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Sal-237s Notebook

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Switchback, Mar 30, 2014.

  1. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    (( OOC note. these pages are OOC unless someone looks in his journal. he usually keeps it on him all the time though so its highly unlikely. ))

    Entry 1

    I...Awoke yesterday. I didn't know where I was, I can barely remember what happened, if anything at all happened. In a rusty locker near by there was some equipment. It had a note on it...

    "Sal, these are for you if you ever reactivate. Goodbye old friend, and good luck. - J"

    I...Don't know who set these for me...

    Whoever this "J" Person is.... left some armor, a shotgun with some ammo and some type of gas mask.
    It has the numbers Two Three Seven crudely carved into it.

    So..apparently My name is Sal...Sal-237...

    I am so confused...
    #1 Switchback, Mar 30, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2014
  2. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    Entry 2

    Been drifting for a few days, Heard about opportunity. a place I may be able to call home soon. At least I hope so.

    I've remained offline for a decent amount of time. still thinking about how I got here and who left me this gear.

    Decided to go for a drink at a place they call "Aikos bar" been there twice now.

    As expected, its filled with drunken fools. Second time I went there though, right as I beamed down, or i should say a little bit after i did, a glitch unit deactivates.

    Causing worry among others I suggested to try and jump her, she awoke before that happened though. And even as I am writing this, she is sittingin front of me like nothing happened. it is odd.

    Either way, i shall continue later.. I still have a drink to finish and there may be other things going on soon.


    Entry 2.5

    More news with the glitch that passed out. Her names Pulsar. She passed out twice when I asked her about where she learned to play music. which she plays beautifully by the way.

    Hopefully we can fix her somehow. She seems interesting, to say the least.

    Oh.. and by we I mean a floran doctor by the name of storm. she is fairly nice as well.
    #2 Switchback, Apr 1, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 1, 2014
  3. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    Entry 3

    Met Pulsar at aikos place after we finished with some of her memory problems.
    She remembers a little more now but not by much. Still curious who "Nina" Is though...
    I talked with her a bit more, trying to figure more about her past and help her, didn't do a good job of it but she apparently thinks so.
    I bought her a drink and we talked a little more until she left.

    Thats it, i hope to see her again soon. She's growing on me.

    Ha, look at me. Trying to help someone regain their memories yet i have no clue what mine are... I'm silly aren't I?
  4. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    Entry 4

    I visited Opportunity finally, its a nice place, I will be living there from now on.
    On another note, the person who let me visit, Shadowstep was his name i think, he's a nice kid, a bit naive and stupid too but nice none the less.
    While i was talking with him I learned... that I used to be a guard somewhere... which probably explains why my face is messed up...


    Entry 4.5

    Met some human female Named Aissa, she's nice.
    Talked with her in a bar i randomly found myself on for a bit, fixed her a drink too. Which also helped me learn i used to drink with this 'J' person that left me the note and gear.
    Battery decided to go low and i rolled on out.

    Shes cute for a human, i'll give her that. Haha.
    #4 Switchback, Apr 4, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 10, 2014
  5. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    Entry 5

    Awaiting the cords to Opportunity...
    Seems theres trouble going on there at the moment with this 'Teddy'
    Hopefully i can see some interaction soon, Glitch get lonely too...
  6. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    Entry 6

    Made it into Opportunity finally, just glad i have a place i can call home. no apartment yet though. which is troublesome.
    I met a interesting character while there though, another resident.
    Lunetta is her name, Icy blue eyes and snow white hair.
    Shes got a temper on her, however she did help me. 'out of curiosity' she claims but i think she just wanted to help.
    Speaking of that.. i found out i have a arm blade in my arm. its retractable so i can use it for surprises. which is nice.
    My jaw fell off though, Snow tried to repair it but my systems didn't like the new parts i guess..
    So im stuck jawless until i can find some sticky tap or tape or something.
    Other then that, I have to find Sativa or someone who can show me where to live. I'd rather not live in my ship any longer then i have to.
  7. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    Entry 7

    I've been offline for a long time.. so unsure of what to do with myself.
    I managed to tie some wires together so my jaw could stay connected this time.
    I've found myself at a place called 'The Wolves Den'
    It seems like a nice place, Met someone who also wears a gasmask, Margrave Raoul...
    Talked with him for a bit, asked about what the Wolves are.
    They're mercenaries apparently, I may have found a purpose once more... If this 'Wolf' Character will allow me into their group...
  8. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    Entry 8

    Many things have happened.
    First off, I've been accepted into the wolves. The man in charge, Nox Rois, is the big bad wolf. Raoul is second in command. 'Beta' as the call it.
    I've met other wolves. Luna, Gareth, Thornblade. all very nice.
    After spending some time with the wolves, i learned they're like a big family. Mr.Rois told me this when i mentioned i was in need of repairs...
    " we take care of our own"
    Thats what he said. I felt a warm feeling in my head i have not felt in a long time...


