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Approved Rothfield Genetics: Perfection for the Future

Discussion in 'Faction Questions' started by Lawsonkc6, Jul 22, 2016.

  1. Lawsonkc6

    Lawsonkc6 Hanging Judge of Antares

    Jul 8, 2016
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    Hi! I have absolutely no idea how to format this so I will ask a question, explain, and let it go from there. (Or something like that)

    I have an idea for a genetics research company called Rothfield Genetics. It is a Core based company, which has been active for little over a year, and there have been some financial difficulties due to a scandal involving supposed kidnappings and such, but they are coming back, slowly but surely. Rothfield Genetics specialize in genetic testing, genetic modification, and genetic disease cures. In an attempt to raise its income somewhat, it has set aside a budget for a scientist, Dr. Heinrich Steiner, to set out and create a team, and build a Fringe system branch. It will be difficult, and there will be ALOT of financial setbacks, but hopefully, this team will build a thriving medical center which can study genetics of various species, as well as cure some of the more stubborn genetic diseases.

    Now seeing as how I am new to roleplaying in Antares (but not new to roleplaying) and on suggestion by the person who plays Blaze (such a nice person), I wanted to ask if it is ok for me to make this idea happen. No, this is not a "I have unlimited funds, so lets buy every spare planet in the world and make it ours!" company. They are having financial difficulties, so expansion/additions onto the current base structure will be costly. OOC I plan on Steiner's team to IC get maybe 20,000 pix every two weeks OOC(and I say maybe, it can be lowered if need be if that is too high). That money will have to be rationed out, and put into places where it is needed. And, I plan on hiring people IC to help out. Researchers, security, PR people, etc so it will give the community some involvement. I would like to try and make some nice RP for people, and some moral and ethical decisions to arise as well.

    That is my idea (if I broke format, please don't make me rewrite it :p) I hope it is detailed enough. If not, just ask some specific questions and I will do my best to answer them. I would also like some ideas and things of that nature on how this should work. I DO NOT want this to become a OOC bother to anyone, and if it becomes that way, I will make sure it is fixed or the company branch is terminated. No OOC drama and such, I have had enough of that to last a life time :p

    Hope this works. Thanks for reading it at least!
  2. Lawsonkc6

    Lawsonkc6 Hanging Judge of Antares

    Jul 8, 2016
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    ((This is more of an application, just so I don't step on anyone's toes.))
  3. Aiko

    Aiko The Coolest Cat

    Dec 19, 2013
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    I'm sorry noone got back to you yet! Gosh! I'm going to go ahead and approve you -- You seem to do a fine enough job handling such a thing :p
    Just remain reasonable and you'll be a-okay! Happy researching!
  4. Lawsonkc6

    Lawsonkc6 Hanging Judge of Antares

    Jul 8, 2016
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    Thanks! 20,000 every two weeks is ok? Just making sure