almost all combat situations.

    The Portable Handheld Precision Plasma Cutter was a prototype tool developed by Abbey during her time on Marathon. The tool was intended to provide her with a mobile means of cutting through metal with ease equivalent to a hot knife through butter. Harnessing a battery pack and refillable gas canister, the Plasma Cutter won't fit in your pocket but it clips nicely to her tool belt. This nifty gadget, when placed in the hands of an artisan, could be used to cut cute little cat shapes out of sheet metal. Meow.

    She's been busy with other little accomplishments since arriving in this sector as well, such as:
    • General repair and maintenance on cybernetics, mechatronics, and bionics for a variety of clients.
    • Designing and developing mechanical prosthetics
    • Repairing and fine tuning weaponry
    • Recycling shoddy energy weapon parts for use in more stable remodels.
    • Constructing simple and reliable 1MW wind turbines used to harness the high winds of Hades and provide the colony with a renewable energy source.
    #3 Aiko Ikari, May 24, 2014
    Last edited: May 24, 2014
  4. The Grand Mugwump

    Dec 29, 2013
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    Waterswimmer / Dr. Mizu Suimaa : With a dream of becoming a shining star of medicine, Waterswimmer devoted over thirty years of her life to the progression and application of medical sciences. While the dream has faded somewhat with age, she still works tirelessly at her craft. She is skilled in usage of medical stims, surgery, first aid, and cloning (she adamantly refuses to use it for creating sapient/sentient life).

    Her history is quite colorful, as she acquired her doctorate in a Hylotl medical school, studied with the humans on Earth to learn their surgical techniques, and even managed to work under the Miniknog, learning how to use advanced Apex medical gadgetry in the process. She has been on the run from the Miniknog for many years due to story stuff, which has brought her to this quiet corner of the galaxy.

    • Ran Hawke's resort hospital
    • Alioth's hospital pre and post wipe
    • Tetanus Fields medical shafter (or at least DB told her such, it's not listed on the forum. >.> )

    Waterswimmer has done the following notable things in game:
    • Regrew parts of Hawke's skull which she was also responsible for removing
    • Surgically removed tentacle parasites from a USCM soldier at Fort Mattis
    • Created a cloned leg for an Avian and reattached it
    • Treating moderate nerve damage using Apex vats and stem cell treatment for Jay and Twitch
    • Treated Philio's shattered leg from attempted ascension / suicide
    • Secret and definitely not shady stuff for people
    • Surgically implanted cybernetics for Petaldancer
    • Treated Lydea's poisoning and injuries from Tetanus Fields cave delving trip
    • Treated Hawke's collapsed lung (beware the Stanza friendship hug)
    • Treated Stanza's septic shock from dirty sewer Floran knife
    • Combating the Agaran spore outbreak on Alioth for the past month and a half.
    • Various surgeries for rib fetching and reattaching, removing plasma, and treating severe burns
    • Lots of bullet wound and deep cut treatment over the last five months.
    #4 The Grand Mugwump, May 24, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2014
  5. Aero

    Aero New Member

    Mar 2, 2014
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    Omizu Suiyoubi is a female hylotl who is an avid researcher and practitioner of medicine, biology, hydrology, and neurology. Her skill development was first fueled by her passion to learn and ingest information back in her high-school days, and still continues to this date to read up on as much as she can. Though mainly, she is obsessed with hydrology foremost. Over a span of forty or so years she has developed and practiced her skills, ready to use them for anyone in need or how she sees fit.

    To more specifics, she is capable of manipulating water in many ways, familiar with all of the races bodies and how they work, and able to perform many different types of surgery; anywhere from the brain to the heel of the foot. It is notable that her least knowledgeable subject is neurology, but that does not mean her understanding of it is small; just lesser so than the others.

    She is kind of heart and upbeat most of the time, but is quick to adjust herself to situations at hand. Omizu will stop at nothing to protect the people and things she holds close, even if it means a limb, or her life. Omizu only judges people based on their actions when said person is in a sober state of mind; nor does she judge people on race, past, or current social/economic/etc. standings. She has lust issues and is quick to hit on anyone she finds attractive, but will back off if asked.

    Affiliated factions:
    • Onyx Root's lab, which she is in charge of the medical branch and has her lab stationed in.
    • Briefly helped the RA.
    • Was part of the S.S. Grackle Crew as the doctor, which is now disbanded.