    Entry 8.5

    The unthinkable happened to Margrave...
    He was turned into a woman!
    A attractive... glitch female...
    His curves were very... what is the right word...
    Sexy? infatuating?
    I must refrain of doing the unthinkable though...
    I've talked to him her about it some more. I can't see why she doesn't understand the beauty about glitch women...
    And ANI, Don't get me started about her... shes got one nice bottom.
    And then there is dearest Elizabeth, the taken blacksmith with the bunny on her head.
    She is very encouraging but has that certain charm about her...
    On another note... i need to get those repairs... this jaw thing is annoying
  9. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    Entry 9

    I spent some more time with Margrave, we did somethings here and there. I'm helping her understand her feelings and emotions more.
    Sex with her is one thing, but I'm genuinely and truly attracted to her, i guess you can say I've fallen in love with her.
    She doesn't feel the same way about me yet, and thats understandable. But i have a feeling she might... I'm hopeful anyway.
    She's returned from her mainframe, and has told me about her getting her touch sensors soon.
    I feel happy for her, maybe she can actually feel sensations now.
    She even helped to get the rust off of me, Scrubbed me clean with a toothbrush and acid.
    In other news Gareth is making me some new armor. Hopefully it will be bulkier then this current armor...
  10. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    Entry 10

    Where to begin...
    Loura came to the den covered in blood and oil. Carrying a body. It was Malkov, the one she considered a son. He was dead.
    She was livid. beyond angry... I can't even fathom the words for what shes going through.
    I tried to talk and comfort her... but in return she just cut off her arm to get away from me.
    When i entered the public area of the den i was confronted by Psy. who thought i had.. harmed her.
    I would never dream of harming her intentionally. I tried telling her what happened. I was blinded by rage and sorrow.
    It led Mr.Rois to question what was happening, and decided to have it settled in the arena.
    I lost the fight. basically had my arm cut in two by the shoulder. I tried to out tank the tank apparently.
    I ended up talking with Psy afterwards after getting my arm replaced.
    I then waited in Loura's room until she came back, then i put her arm back on for her.
    She wanted me to leave so she can release her anger on the room.
    I complied and left her to wreck in peace.
    Then Psy showed up again to talk to her.
    After that Psy fell asleep and Loura went to her forge.
    I followed Suit and approached her once more.
    She was banging her hammer mindlessly, then switched to her head.
    After stopping her we talked more... I got a little heated I must admit.. but she was close to crying.
    Something that she needs, just to cry it out over Malkovs death.
    But we were interrupted by Cath, her repair..guy.. or something.
    We went to see him and...
    I was hooked up via a bysta..i forgot the name... whatever.
    I was hooked up to her, and not in that way.
    In the way so we can send messages to each other, completely private. I also can see when she is hurt or not.
    I.. feel very happy that she trusted me with this. I haven't felt happy in a long time, truly happy.
    Shes now getting some upgrades as I wait for her in the den.


    Entry 10.5

    I almost forgot, I'm so caught up with Loura I forgot to write down what I learned today.
    During my repairs after the fight with Psy I was messaging Loura via private radio
    She said I didn't know what it was like to lose someone close.
    And thats when it clicked... that instant...that very instant... I remembered i lost my wife.
    My wife... I dont know when or how... but I was married... and I lost her.

    I.. don't know what to think of this...
    It alarms me very much.. that i was once married.
    I never thought that a man like myself would be married.. but I was...
    I can't remember... what she looked like... what she sounded like..
    her name escapes me... along with everything else.
    I... don't feel well...
  11. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    Entry 11

    Her Name is Jessica...
    My wifes name was Jessica...
    I found it out in an argument with Loura..
    I.. don't remember anything else as of right now..
    The argument with Loura.
    Where to begin...
    She didn't want me becoming attached to her.. But i already am. I love her dearly... she fills a void in my heart that i've longed for.
    After our... Intercourse.. She finally said it.
    She said she loved me..
    I'm..genuinely happy, really and truly happy.
    Now that i've got her with me.. I feel like nothing can stop me.
    Even as i write this she lays atop of me sleeping.
    Shes so..beautiful..so cute... so.. so.. i cant even describe the words of how much she means to me.
  12. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    Entry 12

    * the page as written sloppy and stained with tears *

    She was taken... Kidnapped, Tortured and left to die.
    Loura was kidnapped.. and almost killed... and i couldn't do anything about it.
    I almost lost her.. * tear drop *
    I can't lose her.. I just.. i cant..
    I'll be left alone... in the darkness again... if i lose her * tear drop, tear drop *
    Cole Harris.. he is a dead man walking. I will torture him... keep him alive.. through it all. Only then.. when he has my permission.. is he allowed to die...
    Loura.. I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you..
    I'm so sorry...

    * the rest of the page is stained with tears and wet ink blotches*
  13. Pie4Pigs

    Pie4Pigs Bleach Connoisseur

    Mar 15, 2014
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    ((lel :>))
  14. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    Entry 13

    * this page is also covered in Wet Ink blotches and Tears *

    I thought she loved me...
  15. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    Entry 14

    The wolves are gone. Nox and Mars are dead.
    The rest are either dead or in hiding...
    And Loura, Loura, I haven't seen her in what feels like ages.
    I doubt she'd want to see me, after everything thats happened.
    I just hope shes happy with that bastard Cath.
    I spent some time offline, back into the darkness until i decided it was time for me to wake up again.
    I went down to a place called New Chicago, as i was getting something from a vending machine I came across a glitch cowering in the corner. Her Name was Priscilla, shy young thing. She told me her friend was imprisoned and she was tazed.
    I told her I'd help her find her friend Aubrey. Once doing so however, I realized they were more than friends.
    After reuniting them I set off and now here i am, back in my ship, in this old rusted bed. Fitting for someone like me I guess.
    I don't know why it keeps happening... I'm so eager to have someone fill the void... and yet... whenever i try... it ends up crumbling down on me.
    I guess... I'm just not meant to be happy... huh..?

    (( Inspiration music: ))
  16. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    Entry 15

    I Saw Loura yesterday.
    It was good to see her, despite what we talked about and what happened, i won't divulge into details.
    She told me many things but the main thing was to stop trying to find love and find a friend instead.
    I don't know if I can. The void that my wife left, that she left. It hurts, a lot.


    Entry 15.5

    Priscilla got hurt...
    I took her to Loura and she fixed her. Then to my ship since her 'boyfriend' was no where to be seen.
    I...confessed my love for her. It turned out just as i predicted it would.
    I really can't be happy... can I?
  17. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    * The book is set ablaze in a forges fires, nothing remains but ash and dust *