READER WARNING! THIS PAGE IS FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF SHARING EACH OTHERS SCIENTIFIC IDEAS AND HELPING EACH OTHER MAKE THEM. I MUST ASK THAT YOU DO NOT SWEAR CUSS OR SPIT HATE TO ANYONE POSTING, UNLESS IT IS TO HELP AN IDEA OF SOMEONES THAT IS ILLOGICAL. -DarkTemplar Hello scientests and innovators of the universe. I am sure some of you are amazed about what technology has achieved throughout all the races apart for most glitch... and well I am sure some share the same idea as me and want to increase this development and share these innovations to the universe... even if i am the only one who wants to do this you can still read and comment on these ideas that many or few will post . . . Now if you shares the same ideals as mine and want to further progress our technological gear please share them! And if you want to donate some parts to help in building these or some constructive criticism sure put it all in. Anyone can take part in this small project. Should you wish to donate to the person or sell the person things to help them with their innovations please arrange it with inventor. Thank you for reading, and please participate in this educational project!
"Perhaps it's just paranoia, but it seems to me that this would be more of an easy way to steal ideas for inventions. It's just a forum post. So anyone viewing this could easily see an idea and steal it for their own. I mean, it's a decent gesture. But doing something like this on a public forum doesn't seem like a great idea." -Aedan
I agree. As a developer myself, I would suggest that you try to create a research agreement with an organization or some sort, as it would keep trust intact, and everyone benefits. With my best regards, Eitan Levy
-Angel- I'm just popping by to let you know that there is a giant mass of living tissue on Taranis in the Abyss, and no one seems concerned. Could a scientist please do some research or something on this?