    As to contributions:

    • The creation of the Hydro-Delta, the pack on her back. The Hydro-Delta is capable of spraying out water out in different compositions, temperature, pressures, and properties. Even additional properties if materials are pre-primed for the device's mixer; such as making lead bubbles. Nozzles come from under the wrists, and facing downwards near the back of her feet. The nozzle(s) diameter can be adjusted. As for the feet, she is able to quickly jet out water to obtain more height from jumping, and in some cases, save herself from a lethal fall; of course if it is not terribly high. The Hydro-Delta is capable of shooting streams of water of up to 9,000 PSI, capable of punching through two inches of solid steel in a matter of seconds. The source of this water comes from a pack on her back, which takes in moisture from the air via a rod with a ball on top of it; conducting the moisture in. The pack can generate water infinitely so long as the air has moisture and it has power; it's life span is about two hours. It's design has been mastered over the years, the only error it has from time to time is the nozzles backing up due to lack of maintenance.
    • She has created the medical drug named "Regenetol", capable of speeding up the bodies natural healing process by the amount administered to the body. However; this causes the body to expend more energy, and the patient is required adjust their intake of calories per day accordingly. If too much is administered, the resulting expenditure of energy can cause the body to overheat, thus causing seizures, and shortly leading to death.
    • Played doctor for the RA for a short while after their first operation against The Cult of the Forgotten.
    • Patched up many folks (which I never thought of to record the names of, hnnng) from minor and major injuries, and above all else, for free.
    • Studied the anatomy of several animals and classified them under appropriate genus and species.
    • Patched up Feixing Long on the spot as soon as he was shot, taking only a matter of about five minutes to quickly pluck the bullets out, treat the resulting bullet wounds, and bandage Feixing's torso. Materials were stored inside the suit of armor she was wearing at the time.
    • Gave Abbey-Bennett her spiffy looking eye.
    #5 Aero, May 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2014
  6. Twitch

    Twitch Wayward Star

    Dec 17, 2013
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    Spinemunch is self taught master of the sciences with many remarkable and 100% accurate claims to his name.

    • Discovered the voices in his "talkbox" were not in fact tiny people, but normal sized people in other locations. This process took many weeks of painstaking reverse engineering and hands on research.
    • Obtained the title of Coolinator on Tetanus Fields.
    • Recorded "Stabssss for all Ssseasonsss" which had been on the top ten of Floran pop charts for three months running thus far.
    • Has performed several advanced medical procedures, including but not limited to organ/limb removal, open heart surgery, and very recently brain surgery. With his use of the Floran method he has a 100% success rate for the intended outcome.
    • Reinvented Post-Its™.
    • Developed the dance "Spastic Electro-Shock Thing" which has become such a success, many people often times perform this manuvour in front of him, to show their appreciation.
    • Is currently involved in a high profile lawsuit over copyright law associated with claims he holds over several sounds of meat products being dropped on the floor.
    • Has learned to read pictures.
    • Substantiates being the best "X" ever... by being the best?
  7. Sizniche

    Sizniche New Member

    Feb 22, 2014
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    My character, Dante Ferricks, is a former USCM head war tech designer/engineer. He is highly skilled in building practically anything that kills, such as laser weaponry, war mechs, and autonomous turrets. He also has a pretty good understanding of the inner-workings of your average space ship, as well as any mounted guns it may come with.
    Most of Dante's inventions are the random things you see in USCM penal colonies, as well as underground bases.
  8. Arhicath

    Arhicath New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    Arhicath "Cath" Borin is a male master Apex engineer trained in mechatronics directly by the Miniknog. Born through in vitro fertilization by Miniknog scientists to be one of many Apex born and raised specifically for the subject of serving as a Miniknog 'worker' (A.K.A. A labour slave trained to carry out difficult, dangerous, morally questionable or complex skilled tasks). Not truly having a choice of if he would focus hard on his studies since it was the choice to do as he was told or be killed, throughout his life he trained diligently in Miniknog mechanics and electronics gaining the ranking of master engineer.

    After his eventual escape from the Miniknog's clutches through a complete fluke which should have ended with him dead but instead ended with him losing his eyes, he continued his life working with mechatronics. Engineering as a whole was not only what he was forced to learn day in and day our for year after year of his life, it was the only chance he had in his life to focus on things that weren't the Miniknog's promises of pain should he disobey. As such, he simply adores it. Now having gained his freedom while still carrying the incredibly heavy mental baggage his life of torture has kept with him; an unstable, anger ridden and paranoid genius peruses the only task that gave him any respite throughout the years with zealous force.

