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Scientific Journal of Henry Geargrinder

Discussion in 'Archives' started by guguy123, Apr 2, 2014.

  1. guguy123

    guguy123 New Member

    Mar 29, 2014
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    After much debating, I have decided I will begin releasing my findings to the public on StarNet.
    For those of you who have not heard of me, I am Henry Geargrinder, and I am an explorer. I find planets and record information on them.
    I will be releasing Planetary information as I explore them, but previously explored planets will not be publicly displayed.

    My first entry is a planet I explored just today!
    View attachment 981
    This is the location of the planet, Alpha Alioth 76 II
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    Creature #1: These hostile attackers are quite unique in that they use wind to push you away, before leaping to the sky and striking down on you. Avoid if not geared properly.
    View attachment 983
    Creature #2: These plantlike animals are neutral, and will not attack you unless harassed.. Still, it is recommended not to interfere with wildlife unless necessary. They appear to be made of plants, but to be certain would require more research.
    View attachment 985
    On further exploration I found giant mushrooms, with some sort of sentient mushroom being beneath them.
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    These houses belong to the mushroom species, furnished with little more pots and a chest.
    View attachment 988
    Deeper in the village I found these, more humanoid species, they live with the mushrooms, so it is safe to assume they are a variation on the previous mushroom species. Note that they have a varying appearance, much like Humans, Hylotl, Floran, Avian, Apex, and Glitch.
    I tried communicating with these, but my universal translator failed to recognize their language. Anyone with more information on these, contact me.
    View attachment 989
    While not as exciting, a useful fact is that the planet is full of grape vines, which could be useful to any of you galactic gardeners.
    Stay Tuned for the next planet to be explored!
    UPDATE: On closer examination, it seems the mushroom species are in fact part of the Agaran race.

    As a side note, I am currently looking for a partner to accompany me on some of these. (Preferably one that can act as a bodyguard.) We also look for temples and ruins, that we can search for artifacts in.
    1000 Pixels payout per thorough examination of planet in addition to 50% of artifacts found.

    Attached Files:

    #1 guguy123, Apr 2, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2014
  2. Xenos

    Xenos New Member

    Jan 3, 2014
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    Heh. I'd be more than happy to come along with you. The only problem is that you might end up spending more time looking at my gorgeous body than at what you're doing.

    And by the way. You can keep the pixels. it's the artifacts that interest me.

    ~Blade's Edge
  3. Kai

    Kai hey im kai and this is jackass

    Jan 28, 2014
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    arent those mushroom people called agarans
  4. Liraxus

    Liraxus New Member

    Jan 21, 2014
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    Yeah, they're Agarans. AKA those Mushroom people no one really gets. They're relatively harmless.

    Edit: To those who met me, no. I'm not an Agaran-Floran mix just because I have a mushroom on my head.

    -Sativa "Noah" Oran
  5. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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    "From what we've seen, I highly doubt they're harmless. In fact, they may seem harmless, but the spores they spread can be far worse than deadly, from what I've been able to tell. Investigation is always nice, but I'd suggest you stay on your toes and use an airtight suit when around them."

  6. Kuromimi

    Kuromimi New Member

    Mar 22, 2014
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    If you don't mind, I would love to accompany you. I myself have been trying to record information on planets while I explore. I would also join you for the creatures. I love to capture and study them further, so there would be no need for payment.
  7. guguy123

    guguy123 New Member

    Mar 29, 2014
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    I see! Well, I am still in orbit of the planet in the above entry. I have been attempting to study the Agarans, but my inability to communicate with them has not allowed for that. I would never take one of them against their will, no science can justify that. Once you arrive we can explore another planet!


    Mar 14, 2014
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    Query. What is actually worse than deadly? You'd think that "It kills you" would be the absolute worst. Does it kill you then twist your corpse into an embarassing shape?

  9. Iridium616

    Iridium616 New Member

    Feb 2, 2014
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    "It Kills you" it's far from the absolute worst.
  10. guguy123

    guguy123 New Member

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Entry 2, Day 4 of Public Research.
    I have explored a new planet, found in the Alpha Sector
    View attachment 1012
    The coordinates are at the bottom right corner, for any wishing to visit the planet.
    View attachment 1013
    These interesting creatures are quite hostile and should be avoided if possible. They appear to store lava on their back, although (having been attacked by a few during exploration) they do not seem to use it.
    View attachment 1014
    Later down the road I found a floran trader. I bought some food products, and moved on. On my way back, I found this. RIP Floran.
    An example of the beast's savagery.
    View attachment 1015
    These insectlike animals appear to have two heads, one on the front and one on the back of their body (Telling which is which is impossible, they appear to be symmetrical) They are neutral, and will not attack unless provoked.
    View attachment 1016
    Don't let these beasts' appearance fool you, they can be just as dangerous as the above creatures. Hostile, these guys will spit balls of what appears to be acid (I didn't dare touch it) at you. On their back is what seems to be a gem, used as a shell.
    View attachment 1018
    A cultist worshipping altar. He attacked me on sight, and unfortunately had to be dispatched. RIP Cultist.
    View attachment 1019
    The piles of snow let up to red soil as I continue to tread the planet. I soon find what appears to be an Apex lab. What puzzled me was it's clean condition, signaling that it may still be in use. I decided to turn back here.
    That's it for this entry, stay tuned for the next planet to be explored.

    Note: I had to unexpectedly leave the orbit of the last planet, which may have disrupted plans for partnership with others. I am still accepting offers, and anyone still interested can reply, and we can schedule a meeting.

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  11. Kuromimi

    Kuromimi New Member

    Mar 22, 2014
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    Apologies, I ran across a problem with my ship. I was hit with a meteor and had my radio, engine, and tracker disabled. I will reattempt to meet you.
  12. guguy123

    guguy123 New Member

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Meet me at Aiko's bar at Haus. The coordinates are -21 -12, its the desert planet.