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Samuel Rhode's Video Diary

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Spooky, Aug 30, 2014.

  1. Spooky

    Spooky New Member

    Aug 28, 2014
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    Aboard Helios (formally the UMSC Penal Cargo Ship No. 29830) is an extensive video suite for use of visually documenting exactly what cargo the ship has, and for training purposes to show proper usage of the construction mechs. It is a highly advanced piece of technology, and is to be used with great responsibility.
    Samuel Rhodes uses it to make vlogs.
    IC access can be acquired by having his beam co-ordinates, boarding his ship, or generally just getting Samuel drunk enough to show them off.

    ---------------Wiping Videologs---------------
    ---------------All Videologs Wiped!---------------
    ---------------Would you like to start a new entry? Y/N---------------

    ---------------Begin recording...---------------

    The camera flickers on to reveal a deep brown eye, staring it down. It pulls back to show the full frame of Samuel, hands on his hips as he stares the camera down. "That did say 'begin recording' right? So I guess it's recording...oh, it is!" He points at something off camera. "Got the little...blinky light thing, there...right! Hello, second chance at a new life!" He spreads his arms wide, takes a step back with a smile to gesture to the whole of the cargo bay behind him, and a clicking is heard as he stops. He stares down at his legs, cursing.

    "Goddamn...legs locked up...promised I'd do these in one take...right, hello second chance at a new life! For future reference, my name is Samuel Rhodes, can't forget that. I was once in prison under the name 'Colossus' and this...little..." He tugs on his legs, feebly. "...video series...is going to be my...HURK...insurance. On the off chance that I DO...sonofa...feel like getting the truth out there about my dad...well, dad and other dad, this is how I planned on doing it! As I will plainly see...when watching this video in hindsight...my legs have locked up..." He sighs, slumping resignedly. "...and thus I cannot move. Right. Well! First entry. Uhh..." He folds his arms, one finger tapping his chin thoughtfully, before his face lights up.

    "New Chicago! Just got there today. Earlier today! Love, love, love it. It's...been an experience, for sure. I almost got blown up! Look, future-Samuel! Look with your human eyes and BEHOLD!" He holds up his left arm dramatically, revealing the bandages. "That you SURVIVED! Obviously! Because you're watching this! You nerd! Right. Yeah. Explosion in a nightclub, made it out alive. But the best part!" He giggles as he retells it. "Is it was your FIRST DAY you joined the ICIA! First day, bomb explosion, kaboosh. Hilarious, really. I wonder if you're still gonna be in the ICIA when you watch this...hmmmm." He scrutinizes the camera as best he can before he shrugs and continues.

    "Aaaand...oh! Met a lot of good people. Matt, Marcus...oooh, Miri and Veii. Miri's the hylotl who fixed you up. Veii is...an amnesiac avian who forgot your identity four times." He makes a noncommittal, wiggly hand gesture while going 'ehnnnnnn', before stopping. "Win some, lose some. Right! So, here's your gameplan. And you can fastforward to this part, for the future. Step one in your new life here! Get coffee or tea with Miri. Step two! Make sure Veii...DOESN'T do anything stupid. And step three, and this is crucial to steps one and two and four succeeding, don't die. Step thre--four! Step four!" He smiles lazily at the camera at his own mistake. "Try not to piss off the guys at the ICIA, okay? They've been nice to you so far." A whirring and clicking, and his legs suddenly are in motion. He moves towards the camera and leans down, staring it dead on with a grim look on his face. "Don't muck this up, Sam. You only get one of these...don't waste it, okay?" On that rather dark note, he reaches up and touches something, and the video goes dark.

    ---------------END OF LOG---------------
    #1 Spooky, Aug 30, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 8, 2014
  2. Spooky

    Spooky New Member

    Aug 28, 2014
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    ---------------Would you like to start a new entry? Y/N---------------
    ---------------Begin recording...---------------

    The camera flickers on. Once again, the view is of Samuel near a pile of discarded riot gear. The cargo bay behind him is short a couple of crates, and a woman is seen in the background heading up the stairs. Samuel pays her no mind as he begins talking to himself. Or more accurately, the camera.

    "Four days on this colony. It's actually kind of funny. All been very..." He waves his hands around his head a few times. "...chaotic. Girl got stabbed. Bled out, apparently. Sad. Julius almost shot the perp, or came close...kinda brought be back to my prison days, to be honest. Not...the best impression, but. He's not bad. At least, I'm...ninety percent sure. In 'n around there." He moves to the captain's seat and slumps himself in it with a sigh, revealing his face a bit better. In this lighting, he looks haggard. He stares at the camera for a moment, groaning. "God, I look like shit. Drank too much, you were SUPER drunk when that girl got stabbed...way to go on that. Probably made a real good impression on that floran, Matt. Who's gone." He leans back in the chair. "...practically all of 'em."

    He suddenly pats down his kevlar vest, searching the pockets, before stopping himself. "No. No smoking. Said you wouldn't once you were out of prison...okay. Right. Rundown. Lots of ICIA just...up and left. Something about an armada...no idea what the roster looks like now, but it's skewed a bit. So we've got me, some hylotl called Ray Beluga...and who the fuck else? Julius, who probably won't pick up a gun again after almost shootin' that woman in the face? That mechanic who did some...stolen identity shenanigans? Me, an emotional wreck? Who, by the way, kids..." He leans forward at the camera, offering it a grim smile. "Is showing early onset signs of post traumatic stress disorder!...and...is talking to a camera like it can hear him. Also apparent schizophrenia...okay...probably not actually, but. Now I'm just being a pessimist." He falls back into the chair, staring the camera down.