    Affiliated Factions:
    • The Miniknog - Master engineer and test subject disposal - Ex-member
    • Floran'da - Administrator of security systems and head engineer - Destroyed
    • Gyshal - Head engineer - Lost
    • Onyx_Roots' Lab - Head of engineering, robotics and mechatronics - Current
    • Constructed beforehand as simple Apex contraband and prepared the automated attachment sequence while going blind for his own prosthetic eyes.
    • Created all available defenses for a colony of Floran vulnerable to a racist human threat, from an automated checkpoint system to an orbital plasmic cannon. Varying amounts of approval from praise to attempts to be eaten were offered.
    • A custom made revolver which shoots additionally custom made rounds with varying effects. It's regular ammunition is .700 caliber rounds which he keeps readily armed inside of it as he carries it, even with the knowledge that it is much too painful to fire more than a single round without breaking his wrists.
    • A set of jet propulsion boots which allow him to thrust himself forwards, backwards or upwards in quick bursts, or to hover at walking pace. They can be used to move much faster, but require a long charge time to build up plasmic energy and powerful legs to withstand the force.
    • The 'Bannersystem' augmented HUD and relay system created through the paranoia of being captured and unable to call for help. A personal belonging acting as an anchor for a user into the system connects to their skin and sends minor electrical pulses through the nervous system to the brain to trick it into hearing sound, or showing text before a user's eyes as if they are looking at a transparent screen. These pulses are received as outgoing messages from other users and controlled though eye movements. This is a system of sending messages to others without fear of them being intercepted or, if the system is augmented into the user, taken away. Having connected to the nervous system, it additionally relays any trauma received by a user to other users as a message so there would be no worry of someone being injured and help arriving too late. The technology has never been used for more than personal reasons.
    • Attempted work on a personal STL drive to improve global travel. Slower than light is still incredibly fast, the technology proving much too dangerous to use on a personal basis. He still works on improvements to the system.
    • Has acted as a makeshift doctor for many Glitch, having a journeyman understanding of their physical frames and to a lesser extent their minds.
    • Attempted work on an FTFTL drive to improve on interstellar travel by shifting space into a lemniscate. Ended casting him off to this section of the galaxy and incredibly far from home.
    • Microsharp grenades, an intended non-lethal weapon that spreads microscopic shards of durasteel about based on the weapon that blinded him. Contact to the eyes or are inhaled to the lungs they lacerate the vulnerable flesh and cause internal bleeding, blindness, and a slight possibly of death through drowning in one's own blood. All three of which are incredibly painful. Still used as a non-lethal weapon because 'if I didn't die, they can try their luck too.'
    • Maelstrom is a suit of liquid reactive impervium armour that has constantly over his two years of free living been constructed, worked on and changed. Beginning as a suit of airtight armour designed as a defense against a possible chemical weapon to be unleashed on his him, his increasing worry and paranoia of being attacked caused him to turn the armour into a battle automaton of it's own that he could rest inside of while he slept, so he would always be aware. Remotely synched with an obedience chip left on his spine by the Miniknog that was long disabled, the robot acts according to his movements and thought patterns but has a slight sentience of it's own. A computational mind that uses Cath's thoughts as a conscience. In the past the robot had gained itself the title of Royal Guard in Gyshal for it's selfless protection of citizens. In recent times it has been developed to move easily on it's own, serving as a sort of bodyguard and companion as opposed to just armour.
    • His 'Blitzheart' as he calls it is a re-purposed Miniknog torture device which is also attached to his spine, despite the name. A small device normally used to send jolts of electricity through a subject as a means of quick discipline which an old medical friend assisted him in tampering with. It can be used to transfer electrical charges through his body, originally intended as a method of disabling those who would try to attack him from behind after being knocked out by a burglar. (paranoia again.) He can use it to deliver quite powerful shocks, though he experiences as much of the charge as the target. Years of torture with the device have caused him to withstand the pain to an extent, and enjoy lesser shocks.
    His work is all his life is really about.
  9. Birds

    Birds Not Stanley

    Feb 12, 2014
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    Dr. David Levitz is a bipolar, psychopathic human who talks to plants and is afraid of clouds. He's incredibly impulsive, forgetful, and has a distorted view of reality which varies in magnitude depending on how well he is able to self-medicate himself at a given time. Despite all of this, however, Levitz is an efficient geneticist and neurologist who refuses to let ethical concerns stop him from obtaining results.

    Combining cloning, DNA replication, and genetic engineering, Levitz succeeded in creating a living replica of a deceased human with only the brain of that person to work with. These synthetic copies merge the idea of android and clone. The product is completely immune to illness, disease, age, and internal decay. Levitz has worked jobs for several slave-trade organizations as well as committed robberies and abductions in an effort to fund his project and continue his research in order to better his creations.

    Affiliated factions:
    • USCM: Member of the Isis VI science team (Reported as KIA after the ship's destruction)
    • The Syndicate: Weapons and equipment dealer; Heist planner (Faction terminated)
    • The Assembly: Conducted genetic enhancement; Abducted and sold targets as slaves; Collected ransoms (Faction terminated)
    • Successfully lied about having a medical license to join the USCM.
    • "Reanimated the dead"; Turned a human brain into an exact clone of that person.
    • Saved the life of "Evan_Lockheart".
    • Saved the life of "Teddy".
    • Completely screwed over "Julian".
    • Constructed new genetically enhanced bodies for various customers (people I cant remember the names of).
    • Abducted and sold "Skarti".
    • Abducted and sold "Julian".
    • Abducted and sold "Ion".
    • Mastered the grand piano.
    • Provoked several other scientists over StarNet with harsh criticism and vulgar insults.
    • Was the first to sell a human left hand over StarNet for 50k.
    • Established a total of four "Resurrection Facilities", three of which have been demolished.
    • Continues to work with "Aissa".
    • Plans on constructing a new body for "Remy".
    #9 Birds, May 29, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2014