    "Got some girl living with me now. Name of Aurnae. Walks softly, carries a sharp sword...seems a bit old school. Taken to calling her Samurai. Not sure if it pisses her off or if she likes it...should probably check." He holds up one hand, counting off with fingers. "So I made a friend, lost a bunch...if I could even call them 'friends', seeing as I knew 'em for about twenty four to forty eight hours...was in an explosion, and saw my superior almost go full Warden. Good god, I am pessimistic." He chuckles, ruffles his hair slightly and shakes his head, perhaps in some half-assed attempt to shake out 'the bad vibes'. Who knows, with Samuel.

    The camera is barely able to pick up his muttering, but he looks up and restates it clearly. "I can make it. I've got help. Always made it with help, just...might have to take a bit of initiative, here. Maybe relearn how to be Colossus again. God knows I'll need it." At that, he reaches forward and, with one last look towards the cargo bay and a hefty sigh, flicks off the camera.

    ---------------END OF LOG---------------
  3. Spooky

    Spooky New Member

    Aug 28, 2014
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    ---------------Would you like to start a new entry? Y/N---------------
    ---------------Begin recording...---------------

    Samuel is seated in the captain's chair, feet up on the console off to the side so the camera still has a clear view. Idly flicking through his PDA, he looks to the camera. "That library has so many fucking books I think I may have had an aneurysm just thinkin' about it now. It's ridiculous! And technically, now they're all mine!" He smiles widely for a moment, before it goes away with a thought. "...probably Julius still TEEEECHNICALLY owns 'em, but he did say I could have the library...or at the very least fuckin' run it considering no one else does. I think." A giggle. "Wouldn't that be hilarious. Guy comes in, hey, I work here...blahblah...whaaatever. I mean LOOK!" He shoves his PDA in front of the camera, showing off the impressively large catalogue. "And it's not even done yet. That's the TOP FLOOR. Hot damn, I've got it made...ish..."

    His legs whirr and click...and don't lock up, oddly enough. He gives them a good-natured thunk. "Givin' these a replacement. Thanks to Vivian for tunin' 'em up for free, at least. But now...durasteel legs! And in the future, impervium legs! Maybe! Though somebody might try and steal them off me. So maybe NOT impervium..." He brings his feet off the dash and puts his PDA away, pulling out a different one entirely. He doesn't turn it on, but instead examines it for a moment.

    "Cass is probably gonna want this back if we...when, WHEN we find her." He sighs, leaning forward and placing the PDA on the console. "Don't even know what that girl has going on or if I even want a part of it. But...seeing as they're technically my employer...the best thing I can do is make sure they're alive and then...iunno." He shrugs, checking his nails. "...beat the tar out of them, or something. Maybe that'll do. But! But." He looks to the camera with a wicked grin. "And this is a very big but. Samuel's got much better work ahead of him, yeah. Colossus has got some shiiiit to do. Aunrae might not like it, or like the whole...y'know. Diving right back into the proverbial line of fire...but! If it'll make me feel better, why not? Purpose, 'n all that." He gets to his feet, rolling his shoulders with a half-hearted chuckle. "Welll, I should pass out 'n...iunno. Make sure my armor is up to snuff. Recharge the shotgun...gonna be a busy week. But at least it'll be an amusing ride. Aut vincere, aut mori, kids! Hah..." He steps forward and, hand reaching off frame, the camera clicks off.

    ---------------END OF LOG---------------
  4. Spooky

    Spooky New Member

    Aug 28, 2014
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    ---------------Would you like to start a new entry? Y/N---------------
    ---------------Begin recording...---------------

    The shot is above Samuel, about arm's length away, as he lays in a hospital bed. He's doing this on his PDA. He gives the camera a wry grin. "...surprise, I got shot. By Badstar, no less! Motherfucker's a crack shot...I'm impressed, and would be more impressed if...y'know. I wasn't in fucking agony." He pans the PDA down to the injury on his side, and then off to the handcuffed other hand. He pans it back to his face, giving the camera a sorry smile.

    "...got caught shootin' this floran, thanks to a friend of mine...ahh...requesting assistance. Not gonna name names. But...it seems..." He turns the PDA skyward, checking the screen for something. He flips it back over. "...that I may be busted out of here. So! Let's just get this over with quick. Badstar, if you're watchin' this...firstly, don't watch my earlier entries. Those are PRIVATE. Dick. Secondly! If, and if what Blaire is sayin' is gonna go down, IF you find I'm not here tomorrow, I didn't plan this. Okay? I was all ready to serve my little sentence. So, that's out of the way. Thirdly, I ain't givin' you anymore names, bud. Sorry. And lastly..." He sighs. "Gonna wipe this PDA slate cleaaaan. So...no more vlogs for a while, I'm afraid."

    He looks over, wincing. "...Chris is probably gettin' antsy." He looks back to the camera. "...I did alllll this for a kid. Just to maybe give 'em some sorta...fresh start."

    "I hope I didn't make the wrong fuckin' choice." He offers the camera another smile, a wave with his handcuffed hand, and he transfers it to said hand before giving the camera another look. "Y'know, Bad said the road to hell was paved with good intentions. Truer words...never goddamn spoken." He clicks the camera off.

    ---------------END OF LOG---------------